Friday, February 13, 2015

THE RISE OF THE PHOENIX - The Next President

Opinion by Martin


Karl Rove, William Kristol, and their ilk should go away.  The Republican Establishment should retire with their ill-gotten gains to some Old Folks Home in Nebraska or Florida or Arizona and allow the base of the Party decide who the next Republican Candidates for State Legislature, Congress and finally President will be.


Going on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. and bragging about how they lost the 2012 Election by allowing a Left-wing Media to set the stage, choose the Republican Candidate, manipulate the lights, camera, and action and in the end, losing to a Socialist bent on destroying the Nation is just plain criminal. 


Already, the Main Stream Media with the help of the aforementioned Rove, Kristol and other so-called “Conservative” pundits are bad-mouthing Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and others who are potential, albeit undeclared, candidates for President in 2016.  They are digging around in the garbage, closets, flower garden to see if there are any hidden secrets that they can use destroy the chances against any Conservative who chooses to run.


The Republicans have a decision to make if they win in 2016.  Are they going to put on “big boy pants” and repair the damage done by Obama and his eight years of White House occupancy which means that they (the Republicans) would really have to become leaders and do something other than whine and point fingers?  The Republicans would have to straighten out the budget, secure the borders, pursue the “War on Terror”, identify our Friends and Foes and, actually stand for something which is quite obviously lacking right now.


The Republican Establishment has turned its back on the Conservative Wing of the Party in order to accommodate the desires of the Democrat Party and retain a portion of spoils left over from the carcass of the late, great United States into whose body both Parties have stuck knives, carved out sections, and left the remainder to rot.


The leaders of the Republican and Democrat Parties and their allies, the unions, should be arrested, tried and convicted for aggravated assault, rape and murder.  The victim?  The United States of America, her Declaration of Independence, her Constitution, and her Citizens.  If these organizations and their leadership were other countries, what they have done over the past 100 years would constitute an Act of War.  They would be taken away and either imprisoned or executed for their crimes. 


The next Republican Candidate should be chosen by the People, not some Establishment hacks who only wish to maintain their positions as “mouthpieces” who hang out on Sunday “News” shows and pretend to care about who actually leads the Nation and make policy as long as they get to talk about it.

The Phoenix will rise once again, but the present Establishment leaders with their allies in the Main Stream Media will be cast aside and forgotten as their policies and Presidential choices should be.  The future belongs to those who are willing to work for it, not for people who make a living off destruction and the “spoils of war”.