Thursday, December 11, 2014

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - A New Dictatorship, Part Three

Opinion by Martin


The Republican Party was just elected to the majority in Congress because the People who own this Nation were sick and tired of the Treason being committed by the President of the United States and the Communist (excuse me, I mean Democrat) Party.


Now those same Republicans led by John Boehner in the House of Representatives and Mitch McConnell in the Senate have shown that the only difference between and the other Party is the ‘R’ behind the name of the members.


The time has come for the People of the United States to stand up and scream out as One Voice “No More!”.   What is needed is a United Front against the criminals who have usurped the Offices handed to them by a Public that desired a return, not necessarily to the exact path set out by the Founders, but on a path toward sanity.


The new US Senator, Cory Gardner from the State of Colorado, presently a Member of John Boehner’s House has just shown his colors by supporting a Bill that will give Obama everything he wants as far as spending for 2015 to the detriment of the People of this Nation.  One of the Representatives from Colorado, Doug Lamborn, a supposed Conservative, also supported this destruction of out wallets. 


If Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner and other member of the Administration and Congress were in charge of corporations, they would be on trial for theft, mismanaging corporate funds and insider trading.  They have gotten rich by misusing money entrusted to them by, and stolen from, the People.


The Republican Party, under the present leadership of Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, is absolutely no threat to the Obama Administration because they are little better than lapdogs sitting on the floor awaiting scraps from the table of power.  The Republican Establishment believes in big government and will work to attain that pinnacle without regard as to who is the President or which Party is in charge of the Country.  Besides, if you were in charge and actually did the job you were elected to do, you’d have to come up with some real ideas on how to govern rather than just point fingers and whine about the situation.  Now they will be in charge and have already shown that they would rather get along than make a decision.

A number of people are concerned that if they attack the President’s programs they’ll be called Racist.  They’re afraid that the media will attack them as some kind of ‘-phobe’.  People are afraid they’ll be called “un-American” because they support the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights and because they support Individual Rights as opposed to some sort of “Collective”. 


In November 2014, the People of the United States elected the Republicans to the Majority in both Houses of Congress to stop the destruction of the Constitution of the United States of America and to reset the path on which we were moving at high speed.  Instead, the Republican Party has proven that they are no better than the Party they replaced.  Their only desire is to remain in power and to serve themselves than to serve the People who elected them.

The fate of Our Nation is up to each of us!  We made our decision in November 2014 to stand and fight rather than surrender Our Rights and Future to a dictatorship that sucks the very life out of us and our descendants.  The people that we elected are working just as hard to snuff out the Flame of Freedom for which so many Patriots and Heroes have bled and died as the Democrats.  The Founders are looking at today’s United States from the safety of the past and are most likely wondering what in the Hell has gone wrong with the government they set up.


Freedom or Slavery?

Your Choice!    

Sunday, October 26, 2014


The Death of A Nation, Part II


Opinion by Martin


In just a few days, we go to the polls to vote in the 2014 Mid-Term Elections and nothing could be more important for the future of our Nation.

On one hand, you have the Democrat Party which has become nearly totalitarian in its outlook on American Life.

On the other hand, you have the Republican Party which has become a party of establishment wusses who are afraid of their own shadow and fear speaking out because they might be labeled “Racist” and lose their piece of the largesse that fall from the bureaucracy’s table.

However, if you don’t vote, then you surrender all Rights to complain about the direction of the Nation because you refused to at least make an attempt to put the brakes on runaway spending, open borders, and a totally egotistical President who may or may not be an American citizen.

If you don’t vote, you are complicit in the destruction of the Vision of the Founders who gave us our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  You are complicit in allowing the Greatness that was the United States to be hollowed out and left on the ash heap of history, its bones to be picked over by petty “United Nations” dictators and murderous thugs pretending to represent a religion.

November 4th, 2014 is a Tuesday and many of us will be at work trying to make ends meet, to feed our families and pay our bills.  To make it through to Wednesday.  But Tuesday, November 4th, 2014 is a day that needs to be marked in Red on your calendar because it will either spell a change in direction for our Nation or it will be more of the same oppressive laws, rules and regulations out of Washington, DC.
Because I live in Colorado, I have already voted!

I hope you do because we do not have much time left otherwise.

Freedom or Slavery?

Your Choice!   

Sunday, September 21, 2014


(With apologies to Barry Mcguire)


Opinion by Martin


If you remember the song “Eve of Destruction”, it talks about the fighting in the Middle East and around the world.  The song came out during the Viet Nam War and I thought it rather appropriate although I felt that we must stop the spread of Communism, but what I didn’t realize is that while we were fighting on foreign soil, the Communists were working feverishly here in the United States to take over one of our political parties. 

They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams by capturing the Democrat Party.


