Opinion by Martin
One night I had a dream. It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed. Then I woke up.
I found the dream was broken. It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels.
Great nations have disappeared from the pages of history due to military action, inept leadership and, just plain failure to face changing times. Great nations have disappeared from the face of the Earth due to natural disasters. But one great nation is about to disappear due to greed on the part of its citizens, politicians and the inability of all to face reality. This nation is the United States of America.
Oh, it may stagger on for another generation or two, but because its citizens have neglected their basic duties – being involved in local, state, and federal government by voting, “making their voices heard” and, actually overseeing the work of elected officials who, after all, work for the taxpayers, they have allowed mini-fiefdoms to be set up across the country fueled by money provided by special interest groups (Sierra Club and other environmental organizations, lawyers, big businesses, big unions, and several different types of minorities (gays, homeless, illegal aliens, etc.)).
These various special interest groups are backed by people who have agendas that are being forced down your collective throats. Agendas that range from “free” education and medical services for illegal aliens, civil rights for animals (PETA) and others but all revolve around one driving force – GREED!
The main proponent of these groups are the people who grew up in the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s whose parents and grandparents lived through the Great Depression and felt that because they had suffered, their children would not. Therefore, they worked very hard and provided their children with the fastest cars, the best educations, vacations and other perks that their parents did not have when they were growing up. Now, the children are repaying their parents by destroying the very engine that provided this life for them – The United States.
These children have reached adulthood and have taken all of the benefits provided by their parents into the public sector and are demanding more and more services without considering where the money is coming from to pay for those services. In one way or another, we are all guilty of this transgression against the dreams of our parents, whether sitting around receiving welfare benefits or unemployment because we are too lazy to go out and get a job because “it does not pay enough”, ignoring politicians who are taking payments from businesses, unions, or other special interest groups and leaving them in office term after term because “it doesn’t affect me”, or not voting because “it doesn’t make any difference”.
WE are these children! WE have violated our parent’s dreams! WE are the ones destroying a nation built by visionaries, who fled from tyranny in Europe to found a system that is built on equality, not perfect, but at least one that gives each person a chance to earn what he/she wishes. Each person has the opportunity to “reach for the stars”. Each person may fall short, but if you keep reaching, you will achieve. Too many of us have decided that our dreams should be financed by someone else’s labor and success.
The tomorrows of the United States are built on today. If today is an example of what we are looking at for tomorrow, then the United States will become a footnote in the pages of history, much like the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and the British Empire. A civilization lost in time, merely a dream that some people saw, but never allowed to reach its potential due to the greed of its citizens.
Sept 03, 2011