Monday, January 23, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Barack Hussein Obama - The Eve of Destruction

An Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found that the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels, AND Barack Hussein Obama.

In 2008, when Barack Hussein Obama defeated John McCain for the Presidency of the United States, he was hailed as a fresh breath of air in the putrid stench of Washington, DC.  Obama had a chance for greatness and rebuilding the trust in government that has been destroyed over the years.

Instead, Obama immediately began to unravel our most sacred documents, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, by instituting a set of Left wing, European-style Socialist programs that are increasing the dependency on government and have led us down the path to both military and political impotence in the world today, near bankruptcy, and the total collapse of our Nation.

He immediately went back on his word NOT to allow “lobbyists” and “special interest” groups to continue business as usual in Washington, staffing his administration with Left-leaning ideologues, idiots, and criminals of various types.  When the People used to ballot box in 2010 to voice their disproval of his agendas, he has ignored the outcome of that election and backed up by Harry Reid and the Democrat-controlled Senate and Nancy Pelosi with her band of radical supporters in the House of Representatives has continued to thwart the will of the Voters by doing nothing at all to move the US from the economic doldrums into vibrant regrowth, opting instead to continue to move the Nation into a Third World economy and a mini-dictatorship.

Now Obama has decided that the people he purports to support, the workers, can be thrown off the cliff because he is siding with radical environmentalists and cancelled a proposal by the Canadians to build a pipeline to Houston, Texas.  The proposed pipeline would directly create several thousand well-paying jobs with benefits as well as jump-start other businesses (real estate and other service providers supporting the construction) and could truly start the Nation on the road to financial recovery.  Instead, Obama has decided that the seven billion dollar pipeline and thousands of jobs it would create are not necessary so the Canadians will most likely reroute the pipeline west, across Canada to British Columbia and the oil would be shipped to China.  This is a net loss in jobs and income for the American worker and entrepreneur.

The United States cannot endure four more years of this tyranny where one man has decided that he knows what’s good for you.  One man, who backed by radical unions, environmental groups and left-leaning politicians, feels that you are not able to run your own lives and the government can control your money, teach your children and manage your healthcare better than you can. 

Now, in November 2012, you, the Voters, have a chance to correct the Left drift of the United States.  You have a chance to remove Barack Hussein Obama from office and preserve the Union.     

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Commentary by Martin

To the Republican Presidential Candidates

The “Polls” suggest that negative political advertisements (“Attack Ads”), however, I am getting tired of the Republican candidates for the Office of US President abusing each other and not discussing how they will defeat Barack Hussein Obama in November 2012. 

I want to hear that you are going to explain to the American Citizens how Obama has torn the Constitution apart and is using it for toilet paper. 
I want to hear how you are going to explain to the American Citizens how you are going to rebuild the destruction that Obama created in our economy.
I want to hear how you are going to bring the Members of Congress and Obama’s Administration up on charges of treason for their dogged praise of our enemies and their absolute hatred of the United States and her allies.
I want to hear how you are going to take down this would-be dictator and his cronies.
I want to hear how you are going to rebuild the military the Obama and his cronies have destroyed.

You want people to support you for the Office of President, but I cannot see how that can be done until to cease spending money attacking each other and start explaining to me how you will defeat Obama and start rebuilding this nation.

You don’t have much time between now and November 2012.  I suggest that you start talking about what you will do as President, things that you really can do under the Constitution and not just give us “pie in the sky”.