Monday, August 29, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Destructor In Chief Speaks

Opinion by Martin

Before Hurricane Irene, Obama once again tried to deflect the blame from him and his policies by blaming Congress.  Obama’s appointment of cronies and toadies with similar destructive views of the American dream is changing that dream from one of succeeding by hard work to a socialistic dependency on a central government.  The governmental agencies under Obama’s direction are turning out job killing regulations and requirements that leave employers unwilling to hire new employees.  The number of people who are unemployed, underemployed, and those who have just stopped looking is nearly 20% which is totally unacceptable and can be laid squarely on Obama’s shoulders.

Obama is trying to convince the public that he is on their side and against Congress which has only a 10% approval rating after a budget battle which the Republicans clearly surrendered the field to the White House and the Democrats.   Obama said "You've got a right to be frustrated, I am.  Because you deserve better.  I don't think it's too much for you to expect that the people you send to this town start delivering.  Members of Congress are at home in their districts right now. And if you agree with me -- whether you're a Democrat or a Republican or not much of a fan of either -- let them know."  Obama is really disingenuous because it is his policies and appointees that are the problem, rather than Congress although they have contributed to our difficulties through their unbridled spending.

The president has listed several initiatives he's pushing, including trade deals, improvements to the patent system and extension of a cut in the tax that workers pay to fund Social Security.  "These are all things we can do right now. So let's do them," said Obama, who will repeat his economic message during a three-day Midwestern bus tour beginning Monday.  But he’s still not willing to allow the US to exploit our natural resources making us more dependent on foreign sources for our oil.  His initiatives are more window dressing than anything substantial as not one will cut our deficits and balance of payments.

Obama had better wake up to the fact that Judgment Day is coming for his attempt at the Presidency and those that he appointed to complete the destruction of the Nation that was once the Beacon of Freedom in the World and is now in its twilight thanks to this would be dictator. 

It is up to you, the citizens of these United States, to stand up now and preserve what it left of your Freedoms as defined by The Constitution and its Amendments.

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Destructor In Chief Speaks

Opinion by Martin

Before Hurricane Irene, Obama once again tried to deflect the blame from him and his policies by blaming Congress.  Obama’s appointment of cronies and toadies with similar destructive views of the American dream is changing that dream from one of succeeding by hard work to a socialistic dependency on a central government.  The governmental agencies under Obama’s direction are turning out job killing regulations and requirements that leave employers unwilling to hire new employees.  The number of people who are unemployed, underemployed, and those who have just stopped looking is nearly 20% which is totally unacceptable and can be laid squarely on Obama’s shoulders.

Obama is trying to convince the public that he is on their side and against Congress which has only a 10% approval rating after a budget battle which the Republicans clearly surrendered the field to the White House and the Democrats.   Obama said "You've got a right to be frustrated, I am.  Because you deserve better.  I don't think it's too much for you to expect that the people you send to this town start delivering.  Members of Congress are at home in their districts right now. And if you agree with me -- whether you're a Democrat or a Republican or not much of a fan of either -- let them know."  Obama is quite disingenuous because it is his policies and appointees that are the problem, rather than Congress although they have contributed to our difficulties through their unbridled spending.

The president has listed several initiatives he's pushing, including trade deals, improvements to the patent system and extension of a cut in the tax that workers pay to fund Social Security.  "These are all things we can do right now. So let's do them," said Obama, who will repeat his economic message during a three-day Midwestern bus tour beginning Monday.  But he’s still not willing to allow the US to exploit our natural resources making us more dependent on foreign sources for our oil.  His initiatives are more window dressing than anything substantial as not one will cut our deficits and balance of payments.  I understand that Obama's bus tour was less than successful.

Obama had better wake up to the fact that Judgment Day is coming for his attempt at dictatorship and those that he appointed to complete the destruction of the Nation that was once the Beacon of Freedom in the World and is now in its twilight thanks to this would be king. 

