Sunday, June 19, 2016

THE REDEMPTION OF THE UNITED STATES - “These are the Times that Try Men’s Souls”

“These are the times that try men’s souls.”  The men who stood at Lexington Green and the Concord Bridge on April 19, 1775 and willingly faced down the world’s super power of the day and forced the British to retreat to Boston.

Those heroes and the ones who have followed in their footsteps have laid down their lives that we, as a People may live in Freedom.  But today, more than ever, you and I face an increasingly tyrannical government, both elected politicians and unelected bureaucracy. 

Will the blood shed by those heroes have been in vain as today’s citizens surrender the Freedoms for which they died?  Will those freedoms be whimpered away by an ungrateful population or will our People stand and state unequivocally that “enough is enough” and we are actually in charge of this Nation.

In another time, a Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemoller (1892-1984) stood against the might of the Nazi Government that ruled Germany at the time.  He spent time in a concentration camp because of his stand.  After the war, Pastor Niemoller’s statement went world-wide and stands as a warning about what happens when the people don’t speak out against criminal activities by a government and accept those actions because “we” are not the targets of those actions.  This version may not be completely accurate but gets the point across:

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me –

This could be happening today in the United States because so many citizens have forgotten that it requires diligence on their part to maintain a government that belongs to the people and not the other way around. 

One person ignoring an illegal act by a politician and not raising the alarm is complicit in the results of that act.

You and I are responsible for the actions of our government whether or not we support the people elected to run that government.  It is up each one of us to be aware of what our state and federal legislators are doing and whether or not that legislator is actually upholding his/her Oath of Office.  If that elected official is not following the rule of law, then he/she must be recalled and removed from office as unfit.

The future of this Nation is entirely up to you.  When you head for the voting booth this November, you must make a decision whether you want the United States to continue down the road to destruction that has been set by Barack Obama or make a turn back toward the vision set by the Founding Fathers. 

It is entirely up to you!

/r Martin

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Automatic Firearms vs Semi-automatic Firearms

Opinion by Martin


Today we are in a discussion.  No, it’s a war, as much of a war as anything that we have ever faced throughout the history of our Nation. 

We are fighting for our Constitution and Bill of Rights against an implacable foe, as dangerous the British were during the Revolution, the Germans of World Wars I & II and the Soviet Union of the Cold War Era.  We, as Citizens, are facing a resolute enemy, one who wishes to grind our Founding Documents under heel and subjugate the American Spirit under the yoke of a tyrannical central government with Progressive politicians in charge.

The discussion in which we are involved is about the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, your Right to own and keep firearms as a Citizen of the United States of America. 

We have a group of people who say that they are “deathly afraid” of guns and because of that, they feel that you should not be allowed to own a firearm for the defense of your home, your family and yourself.  These people believe that the government should provide all your needs and that the police (local, county, state and federal) should provide your protection and that you should cower in your homes while criminals rule the streets.

The term to use for this fake fear of firearms is “Hoplophobia”.  Coined by a well-known fire expert, this term was mocking the anti-gunners.


This definition was copied from a couple of locations including Wikipedia.  It is not recognized by the medical field as a true medical problem.

American firearms expert and retired Marine Colonel Jeff Cooper coined the word in 1962 to denigrate and anger proponents of gun control by implying that their thoughts were "aberrant" and unreasoning:
"I coined the term "hoplophobia" in 1962 in response to a perceived need for a word to describe a mental aberration consisting of an unreasoning terror of gadgetry, specifically, weapons.  The most common manifestation of hoplophobia is the idea that instruments possess a will of their own, apart from that of their user.  This is not a reasoned position, but when you point this out to a hoplophobe he is not impressed because his is an unreasonable position.  To convince a man that he is not making sense is not to change his viewpoint but rather to make an enemy.  Thus hoplophobia is a useful word, but as with all words, it should be used correctly. 

The term was constructed from the Greek ὅπλον – hoplon, meaning, amongst other things, "arms," and φόβος – phobos, meaning "fear."  Cooper employed the term as just another alternative to other slang terms, stating: "We read of 'gun grabbers' and 'anti-gun nuts' but these slang terms do not [explain this behavior]."  Cooper's conjecture was that "the most common manifestation of hoplophobia is the idea that instruments possess a will of their own, apart from that of their user."  Writing in an opinion piece, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review columnist Dimitri Vassilaros said that the term was intended by Cooper as tongue-in-cheek to mock those who think guns have free will.

As you can see, I am not the first person to attempt to explain to the ‘sheeple at large’ the difference between an AUTOMATIC ASSAULT RIFLE and a SEMI-AUTOMATIC SPORTING RIFLE!!