The difference between today’s Democrat Party and the US Communist Party is miniscule at best.  The Communist Party is still represented by a Hammer and Sickle and the Democrat Party is represented by a Jackass.  Except for the title at the top of the page, the two parties share a common political platform that calls for the disarmament of the American Citizenry, destruction of the Constitution and subjugation of the People to an ever-increasing governmental bureaucracy that controls every part of your life from the day you are born to the day you die.  The Democrats aren’t quite that obvious about this, but they are working very hard at destroying your Rights.


To be honest, the Republican Party as it exists today is not the Party it was a few years back.  It has become Democrat-lite with plans to help the Democrat extinguish your Rights albeit on a slower schedule.


Today, we have war in the Middle East with Hamas and Hezbollah attacking Israel as they have done since 1948 when Israel became a legitimate Nation.  We have an organization called the Islamic State Iraq and Syria (ISIS) that has openly declared war on the Western Nations in Europe and the United States.


Today, we have a President who refuses to obey the Constitutional requirements of his position and has thrown open our Southern Border to illegal aliens, criminals, terrorists and expects the American People to accept this kind of criminality.


Yes, folks, Barry Mcguire’s song “The Eve of Destruction” was right on in the days when it first came out in 1965 and it is just as appropriate today as we watch our government set our once great Nation up to be destroyed as a world power and a place where “if you want to work and follow the rules, you will succeed”.  Today, those who have their hands out for “freebies” are receiving things that the workers can only dream of and our enemies are closing in as our government does nothing to protect the Homeland except list Citizens as Enemies.


We are truly on the Eve of Destruction.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - A New Dictatorship, Part Two

Opinion by Martin


The present President of the United States has shown that he cares not for our Constitution, our Christian Heritage nor the History that has spanned 238 years.

Today, we have a Marxist President who is well on his way to destroying the United States and both Houses of Congress are complicit in this destruction.


A number of people are concerned that if they attack the President’s programs they’ll be called Racist.  They’re afraid that the media will attack them as some kind of ‘-phobe’.  People are afraid they’ll be called “un-American” because they support the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights and because they support Individual Rights as opposed to some sort of “Collective”. 


The present occupant of the White House and his cronies have decided that the Constitution, which came out of the Revolution and for which our Founders sacrificed their wealth, and in some cases, their lives to leave a tyrannical system of government where the king was the final arbiter of his laws is a worthless piece of paper. 

The Founders are looking at today’s United States from the safety of the past and are most likely wondering what in the Hell has gone wrong with the government they set up.


If Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner and other member of the Congress were in charge of corporations, they would be on trial for theft, mismanaging corporate funds and insider trading.  They have gotten rich by misusing money entrusted to them by, and stolen from, the People. 

Since Obama’s Inauguration in January 2009, a new dictatorship has been established in the world.  In this case, a bloodless coup by a minority of Elitists whose statist ideas have roots reaching back to the days of Rome and the Greek City-states.  A dictatorship that derives its marching orders from Marx-Lenin Theorists and would make the Soviet-era bosses proud by fulfilling a promise made by Nikita Khrushchev that “We will bury you!” 

The Republican Party, under the present leadership of Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, is absolutely no threat to the Obama Administration because they are little better than lapdogs sitting on the floor awaiting scraps from the table of power.  The Republican Establishment believes in big government and will work to attain that pinnacle without regard as to who is the President or which Party is in charge of the Country.  Besides, if you were in charge and actually did the job you were elected to do, you’d have to come up with some real ideas on how to govern rather than just point fingers and whine about the situation.

I am not a politician.  I am a Citizen of the United States of America and am appalled to see what has been done to my Country by self-serving, thieving criminals who are masquerading as Representatives and Senators.  To be sure, the indicators have been there, but I was too busy living my life to see them as were many other citizens.  And, there are those who stand up and fight against the petty dictators who have set up their fiefdoms in this committee or that “study group”, lining their pockets and those of their friends, with the taxpayer’s hard earned money.  But these brave souls, Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachmann, Marco Rubio and others are few and far between with the majority just going along for the ride, happy to receive their pay and perks while not actually having to work for a living.

In January 2009, the destruction of the Constitution of the United States of America was shifted into high gear by a person and a political party that has decided that remaining in power is more important to serve themselves and those who bankroll their ambitions than to serve the People who elected them.

The fate of Our Nation is up to each of us!  We must make a decision in this year 2014 to stand and fight or surrender Our Rights and Future to a dictatorship that sucks the very life out of us and our descendants.  In November 2014, you have the ability to strike a blow against tyranny, to reignite the Flame of Freedom for which so many Patriots and Heroes have bled and died.  From Bunker Hill through the mountains of Afghanistan the dead are calling to you to stand up and be counted that they have not died in vain.