It is up to you, the citizens of these United States, to stand up now and preserve what it left of your Freedoms as defined by The Constitution and its Amendments.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Budget Battle (Intermediate Phase)

Opinion by Martin

Well, it has begun!  Actually, it is the intermediate phase of the ongoing Debt Battle with Obama and the Democrat Party against the thinking citizens of the United States.

Obama’s primary mouthpiece in the Nation’s Capitol, The Washington Post, has continued the assault against the People by complaining about the Tea Party members of the Republican Party and the majority of Voters/Taxpayers by blaming them for the debacle in which we find ourselves instead of placing the blame squarely where it belongs – on the shoulders of the Obama and the Democrat Party.  Now, “Congressperson?” Maxine Waters, a leftist from “The People’s Republic of California, has joined the fray by suggesting, no, telling the Tea Party to “go straight to Hell”.  So much for Obama’s admonition about civility.  I have news for the “Honorable” Maxine that she presently represents that district and all of the people who are able to think on their own are departing the Netherworld for places where you still have a chance to make your own decisions.  The people, not the leftist politics, are welcome in other States.  Soon all that will be left in the formerly Great State of California will be leftists, welfare recipients, and illegal aliens.  Good luck with that!!

It’s easy to blame Bush for the situation because he was the President from 2001 to 2008.  But you must remember that the President only suggests the direction of the Country and it is up to Congress to actually come up with a budget which did not happen throughout the Bush Administration.  Congress, under control of the Democrat Party (Pelosi and Reid), reneged on their sworn duties and kept putting forth continuing resolutions and refusing to present a budget until Obama became the occupant of the White House and then passed an Omnibus Budget Plan which was signed by Obama and immediately put the United States on the road to ruin.

When the people of the United States figured out what kind of shell game the Democrats and their allies were playing, there was a small rebellion called the Election of 2010 in which Obama, the Democrats, the Unions and their criminal cronies were repudiated and the Republicans were given another chance at straightening out the problem.  Now we are finding out that the Republican elitists (McCain, Boehner, and several others) in tandem with Obama and the Democrats are ridiculing the people sent to Congress by a Grass Roots movement called the Tea Party.  They are trying to blame the downturn in the economy on the True Representatives of the People and the demand that the United States government balance its budget and live within its means just as the people have to do.  If this means take a cut in pay and benefits, then so be it.  There are many people who have lost their jobs and have no income and no benefits and are taking menial jobs to pay their bills and provide for their families while Congress still receives their extravagant salaries and benefits.  Would you like to sit around and do nothing for anyone except your friends and get a huge salary with perks that go forever?  I sure would!  Write your Members of Congressmen today, send them a letter or email and let them know they are on notice to perform or prepare to lose their jobs next election.  Compliment them when they do the Right thing and Blast them when they go off track.

Don’t be a sheep!!  Make a pledge to yourself today.  Make a pledge to your families, friends and neighbors to do something to make yourself heard.  Join the Tea Party in your area.  In Colorado Springs, go to to see what’s happening.  If you are elsewhere, go on line and see what’s going on in your area.  Start your own blog!  Do Something!!
The future and fate of our Nation is up to you.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Enemy Has Breached The Walls - The Sheep

