Saturday, June 15, 2013

THE U.S. ATTACKS THE UNITED STATES - The Government’s Coming!

Opinion by Martin

The government’s coming!  The government’s coming!  They are coming for your Money!  They are coming for your Guns!  They are coming for your Freedom!

What are You going to do?

If you are a Liberal, Hollywood or otherwise, you will sit by and watch the train-wreck happen because you are too damn arrogant to believe that it will affect you and your pipe dreams.

If you are an average citizen of Liberal, Middle of the Road, or Conservative, you won’t do anything because you don’t want to “upset the apple cart” and possibly make yourself a target for the government at any level.

If you believe in Freedom, you are going to write your state and federal legislators, demand that they respect the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Will of the People.

They will most likely ignore you with the exception of some vanilla response either written or, if you happen to phone from a staffer who could care less because he or she has a job whether or not you and your family have just been kicked out of your home because you can’t find work.

It is up to you as a citizen of the United States to rally with your family, friends, and neighbors to make certain that your legislators understand who the employer is and where their paychecks come from. 

They are not any different than you.  They eat, sleep, put clothes on and have dreams just like you do.  It is your choice as to whether or not their dreams include controlling your life and that of your fellow citizens.

The final stand for Freedom is when you and your neighbors peacefully petition for the Right to redress grievances.  When the petition is ignored ……. Ask King George III what happened when he refused to listen to the citizens who lived on the North American Continent.  

In the end, it is your decision!  Quietly surrender your Rights guaranteed by the Constitution and shackle yourself to your neighbor, walk in lock-step to the fields or stand and fight for the Freedoms set forth 237 years ago by a group of men who had the dream of a great Nation, the envy of the world and wrote a set of Documents to guide that Nation into the future.

Freedom or Slavery?
Your Choice!

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Opinion by Martin

As we move farther into the second Obama occupation of the White House, we are finding more and more about the criminal that was elected to lead us in the 21st Century.  This is truly the Dawn of Darkness.

Before the dust has really settled around the Reagan Presidency and the revitalization of the American Civilization, we have surrendered our leadership role in the World to a shadow of a man whom no one really knows.  A man who spouts platitudes and promises and then provides nothing of substance except the destruction of our Nation and its moral high ground in the hierarchy of Nations.   

Obama has a spotty history of law-breaking from his days at Punahou School in Hawaii through the question as to whether or not he attended Pepperdine, Columbia, or Yale Universities as a foreign student.  Even in question is whether or not he was born in the United States and if he meets the Constitutional criteria to serve as President which means that both of his parents have to be American Citizens.

Obama has surrounded himself with like-minded sycophants who believe that he can do absolutely no wrong even as he walks on their prostate bodies and destroys the few truths in which they believe.  The list of supplicants is way too long to spell out here.  Obama has no redeeming qualities except a teleprompter.  

These people are Socialist/Communist-oriented, they believe that the United States and the Western World is the root problem of everything that has gone wrong on Planet Earth over the last 237 years.  They believe that the State will provide everything and that all the citizen has to do is slide up to the Welfare Trough and take what you want without worrying about who pays for those goods.

Now these Socialist/Communist-oriented Progressives are out in full force, running wildly from state to state, stripping you of your Constitutional Rights so carefully crafted by the Founding Fathers and paid for by patriots in blood across the two centuries of our existence.  Throughout the existence of the United States, we have fought a Revolutionary War (Part 1), the War of 1812 (Revolution, Part 2),  a war against Muslim Pirates in the Mediterranean Sea (1803), a War of Succession (1861-1865), expanded the country from “Sea to Shining Sea”.  We have engaged in two World Wars (which we won) and several small “Police Actions” (Korea, Viet Nam) where war was never declared and, depending on your outlook, we neither won nor lost.  Our treasure (money and blood) has been expended in the Middle East where the outcome still has to be decided, but we are back to fighting Muslim Pirates once again.

The Socialist/Communist Progressives are taking away your Right to Speak Out for fear you’ll hurt someone’s feelings, your Right to Worship in the way you wish, to attend the Church of your choice, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.  They are trying to take away your Right to a firearm with which to protect your family from criminals and a tyrannical government.  They are slowly removing your Right to a Fair Trial and privacy by placing drones, used successfully in the War against Terror, in the skies over the United States to keep track of whom you see and whether or not you have a weapon.

What the Progressives are doing, My Friends, are making criminals out of the general population of the United States.  They are “mainstreaming” the bad guys and making “bad guys” out of You and I. 

By stripping you of your Rights, they are slowly enslaving you.  They are turning you into a beast of burden for the State and by working, as they have done, ever so slowly, removing your ability to stop the slide into darkness as the Light of Freedom dims and goes out!  The Dawn of Darkness.

Freedom or Slavery?
Your Choice!