1.       An AUTOMATIC RIFLE fires numerous rounds down-range each time that you pull the trigger.  The Germans are given credit for manufacturing the first effective individual automatic rifle, the Strumgewehr 44 (Stg44) or ‘Storm Rifle’, to counter the submachine guns of the Russians.  The Stg44 is considered the ‘father’ of the AK47 and the M16 and many other battle rifles.  The Automatic Rifle is owned and operated by the military and, for a civilian to own one of these rifles, he/she must have a Federal Firearms License which is subject to an additional tax above and beyond the cost of the firearm.  Some people collect fully operational machine guns which are belt-fed as well as the famous Thompson Sub-machine Gun.

2.       A SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLE fires one round down-range each time you pull the trigger.  You can purchase numerous rifles and shotguns in semi-automatic from manufacturers such as Remington, Ruger, Mossberg, etc.  The majority of these rifles cannot be modified to fire automatically.  You can purchase semi-automatic rifles and shotguns with standard wood furniture or with the familiar polymer black or camouflage furniture of the scary “black rifle”.  The Semi-automatic Rifle can be owned by a person who passes a background check and has no outstanding wants, warrants or questions about their sanity or personal background.

Not one semi-automatic fire arm of any type, that I'm aware of, will come out of the closet, out of the gun safe, off the front porch, load itself, then walk off your property, go down the street in your neighborhood and randomly select targets at which to shoot.  It is a physical impossibility!  It takes a sick individual, whether motivated by a mental deficiency or a religious fervor such as shown by Radical Islam to load a firearm and target other human beings. 
The majority of revolvers, pistols, rifles and shotguns remain quietly in their closets, safes and on porches harming absolutely no one.  The firearms are used for target practice at the range, competition, hunting and home defense.  They are tools just like a hammer, baseball bat, automobile and crowbar.

If you can’t figure this out, you should never own a firearm of any type.

Any questions???

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Opinion by Martin

Obama was never my choice for President.  I always thought he was at least a European-style Socialist or an out and out Communist. 
Today we have a clear choice for the next President,  a woman who is leaning so far Left that the political platform of the Communist Party, USA almost appears Centrist and a businessman who has a checkered past as far a corporate bankruptcies and a fairly thin skin as far as response when people attack his past.

Hillary Clinton has never met a lie that she could not tell from when she worked on the Congressional committee investigating the Watergate Break-in (She wanted to deny Nixon due process) right down to the personal server scandal.  She has a record that spans nearly 50 years.  She has been the First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, United States Senator from New York, Secretary of State and a “victim” of abuse by the Republican Party. 
Hillary has a record and most of it is rather poor.  She never wrote a bill in the Senate that went forward, she ran the “Bill Clinton Protection Unit” that bad-mouthed and attacked anyone who complained about Bill’s sexual activities, she ignored requests for assistance from Libya and four Americans died in Benghazi including the first U.S. Ambassador murdered since the 1970s.  Hillary also had a personal server that was used for government business, was not secure and apparently hacked by numerous people including by Russians, Chinese, and a Romanian civilian who did it “because he was able to”.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, has a different kind of record.  He started out with a “loan” of a million dollars from his father and went on to create an empire in Real Estate in New York and expanded to other states including Florida.  Trump’s career has had its ups and downs with several corporate bankruptcies although there has never been a personal collapse.  He is reputed to be worth several billion dollars at this time.
It is known that he has had several wives and numerous affairs.  We know that he has a group of employees that think very highly of him and obviously some that don’t.  I am certain that his opponents both admire and despise him.  We know that he has been good at negotiating business deals but will he have success on an international scale? 

Trump has said that he will build a wall across the Southern Border with Mexico and that Mexico would pay for it.  He said that he would bring jobs back to the United States and enforce the laws against illegal aliens.  He has also stated that he would rebuild the military and make it stronger than before, but we have to wonder where the money is coming from since Obama and a compliant Congress has spent more money than several future generations will ever be able to pay down.
Trump has no experience actually being a politician but appears to be a fast learner and has said that he will ask knowledgeable people to accept positions in his administration and has posted a list of judges he would consider for appointment to the Supreme Court if elected.  I don’t know if he would listen to his cabinet or ignore their advice.  Will he work with Congress in order to rebuild the US economy or use his “pen and phone” to carry out his agenda as did his predecessor.

We have a decision to make in November.  We can elect a Left-leaning woman or a questionable businessman.  If you vote for the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, you are just throwing away your vote because he has absolutely no chance to win the Presidency because the Libertarians are not even close to main stream and their platform is an absolute disaster.
We have a decision to make in November.  We can vote for the continued destruction of our Nation or we can vote for the possible step back from the precipice and maybe save our Country from becoming a Third World Nation.

The decision is up to each of us, you and me, to make a choice – a Nation ruled by Laws set forth in the Constitution or we can have a Balkanized collection of little “city states” spread out across what used to be a great Nation.