An Opinion by Martin
This is the last is the series of opinion articles “The Enemy Has Breached The Walls”.  In the first three articles, we had an Introduction, an article on Progressives, one on Conservatives and in this last article we will look at the rest of us – The Sheep.
The majority of the population of the United States, and that does include Colorado. go about our daily lives without any thought about what is going on in the world around us.  Oh, you look at the news each evening, see the death of Osama bin Laden (a celebration), a robbery at the local 7-11, a shooting on the south side and say to yourselves “that’s terrible, but it doesn’t really affect me” and go right back to dealing with your immediate problems such as making ends meet, whether or not your kids will graduate from high school or even if you can afford to send them to college, or in some cases, if you will even have a job.
These are all problems that are important and should be dealt with in turn, but each person who lives in the United States, and in Colorado, has a duty to be involved in local and state politics at some level even if it’s just voting.  If you don’t vote in local, state, or federal elections, you really can’t complain about the spending that goes on, the increases in taxes, fees and whatever that sucks more and more money out of your pocket not to mention the legislation that is passed to take away or limit your rights.
Because you didn’t even take the time to register to vote, you have illegal aliens on the verge of getting free citizenship that your parents and grandparents may have had to work hard for, you have criminal activity taking place in the seats of government at all levels because of collusion between special interests (big business, big unions and money people of all stripes) and the elected officials who are supposed to be representing YOUR interests.  It is because of you, the sheep, that these acts are taking place.  There are various reasons that you didn’t vote:
1.      You convinced yourself that you just didn’t have the time to understand the ballots – the people running for office (mayors, legislatures, judges, sheriff, etc) and the various measures and bonds that seem overwhelming and appear to be written so that you can’t really understand them.
2.      You felt that voting is a waste of time because the elected officials are going to do what they want to do and they aren’t going to pay any attention to you, an ordinary citizen.
3.      You felt that your vote doesn’t make any difference in the long run or,
4.      You’re just too lazy to get off the couch, push away from your desk, or stop on your way somewhere when you drive by the polling station to make the effort to punch or mark a ballot or pull the lever that, with your fellow citizens, CAN make a difference.

The next time that you open a newspaper, watch the 6:00 news, or listen to the radio and hear that the government has raised your taxes, removed one more of your liberties as defined in the US Constitution, exercised eminent domain and took over an area of affordable housing to build a mall.  Just remember that you didn’t vote!  Go back to grazing on the fields of indifference with the rest of the sheep and don’t think about the wolves just over the hill and moving in your direction. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Enemy Has Breached The Walls - The Conservatives

An opinion by Martin
In the previous part of this discussion, I covered The Progressives, where they came from and where they are today.  In this piece, The Conservatives, I will attempt to do the same thing and, as before, please remember this is my opinion.
Conservative have always been portrayed as a group of people who support the status quo, the ruling party or government, or big business at the expense of the “little people”, the workers and new immigrants whether legal or illegal.
In some countries, this may be true.  In nations where there are dictatorships or an oligarchy, supported by the military, that has been in power for years.  This is not true in the United States, where the government is supposedly answerable to the people through a well written Constitution.
For a number of years, some people have believed that American policies were hijacked by right-wing extremists, but in actuality, throughout the history of our Nation, we have evolved into a distinctly conservative country.  The majority of American citizens have a jaundiced view of governmental powers while the majority of Europeans believe the government is the power.  For instance, a large number of Americans believe that the power of the government comes from the people while a greater proportionate number of Europeans believe that power flows from the leadership down to the people.  A large number of Americans (nearly 60%) believe that it is the job of government to give the person the security and freedom in which to pursue his or her goals while the same number (about 60%) of British citizens believe it is the responsibility of the government to ensure that no one is in need.
It is my opinion that one of the reasons for this difference is that the European nations evolved from feudal estates where the landholder ruled the manor and the serfs worked the land, paid taxes and provided military manpower to the landholder.  As time moved on, the strongest landholder became a King and in return provided security for his subjects.  This has evolved into the social structure that you see in most European countries today.  For the most part, while there were exceptions, the United States evolved without the lord and manor style of leadership and moved away from social structure of the European style to a more individualistic view of the role of the person.  The European view of “you are what your father was” just did not work on the broad expanses of the American continent.  Just look to Canada, the social structure that was created under the British Crown has been slowly disintegrating through the years.  A goodly number of Canadians are more individualistic than the Europeans and believe that they have the right to seek their own level of success with minimal governmental interference.
Another reason for the more conservative social structure of the United States is the fact that the Government is prohibited by the Constitution from establishing a state religion and, conversely, from interfering with the freedom to choose, or not to choose, religious membership.  This freedom from governmental interference in religion has led, for the most part, to the American work ethic.  You will note that most Americans work longer hours than their European counterparts.  A large number of analysts credit this contrast with America’s freedom of religious choice and its history of capitalism.  Adrian Wooldridge and John Micklethwait* wrote that “America has never had a socialist movement in the way that all other major developed countries have.  European countries have institutions that have emerged as a result of socialist ideologies, but America has remained more capitalistic, and therefore, more conservative.”
When many Europeans visit the United States, they go to the cities, (New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Chicago), but very seldom visit the center of the nation (Grand Rapids, MI, Ames, IA, Colorado Springs, CO, Tucson, AZ) to see the engine of the country, the people who are responsible for the continued capitalistic success that supports the socialist experiments of the big city and national governments.
Today’s True Conservative proclaims that he/she is for smaller government at all levels (local, state and federal); he/she is quite likely to support The Constitution as written by The Founders, to strongly support the Right to Bear Arms and the Freedom to worship as he or she wishes and, to live without the fear of having other value systems forced upon them.  Today’s True Conservative is more than willing to allow others to pursue their own desires and wishes as long as those desires and wishes do not impact on “our” lives. 
True, there are minorities, on both sides, who would control the lives and destinies of others, but for the most part, today’s True Conservative is most likely ready to move on with his life while allowing others to live theirs.  
While a vocal minority has proclaimed that the Day of The Conservative is over and that Presidents like Obama will change the face of The United States forever, I would say “don’t bet on it!”
* British journalists John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge traveled across America to write their book The Right Nation: Conservative Power in America, 2004. The book examines the history of the conservative movement in the United States. Micklethwait and Wooldridge both write for The Economist.

