Opinion by Martin
One night I had a dream. It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed. Then I woke up.
I found the dream was broken. It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels. And the United Nations.
On October 21, 1945, a war-weary world brought forth a new organization, created by the victorious powers of World War II, which was supposed to become a world body to prevent wars by discussing international difficulties and regional disputes allowing differences to be resolved without the necessity of resorting to hostilities.
That organization has become a giant corrupt bureaucracy with tentacles throughout the world reaching into the sovereignty of all nations, laced with anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism.
That organization has the desire to become the governing body for the entire world.
That organization, created out of the desire to build an organization that would bring Peace and Prosperity to the peoples of the many nations, wishes to be King.
That organization is the United Nations.
From an innocuous in 1945 to the present, the United Nations has supported despots and tyrants to the detriment of freedom-loving people throughout the world. The United States taxpayer provides well over 30% of the money that the U.N. spends and gets nothing in return except “you should give more”.
Most of the “Peacekeeping” missions around the world, especially in Africa, are populated by thugs, rapists, and murderers. The U.N. has never won a war, and even the Korean 'Conflict', in which the U.S. alone lost over 53,000 men, has not seen a complete resolution.
The U.N. went to Kosovo and wound up with the United States, Britain and France spending most of the money and lives while the U.N. took credit for any successes and denied mistakes when things went wrong.
Haiti is another example of UN ineptitude. The poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere and the UN can’t seem to help get it straightened out. The US alone has spent nearly a trillion dollars over the years only to see that money squandered by dictators and UN contractors who have wasted most of it on excellent lifestyles as Haitians starve and remain downtrodden. The UN has virtually nothing that they can point to as successful. Even the UN Building in New York City is crumbling and the UN expects the US Taxpayer to rebuild it.
The United Nations is a symbol of an absolute waste of US Taxpayer’s money. It is filled with spies and “diplomats” who know that if they were in their own countries, their lives would be completely different, and they would not have the lifestyle that they have on US soil.
Now, in 2011 and 2012, the United Nations is coming after you and your Rights as spelled out in the Constitution of The United States. Part of this assault is in the form of the “Small Arms Treaty” which will require you as a Citizen of the United States to surrender any weapons that you own and depend upon the government to protect you in your home. The Obama Administration is joining 152 other countries to attack American sovereignty by stripping Americans of the right to keep and bear arms. Anti-gun groups are scripting language for the conference this year, creating a blueprint for other countries to follow when they meet at the full conference.
For you, the American Citizen, the stakes couldn’t be higher.
The really sad part is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a serious enemy of Constitutional Rights, has already indicated that the Obama Administration will sign the treaty whether or not the Senate ratifies it. Clinton has pledged to push the U.S. Senate to ratify the treaty. She will push for passage of a treaty that is designed to register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens like YOU, depriving you of the Right to defend your home and family from criminals who most likely will not pay any attention to the “Small Arms Treaty” anyway.
You can be certain that the treaty is going to address private ownership of firearms. Don’t let any of the “experts” lull you to sleep by saying “Oh, we have it handled” or “Until you know exactly what’s in the treaty you can’t fight against it.” So, YOU, as an American Citizen, must fight back. You must write or email your U.S. Senators and DEMAND that they vote AGAINST ratification of the UN’s “Small Arms Treaty”. One letter or email is not enough; you must continue to “bombard” the Senate continually until this assault on Our Rights is defeated.
If passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate (where we must ultimately make our stand), the UN “Small Arms Treaty” would almost certainly FORCE national governments to:
Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding citizens cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;
CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms (all firearms owned by the government are excluded, of course);
BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons;
Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION.
So please write your U.S. Senators before it’s too late! As you can see, this is NOT a fight we can afford to lose.
The “Small Arms Treaty” is one of the many “plans” and “agendas” that are coming out of the UN. There are plans to deprive you of many of the Rights that you enjoy under the Constitution of The United States. Agenda 21 is another assault on your Rights and will be addressed in a future opinion piece.
At its inception, the United Nations was a flawed idea that should have gone the way of the League of Nations and the Dodo. It has gone completely awry and should be ended once and for all. The leadership has come to believe that they should govern the entire world to the detriment of individual Rights.
I say that we pack up this entire gang of thieves and dictators. Send them back to their homelands.