Freedom or Slavery?

Your Choice!    

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Opinion by Martin


Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, your National Government has declared war on you!


From rules and regulations written by faceless, unelected bureaucrats to governmental agencies that have armed law enforcement wings including SWAT Teams and a bunch of elected officials that don’t really pay attention to what you want as long as they receive their pay and perks, You and Your Rights are under attack in every corner of this once Great Nation.


The Federal Government, “in the name of the People”, has seized land that belongs to the States and placed it “off limits” for you, as a Citizen to use because of some possibility that you might accidentally kill some little mouse that on one has seen in over 100 years or you might just cross into a private solar array or wind farm that was built on “Public” land by a quasi-governmental company that charges you for the use of the power, albeit miniscule, that is created by said solar arrays or wind farms.


The Federal Government has decided that the Constitution is unnecessary unless some government drone wishes to use it to take away Your Rights and Freedoms.  Look at the Bunkerville, NV Incident where armed employees of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) moved onto land surrounding Cliven Bundy’s ranch ostensibly to protect the Desert Tortoise and then drove over some of the Tortoise’s nesting areas. 


There is a debate going on in the States of New Mexico and California where the BLM and Forestry Service are restricting water to farmers because of a growing desire by the government to control the living area of people and the costs associated with the production of farming and ranching.  These restrictions are in line with the United Nations’ Agenda 21 which will control where and how you will live.


There is a stand-off in Utah over the use of “public lands” by ATVs using trails that pass near some ancient ruins because of vandalism and theft, but I have not heard what steps are being taken to protect the ruins other than closing it off to people other than hikers and horseback riders.


And then, you have the problems with the Border and illegal aliens.  One of the Constitutional requirements of the Federal Government is to protect the Legal residents of the United States upon which the government has reneged while suing States along the border which have tried to enforce the Federal Immigration Laws to slow or prevent the flow of illegal immigration.  And now, the Obama regime has released 36,000 criminal illegal aliens back into the general law-abiding citizenry.  These criminals were jailed for murder, rape, assault, drug activities and other crimes against humanity and now have been released “pending deportation” which requirement the Obama people have also ignored.


So, my friends, if you look at all of the evidence presented in the national media, on the internet and through alternative sources, you should come to the conclusion that your only role in the United States today is to pay the bills and keep quiet.  Dissent is not acceptable.


Freedom or Slavery?

Your Choice!


Thursday, April 17, 2014

THE U.S. ATTACKS THE UNITED STATES - If They Want to Have A War, Let It Begin Here

In April 1775, the Minute Men stood on the Lexington Green and faced the British Army with the opening shots of the Revolutionary War.  Men fell on both sides and the British retired down the road towards Boston chased by farmers, shop keepers, teachers and just regular folks who felt that they had specific Rights and that the English Crown had over stepped its bounds by passing exorbitant taxes, seizing property, arresting people without warrants and otherwise treating English subjects in the Colonies as Second-class citizens.

Today, in Nevada, the federal government is encroaching on publicly-owned state land which has been used for cattle grazing since the 19th Century.  Two hundred armed Bureau of Land Management and other officers are attempting to take over this property in order to “protect the Desert Tortoise” which has been tagged as endangered even though the tortoise has been declared a nuisance by locals because they reproduce rather rapidly and damage driveways, sidewalks, yards and foundations of houses due to burrowing.  It also appears that the Bureau of Land Management has been killing large numbers of the Desert Tortoise that they pretend to protect.


Armed American Citizens from other states have arrived in Nevada to interpose themselves between the federal officers and the Bundy Family.  The situation could have evolved into either a Ruby Ridge or Waco-type stand-off with people killed or wounded on both sides. 


As far as the Bunkerville, NV situation is concerned, the feds pulled out on April 12th after issuing a statement that allowed them to “save face” but the question is when will they return to complete their theft of American history, depriving future generations of seeing herds of cattle roaming the open range much as the buffalo hunters deprived generations of being able to see the herds of buffalo that once roamed the West.


I look at this as one of the first steps toward implementing the United Nations’ Agenda 21 which will completely strip the citizens of the world of private property that is outside of designated areas with access.  Agenda 21 is being supported by numerous members of both political parties because neither group actually represents the People of the United States any longer.  When this travesty has been completed, you won’t be allowed outside your designated compound except on guided tours like school children.


The American citizens are slowly awakening to the usurpation of their Constitutional Rights by an ever-encroaching government that demands more and more of your lives giving you less and less in return.


So 238 years ago this month, the Minutemen stood on Lexington Green facing the most powerful army in the world and gave us the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution which is now being destroyed by greedy politicians and special interest groups. 