Friday, August 12, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - A Declaration of Independence

An Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.
Then I woke up.  I found the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels.

The Concerned Citizens of these United States must once again declare their Independence from a tyrannical form of government.
The Presidency and the Congress have broken their vows to defend The Constitution of These United States of America.
A government that has violated the spirit of The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution as surely as the rapist in the back alley with his victim.
A government that has smashed the very tenants on which it was founded.
Once again, the citizens of these United States must stand up to a man who would be King and the minions, Republican and Democrat, who do his bidding. 
Once again, the citizens of these United States must stand up to a President who rules by fiat, ignoring the Will of the People; a Congress which has set itself up as petit dictators for sale to the highest bidder and Federal Judges, appointed for life, who decree, at a whim, that The Constitution is no longer valid, while cloaking themselves in the Flag of our Nation.

At this time, the Defenders of Freedom have only their voices and the Right to Vote, to remove these usurpers from office through the ballot box.  We must start at the local level, using only lawful means, to purge miscreants from their positions, to strip them of pensions and ill-gotten gains  and return them to a world of reality where they will have to work for a living and bar them from returning to the public service that they have so blatantly misused.
The movement will gain strength through word of mouth, pages of text, and whispers on street corners until it reaches out across the land to bring down the usurpers of the Public Trust and restore the dreams and desires of the Founding Fathers.
You, as a Citizen, a Voter and Taxpayer must stand today to take down these criminals who should be in prison – Barney Frank of Massachusetts, Chris Dodd of Connecticut (Retired when he knew the end was near) working with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac brought the housing crisis upon us by forcing banks and lending institutions to give loans to people who had no way of paying them back. 
Olympia Snow and Susan Collins, both of Maine and John McCain of Arizona who are RINOs pretending to be mavericks while supporting the Democrat line and bashing the taxpayers in the head with the hammer of the Senate.  I could continue to build the list but you know who these people are and know they must be removed from office.  Each state and locality have people just like these who when running for office use seductive phrases and spend more time bashing their “in-party” opposition than the Democrats who admit they are out to socialize Our Nation.
The Democrats are at least honest in that aspect, they promise to bring US down in the name of “political correctness” and “social welfare” which are code words for giving away all of Your money to people who have not and will not work for it.
Some Republicans, on the other hand, promise to be fiscally responsible and work to rebuild the economy that Obama and the Democrats have destroyed but, as history shows, when they get into office they spend as much or more than the Democrats have.
It is time to exercise our right to use the Constitution and recall these people, send them home and force them to have to work for a living.  Strip away their excellent retirement plans, their office benefits and their free medical care.  Put them on Social Security and Medicare like so many of their fellow citizens.  Once Congress knows that is their future, these systems will be fixed for the rest of us.
You can no longer say that all other members of Congress are screwed up and mine is just fine.  All of these “fine fellows and ladies” need to be put on notice that the party is over and they WILL be held responsible for their actions.
You must declare your Independence today.  Your future and that of your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren depend on what you do today.  You cannot wait until tomorrow. 

