In April 1775, the Minute Men stood on the Lexington Green
and faced the British Army with the opening shots of the Revolutionary
War. Men fell on both sides and the British
retired down the road towards Boston chased by farmers, shop keepers, teachers
and just regular folks who felt that they had specific Rights and that the
English Crown had over stepped its bounds by passing exorbitant taxes, seizing
property, arresting people without warrants and otherwise treating English
subjects in the Colonies as Second-class citizens.
Today, in Nevada, the federal government is encroaching on publicly-owned
state land which has been used for cattle grazing since the 19th
Century. Two hundred armed Bureau of
Land Management and other officers are attempting to take over this property in
order to “protect the Desert Tortoise” which has been tagged as endangered even
though the tortoise has been declared a nuisance by locals because they
reproduce rather rapidly and damage driveways, sidewalks, yards and foundations
of houses due to burrowing. It also
appears that the Bureau of Land Management has been killing large numbers of
the Desert Tortoise that they pretend to protect.
Armed American Citizens from other states have arrived in
Nevada to interpose themselves between the federal officers and the Bundy
Family. The situation could have evolved
into either a Ruby Ridge or Waco-type stand-off with people killed or wounded
on both sides.
As far as the Bunkerville, NV situation is concerned, the
feds pulled out on April 12th after issuing a statement that allowed them to
“save face” but the question is when will they return to complete their theft
of American history, depriving future generations of seeing herds of cattle
roaming the open range much as the buffalo hunters deprived generations of
being able to see the herds of buffalo that once roamed the West.
I look at this as one of the first steps toward implementing
the United Nations’ Agenda 21 which will completely strip the citizens of the
world of private property that is outside of designated areas with access. Agenda 21 is being supported by numerous
members of both political parties because neither group actually represents the
People of the United States any longer.
When this travesty has been completed, you won’t be allowed outside your
designated compound except on guided tours like school children.
The American citizens are slowly awakening to the usurpation
of their Constitutional Rights by an ever-encroaching government that demands
more and more of your lives giving you less and less in return.
So 238 years ago this month, the Minutemen stood on
Lexington Green facing the most powerful army in the world and gave us the
Declaration of Independence and the Constitution which is now being destroyed
by greedy politicians and special interest groups.
Today, the United States Government may be the enemy,
hypocritical, breaking the Constitutional Laws they are sworn to protect while
calling average Citizens criminals because they stand on principle. Harry Reid has set the pattern of criminality be accusing
Cliven Bundy and his supporters of breaking the law while amassing millions of
dollars through questionable schemes that would put you and me in jail.
In April 1775, the Minute Men stood on the Lexington Green
and faced the British Army with the opening shots of the Revolutionary
War. Much water has flown under that
rude bridge since that morning and much blood has been shed by American Heroes
who have died that you may sleep safely in your warms homes.
Quoting three rather famous people from history, one Greek, King
Leonida, “Molon Labe” as he faced the Persian Army at Thermopylae in 480 BC, Captain
John Parker at Lexington in 1775 “Don't fire unless fired
upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here!”, and BG
Anthony McAuliffe when surrounded by the German Army at Bastogne “Nuts” when
told to surrender.
Are you willing to surrender to totalitarianism or are you
going to stand and fight.