Well, Obama has been
inaugurated for his second term as the President of the United States and, in
his mind, he has a mandate to destroy the Nation, making the country equal to
all Third World countries that run the United Nations, subjecting us to the UN rules,
and subordinate to the whims of every petty dictator around the world and those
Democrat (Progressive) politicians here at home who believe that the American
People (and their spirit) should be under State control.
When the Constitution was
written, there was a deep abiding belief on God and His Rights. The First 10 Amendments (Bill of Rights) were
added to fill in a couple of “blanks” that the Founders felt they had neglected
that actually spelled out the Rights of the People as opposed to the Rights of
the Government.
When the Constitution was
written, it was believed that the Congress would come to the National Capital,
work for a few months and then return home to work their regular vocations and
be with the People they represent.
Today, Congress is a full-time career with career staff and toadys,
velvet-lined pockets and a retirement program that the People who pay the bills
can only dream of.
When the Constitution was
written, the members of the House of Representatives were elected by the People
to represent them while the members of the Senate were appointed by the States
(Governors and Legislatures) to represent the interest of the States. That was changed and now the Senate only
represents itself and the House of Representatives is doing its best to emulate
the Senate. Neither of these
organizations represent the People or the States any longer. They have sold their souls to the
person/organization with the deepest pockets.
They are, Sir/Ma’am, corrupt and criminal.
Now, these would-be “Lords
and Ladies”, in both political parties feel that they no longer have to respond
to the People unless it is an Election Year in which they parade around their
fiefdoms telling the mortal inhabitants what they have done for You, the
Citizens. If they are successful, you
will send them back to Washington to steal more of your treasure. If they are unsuccessful, they have lined
their personal coffers with enough money and favors that they will be wealthy
beyond your dreams and be guaranteed a job as a lobbyist or corporate
representative working with the same group of people they just left.
Be assured, the politicians
are coming for the rest of your treasure AND your guns!! Without treasure, you cannot mount a
political campaign against them. And
without guns, you cannot resist their tyrannical endeavors.
Our politicians point to
Europe and the fact that most of the population is unarmed and the state
provides protection in the form of police.
I say, that when you look at the criminal activity, Europe is more
compact than the United States and the crime rates per capita are so much higher
that their argument fails.
Europe was built on a feudal
society with kings and a royal society.
Our Founding Fathers rejected that notion when they took a stand against
King George and his ministers. Today, we
have to make a decision: Freedom or
Slavery? Will you surrender your Rights
as guaranteed by the Constitution, or will you stand against a would-be tyranny
that is our federal government. Will you be a Freeman to live with your family
as you wish or will you be a Slave of the state with little or no input to your
way of life.
It is your decision!