August 12, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Eve of Destruction

Opinion by Martin

As the Battle of the Budget continues, the Democrats continue to point fingers at the “every day” Americans as the cause of their failures to produce a route out of the malaise that we find ourselves in as a Nation.  According to the Democrat Party and their supporters, this whole problem is your fault.  You have gotten in the way of their socialization of the United States, their dream of building a “nanny-State” which provides everything to everyone without any concern about who’s going to cover the costs of these programs.  And when you complain about those costs, you’re pegged as a Racist or, you’re an uncaring person who’s not doing his/her “fair share” or, you’re greedy for wanting to succeed for yourself and your family. 
This is The Eve of Destruction and you are on the front lines of the war.

It is true that there is enough blame to around as both parties went on a spending binge with your money but the Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress since the late ‘90s and have continued to add more money to Lyndon Johnson’s already failed “Great Society” from the ‘60s.  Congress has spent over a Trillion on the “Inner Cities” with little or no success, they have given Billions to our enemies trying to “buy love” and during the short time that the Republicans managed to win control of Congress, they continued trying to purchase friendship with your money and wound up being Democrat-lite.  In other words, Congress feels that your money belongs to them and that they know how to spend it more wisely than you do.

Now is the time for the American Voters/Taxpayers to stand up and take back the Government before we lose it completely.  As surely as Paul Revere rode through the countryside in April of 1775, warning the people that the British were coming, the warning is once again being sounded that the “Bad Guys” are coming for your efforts and your money to finance their plan to subjugate you, to take your 401ks, your savings, and your private property and give you a pittance in return.  “Oh”, you say, “this can’t happen in the United States”.  History shows otherwise.  In England during the Feudal Ages, if the King wanted your land, he took it.  During the Nazi era in Germany and the Communist Empire in Russia, the government took what it wanted.  If you resisted, you were exiled or executed.  Obama and his regime has already made shambles of the Constitution and show no hint of slowing down in their assault on the Upper and Middle Classes.  The EPA is instituting the Cap and Tax plans that Obama could not get through Congress.  With the assistance of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and a compliant Congress, he has put in place “Obamacare” which threatens to destroy the medical industry of the United States raising the costs and reducing the availability of quality care to the average individual.

Now is the time for action!!  Contact your Representative and your Senator.  Keep after them!  Send those letters or emails daily.  Be polite, but firm and remember that we do not work for them, they work for us.  A Senator or Congressman can be fired for doing a poor job and they want more than anything to continue in their office with all the prestige and perks that go with being a Congressman.  This is their life and they want to keep it. 
Explain to your Congressmen that they cannot go on spending money that does not exist and that the credit card is maxed out with no possibility if increasing the limit.  Explain to your Congressman that we can’t afford Obamacare, free citizenship for illegal aliens and unsecure borders.  We can’t afford to have a second-rate Nation and military.  Congress can’t afford to continue living beyond our means and pretending that there is a “free lunch” when we the Taxpayers are running out of the means to allow them to live in the manner to which they have become accustomed and it must stop.

Today is the day that Congress, and the Presidency, must be brought back into the framework of the Constitution.  This is the Eve of Destruction and if you, as a Citizen of the United States, neglect your duties as a citizen, then you are part of the problem!  Today you must step up and become part of the solution!  Today is the day while we still have time to regain control of the levers of government.  Tomorrow is too late.

