An Opinion by Martin
Dear Congressmen and Senators of Both Parties
Each and every one of you have violated the Oath you took when you accepted the votes of the People in your districts. The Oath was to support the Constitution of the United States of America, to defend Her against enemies foreign and domestic. In this you all have failed. You have sold your services to the highest bidders (lobbyists, unions, and greed). You have lined your own pockets with ill-gotten goods, special perks that are unavailable to the average American Citizen and set yourselves up in a style the European royalty of years past could only dream of.
You have destroyed the educational base of the Nation through “dumbing down” the system and creating a nation of sheep. You have destroyed the manufacturing capability of this Country through taxation. You are destroying our Military through defunding its programs and stealing the money for your “pet projects”. And, you have committed many thousands of families to destruction through socialistic welfare programs that have failed at every turn.
In 2012, you have a chance to start turning this Nation around through lower taxes and incentives that can bring our Country back from the brink of disaster by returning numerous companies that have fled to our shores.
In 2012, you can rebuild our educational system through getting out of the way and allowing the States to control curriculum and teachers. You could set some standards for completion at all levels of education, then stand back and watch as the system begins to work. You’d be amazed how well this would work. But then, you’d be losing power because the States would be able to do a better job than you can.
In 2012, The United States is facing many threats from both inside and outside the Country. We are facing Islamist jihadists, radical unions, nuclear weapons in the hands of unstable governments, and the “Occupy Whatever” crowd of misguided, leftover tools who are actually protesting the wrong people. Although, Wall Street and the Bankers have stolen millions, their thievery pales compared to what you have done.
2012 is the year you need to pause and reflect. Do you work to save the Nation? Or do you drive the United States onto the ash-heap of history?