Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Enemy Has Breached The Walls - The Enemy Within

Since the beginning of this Nation there have been elements who wished to change it into a European-style Socialist State.  These people, presently control the Democrat Party, have gotten farther than ever before in creating a “Nanny-state” which attempts to provide all things to all citizens at the expense of Individual Freedoms although this government methodology has been proven a failure around the word and leads to dictatorship and deprivation.

However, the Democrat Party is not the sole difficulty that we face today.  We also have the Communists, Socialists, and RINO Republicans who have become comfortable with the status quo in Washington DC and the various State Legislatures.  These people must be turned out of any position of power that they presently occupy and if necessary prosecuted for Acts of Treason against the United States.
The Progressive (read Socialist) Movement has been around since before the Twentieth Century and whether or not you wish to accept it can be traced back to the “Loyal Opposition”, support for the Crown of England and the “Commune of Paris” after the French Revolution.  These people have supported “Big Government” since the beginning of our Nation.

Obama is just the latest manifestation of this scourge that has swept the World and is presently rearing its ugly head in the United States.  Prior to this President, there was Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Jimmy Carter plus both George H. W. and George W. Bush.  Each one of these men attempted to expand government through legislation, edicts and activist jurists.  Each time, after they left office, the tides of progressivism was turned back only to roll forward with the next tide of the “unwashed masses” of immigration, both legal and illegal upon our shores. 
We have been involved in numerous wars around the world from the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, and Viet Nam.  Between the First and Second World Wars was the Great Depression which began in 1929 and ended when we went to war after December 7th, 1941.  Our Grandparents and Parents, either consciously or subconsciously, vowed that their children would never have to go through what they lived through.  Right or Wrong, this led to the 1960s and rebellion against the Establishment.  Well, the Children of the ‘60s are now the Establishment and everything that they learned is being brought to bear against the Country that gave them sustenance, an education, and the opportunity to succeed on their own merits as opposed to the old European style of “You are What Your Father Is!”.

Now, this new Establishment has taken the lessons of their parents to heart and want to give “everything to everyone” without understanding that someone has to pay the bill.  That bill is now coming due and our creditors, both friendly and foe, are demanding payment both in treasure and in subservience. 
We, as a Nation of Freemen, cannot allow this destruction from within.  We must begin to take back our Nation one step at a time.  The war to save these United States has to be waged at Local, State and Federal levels.  It is up to each one of us to examine our Hearts, look inside and see how we should face the future.  Then either surrender to slavery or stand up and step forward to support Our Nation, Our Flag and our God. 

Each of us face many choices in our lives and whether or not to save our Nation is one of those decisions that you must make.  As you can see, “The Enemy Has Breached The Walls”.  And, in the words of Pogo Possum “We have met the enemy and he is us.”