August 10, 2011 

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Enemy Has Breached The Walls - The Progressives

Opinion by Martin

This is the second part of a four part discussion about the political system of the United States and your part in it.

Quite a bit of the following section (italicized) has been taken from the Nebraska Studies website, to show that Progressivism, at least in the United States, did not necessarily mean Socialism or Communism.  That aspect came later when the Democrat Party was surrendered to elitists and the unions.

In the United States, the Progressive Movement has gone from one that truly worked for the Common Man to one of Elitist privilege.  However, it wasn’t always that way.  In the beginning, the nation was mainly an agrarian society and, although more and more was being produced through newly invented equipment and procedures, the various costs to operate farms and ranches kept going up while the prices for the production kept dropping.
The modern Progressive Movement actually started in Nebraska in the 1800s with the Patrons of Husbandry or “The Grange” attempting to reduce the cost of farming by organizing cooperatives that operated stores and built low-cost machinery.  Most of their coops failed, but they did have some success in politics, i.e. an amendment to the Nebraska State constitution allowing the government to regulate the railroads.
The next step in radicalism of the Progressives was the Farmer’s Alliance which felt that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans represented their needs and in July of 1890, the Populist Party was founded.  In November of 1890, the fledgling organization took over the Nebraska legislature with 54 members versus 25 Democrats and 21 Republicans.  The Populists passed all kinds of social legislation – compulsory school attendance, public fund insurance laws and mutual insurance.  They even passed an 8 hour work day except on farms.  This law was promptly struck down by the Nebraska Supreme Court.  In 1894, the Populists reunited with the Democrat Party with William Jennings Bryan as the key for unification.  Although they worked very hard, the Populist Party never was able to take control of the state government and in 1908 was dissolved.  
One of the positive aspects of the Progressive Movement was giving the Right to Vote to Women while some of the downside included the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Government’s control of currency and banking.[i]  Another aspect of Progressivism was the Constitutional Amendment that started Prohibition and the era of the gangster.
Today’s Progressives claim to be for the “little person”, the disenfranchised, the elderly and the worker when nothing is further from the truth.  The Progressive Movement has gone from an organization that fought against low wages and unsafe conditions for the workers to one that believes that government should provide everything to everyone (whether they want it or not).  Today’s Progressive feels that your money and property belongs to the government and should be shared with others whether or not they are citizens or if they contribute to society.  If you work hard and succeed through your own dedication, you should be punished through taxation and other legislative acts that spend your money.  The government more or less been controlled by Progressives since before Theodore Roosevelt in the early 1900s.  A few examples have already been mentioned, but include the Interstate Commerce Act (1887) through which the Federal Government is forcing us to accept obamacare, the Sherman Antitrust Act (used against the Bell Telephone System (for better or for worse), and Progressives have been slowly working from the local level (PTAs, Library Boards, Town Councils, County Commissions, etc) to take over the entire governmental system of the United States and form a “socialist utopia” based on massive spending and redistribution of wealth across the entire national spectrum.  
In my opinion, the Progressive Movement (read Democrat Party) in the United States has been hijacked by “Big State Elitists” such as Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the Unions as well as Socialists, Communists and statists of every stripe.
The only possible outcome of the Progressive agenda is the massive failure of the United States as a Nation and as the guiding light for the rest of the world.  The Beacon of Freedom is being extinguished from within.  Nikita Khrushchev was correct when he stated “We shall bury you!”  AND, it is from within.