Today, the United States Government may be the enemy, hypocritical, breaking the Constitutional Laws they are sworn to protect while calling average Citizens criminals because they stand on principle.  Harry Reid  has set the pattern of criminality be accusing Cliven Bundy and his supporters of breaking the law while amassing millions of dollars through questionable schemes that would put you and me in jail.


In April 1775, the Minute Men stood on the Lexington Green and faced the British Army with the opening shots of the Revolutionary War.  Much water has flown under that rude bridge since that morning and much blood has been shed by American Heroes who have died that you may sleep safely in your warms homes.


Quoting three rather famous people from history, one Greek, King Leonida, “Molon Labe” as he faced the Persian Army at Thermopylae in 480 BC, Captain John Parker at Lexington in 1775 “Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here!”, and BG Anthony McAuliffe when surrounded by the German Army at Bastogne “Nuts” when told to surrender.  


Are you willing to surrender to totalitarianism or are you going to stand and fight.


Saturday, March 1, 2014


Opinion by Martin


Today, we have a Marxist President who is well on his way to destroying the United States.

Today, we have an occupant of the White House who is denigrating the blood of heroes and the tears of mothers in his drive to turn Our Nation into a pale socialist copy of the failed States of Europe.

We have the politicians at all levels across Our Nation who span the spectrum from actual Populists to out and out Socialists and Communists as well as those members of Congress who pretend to be Republicans (RINOs) but who actually support all of the Democrat programs because they wish to remain in power with their titles, pay and perks, and those who just want to go along.

The present occupant of the White House and his cronies have decided that the Constitution, which came out of the Revolution and for which our Founders sacrificed their wealth, and in some cases, their lives to leave a tyrannical system of government where the king was the final arbiter of his laws is a worthless piece of paper. 

The Founders are looking at today’s United States from the safety of the past and most likely are wondering what in the Hell has gone wrong with the government they set up.

A number of people are concerned that if they attack the President’s programs they’ll be called Racist.  They’re afraid that the media will attack them as some kind of ‘-phobe’.  People are afraid they’ll be called “un-American” because they support the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights and because they support the Ideal of Individual Rights as opposed to some sort of “Collective”. 

On November 21, 2013, Harry Reid and the Communist (excuse me, Democrat) Party decided that “One Party Rule” worked in the old Banana Republics of Central America and would be accepted here in the United States because no one would stand against them.  So, Reid and the majority in the Senate handed Barack H. Obama a gift and exercised the so-called “Nuclear Option” severely limiting the ability of the minority, in this case, a few honest Congressmen, to block Leftist appointees to life-time office in the federal government.  In effect, the Senate Majority has handed Obama the keys to dictatorship and complete control of this once great Nation. 

On November 21, 2013, the Constitution of the United States of America was given one more tear in its fabric by a person and a political party that has decided that to remain in power is more important to serve themselves and those who bankroll their ambitions than to serve the People who elected them.
On November 21, 2013, a new dictatorship was established in the world.  In this case, a bloodless coup by a minority to establish a dictatorship of the Minority whose statist ideas have roots reaching back to the days of Rome and the Greek City-states.  A dictatorship that derives its marching orders from Marx-Lenin Theorists and would make the Soviet-era bosses proud by fulfilling a promise made by Nikita Khrushchev that “We will bury you!”  A dictatorship that sends out its proclamations from “on high” while trampling the Rights of the Individual underfoot. 

The Republican Party, under the present leadership of Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, is absolutely no threat to the Obama Administration because they are little better than lapdogs sitting on the floor awaiting scraps from the table of power.  The Republican Establishment believes in big government and will work to attain that pinnacle without regard as to who is the President or which Party is in charge of the Country.  Besides, if you were in charge and actually did the job you were elected to do, you’d have to come up with some real ideas on how to govern rather than just point fingers and whine about the situation.

I am not a politician.  I am a Citizen of the United States of America and am appalled to see what has been done to my Country by self-serving, thieving criminals who are masquerading as Representatives and Senators.  To be sure, the indicators have been there, but I was too busy living my life to see them as were many other citizens.  And, there are those who stand up and fight against the petty dictators who have set up their fiefdoms in this committee or that “study group”, lining their pockets and those of their friends, with the taxpayer’s hard earned money.  But these brave souls, Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachmann, Marco Rubio and others are few and far between with the majority just going along for the ride, happy to receive their pay and perks while not actually having to work for a living.

The fate of Our Nation is up to each of us!  We must make a decision this year 2014 to stand and fight or surrender Our Rights and Future to a dictatorship that sucks the very life out of us and our descendants.  In November 2014, you have the ability to strike a blow against tyranny, to reignite the Flame of Freedom for which so many Patriots and Heroes have bled and died.  From Bunker Hill through the mountains of Afghanistan the dead are calling to you to stand up and be counted that they have not died in vain.

Freedom or Slavery?

Your Choice!