One night I had a dream. It was a dream about a powerful nation that
had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked
hard enough, you could succeed. Then I
woke up.
I found that the dream was
broken. It was broken by Big Politics,
Big Unions, Big Businesses, and by elements of Big Government with an
agenda. We are living through the Death
of a Nation, a death that was set in motion with the reelection of Barack
Hussein Obama on November 06, 2012. The Nation committed suicide through the refusal
of people to stand up for their Rights as spelled out in the Declaration of
Independence, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights. The Founding Documents, now in tatters, are
being consigned to the trash heap of human dreams and desires.
When Barack Obama entered
office in January 2009, he stated that he would have the most transparent
administration in the history of the United States, that he would unite the
Nation and that all Americans would find a new level of access and civility in
government. Instead, he has trampled on
the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Through his arrogance, Barack
Obama has shown during the past four and one-half years that he does not care
about the people who have worked hard to make this the greatest Nation on the
face of the Earth. Barack Obama’s
re-election has shown that “freebies” have become more important to the
population of the United States than actually working for a living. This election has shown that Obama and his
minions believe that they are able to control how you live your life, where you
live and what you do for a living.
People are saying, that as a
Conservative, I should request that the Republicans do what they can to get
along with the Democrats who are presently in power. Why?
The Democrat Party is more of a threat to the United States than the
Nazis or the Soviet Union ever was, or the Al Qaida terrorists are. My plan is to request the Republicans treat
the Democrat Party as the enemy. Because
they are!!
One night I had a dream. It was a dream about a powerful nation that
had been a Beacon that represented Freedom to enslaved populations around the
world. A Beacon conceived in Liberty and
built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could
succeed. Then I woke up.
I found that the dream was
broken. It was broken by Big Politics,
Big Unions, Big Businesses, and by Big Government with an agenda. With the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama
on November 06, 2012, the Beacon of Liberty was shut down for the indefinite