[i] – Roots of Progressivism


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Opinion by Martin

The Budget Battle has been joined and both sides have drawn up lines that supposedly cannot be crossed.  Liberals want to keep spending money that does not belong to them, paying off their allies in the Unions, Media, and non-taxpaying residents, legal and illegal.  The Conservatives are trying to reclaim the Republic for the Voters/Taxpayers by trying to rein in the spending and beginning to move down the path to a Balanced Budget which Obama and the Democrat Party have already said “ain’t gonna happen”.
In the past week, people who have stood up for the rights of the Taxpayer against this tidal wave of government spending have been called “Terrorists”, “Hobbits”, and told that they are “holding the United States hostage against the will of the people”.  Meanwhile, the very Congressmen (Democrat and Republican) who are doing the name-calling are stealing our money, present and future credit, and that of our children and great-grandchildren, with little or no regard for the outcome outside of personal aggrandizement and power.
Obama and his cronies: George Soros, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, the Unions and Media are working very hard to destroy the individualistic fabric of the United States turning this Nation into a Third World country complete with Socialism and a dictator, subservient to the will of the United Nations.
It is time, once again, for the People to stand and swear Allegiance to The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution, to throw down this tyrant and his regime through peaceful means, if possible, working through the ballot box to remove from office Obama and every Congressman who support the continued spending binge while betraying the People who sent them to Washington.
Whether you are a Republican or Democrat, you are an American and, are once again, being called upon to defend Your Nation from total destruction by forces that be controlled.  We can defeat these people if we have the will, otherwise I fear for the future of the United States.  Once Reagan’s “Shining City on the Hill” is gone, the Flame of Liberty will be extinguished and darkness will descend on the Earth.
It is time for the People to awaken and take a stand against this tyranny just as the Founders stood against the British Crown 235 years ago and move away from subservience and down the path to Individualism and Freedom. 

August 03, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Enemy Has Breached The Walls

Opinion by Martin

Since the beginning of this Nation there have been elements who wished to change it into a European-style Socialist State.  These people, presently embodied in the Democrat Party, have gotten farther than ever before in creating a “Nanny-state” which provides all things to all citizens although this methodology of government has been proven a failure around the word.
However, the Democrat Party is not the sole difficulty that we face today.  We also have the Communists, Socialists, and RINO Republicans who have become comfortable with the status quo in Washington DC and the various State Legislatures.  These people must be turned out of any position of power that they presently occupy and if necessary prosecuted for Acts of Treason against the United States.
The Progressive (read Socialist) Movement has been around since before the Twentieth Century and whether or not you wish to accept it can be traced back to the “Loyal Opposition” and the support for the Crown of England.  These people have supported “Big Government” since the beginning of our Nation.
Obama is just the latest manifestation of this scourge that has swept the World and is presently rearing its head in the United States.  Prior to this President, there was Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Jimmy Carter.  Each one of these men attempted to expand government through legislation, edicts and activist jurists.  Each time, after they left office, the tides of progressivism was turned back only to roll forward with the next tide of the “unwashed masses” of immigration, both legal and illegal upon our shores. 
We have been involved in numerous wars around the world from the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, and Viet Nam.  Between the First and Second World War was the Great Depression which began in 1929 and ended when we went to war after December 7th, 1941.  Our Grandparents and Parents vowed, either consciously or subconsciously, that their children would never have to go through what they lived through.  Right or Wrong, this led to the 1960s and rebellion against the Establishment.  Well, the Children of the ‘60s are now the Establishment and everything that they learned is being brought to bear against the Country that gave them sustenance, an education, and an opportunity to succeed on their own merits as opposed to the old European style of “You are What Your Father Is!”.
Now, this new Establishment has taken the lessons of their parents to heart and want to give “everything to everyone” without understanding that someone has to pay the bill.  That bill is now coming due and our creditors, both friend and foe, are demanding payment both in treasure and in subservience.  We as a Nation of Freemen cannot allow this destruction from within.  We must begin to take back our Nation one step at a time.  Unfortunately, the war to save these United States has to be waged on Local, State and Federal levels.  It is up to each one of us to examine our Hearts, look inside and see how we should face the future.  Then stand up and step forward to support Our Nation, Our Flag and our God. 
This is the first in what I hope is a series with more detail added in each installment.  But as you can see, “The Enemy Has Breached The Walls”.  And, in the words of Pogo Possum “We have met the enemy and he is us.”