Wednesday, July 29, 2015

THE ENEMY HAS BREACHED THE WALLS - Campaign 2016 – Freedom or Slavery

Opinion by Martin



We are entering another “Crazy Time”. 

A time when the politicians attempt to convince you that he or she has the answer to the problems facing us due to the failures of the previous administration.

Right now, the people who are asking for your vote to become the next President range from Republican Establishment standard bearers like Jeb Bush through a serious maverick like Donald Trump with a whole gamut of opinions and experiences in between.  And this is just on the Republican side of the ledger.  The Democrat side brings us Leftists, Leftists, and more Leftists with avowed Alinskyite Hillary Clinton, a failed Mayor of Baltimore and Governor of Maryland, Martin O’Malley and a self-described Socialist Bernie Sanders who has accomplished absolutely nothing as a Senator.  Then, waiting in the wings, you have the sitting Vice President Joe Biden (the crazy uncle), Elizabeth Warren (bogushantas) and John Kerry (who believes he will get a Nobel Peace Prize for setting the world on the path to World War III).


Over the past seven years, we have seen the complete destruction of the American way of life with people losing their jobs, their homes and their dreams while government grows ever larger and encompasses more and more of your lives on a daily basis.  We have seen the Presidency turned into a “Never, Neverland of Third World Despotism” with Nero fiddling while the Nation Burns.  We have seen the complete surrender of Congressional Constitutional authority and prerogatives by a Congressional leadership that only wishes to maintain status for themselves and their cronies while attempting to crush any opposition wishing to actually do the “People’s Business.


In a couple of weeks, we will have 10 Republican Presidential hopefuls standing on a stage attempting to convince you that he or she should receive your support to face the Communist (excuse me, Democrat) candidate in November 2016.  Each one of the potential candidates will have to spell out their ideas for the future of the Nation and give you reasons to vote for them when facing the opponent in the Presidential Election just 16 months away.


Now is the time to become familiar with the positions of the candidates, to understand what their desires are and in which direction that person wishes to take this Country – will we head back toward world supremacy once again or continue on down the road to UN domination and loss of sovereignty to a bunch of Third World Dictators who would have more say over your lives with zero input from you or your “elected representatives”? 
It is appalling to me how many people have already surrendered themselves to the “inevitable” takeover of their Rights by an out of control federal government; how many of our citizens have already consigned themselves to become sheep in a pen waiting to be slaughtered at the whims of the Rulers, the Elites and their chosen supplicants.

What a twist of fate, that a Nation conceived in Liberty and dedicated to God, should turn its back on both within the same generation.  To destroy from within, two of the most important documents ever written by Man, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.  To have people on all sides of the political spectrum taking the Noble Dream of the Founding Fathers and tearing it apart in the name of self-interest and greed.  

There is enough blame to go around, the Liberals who wish to control your soul and tell you how to live your lives, the environmentalists who wish man did not exist on this planet (where would they be?), and some capitalists who think only of their profits and not what is being done to the environment and those who work for them.


In 16 months, we go to the polls to elect a President and numerous Congressmen and Senators.  These people work for us!  It is up to each of you, the Citizens of these United States to make a decision as to our future.  We don’t have much time left to make the decision as to whether or not our Republic will survive as a Nation, or just become another footnote in history, a dream that failed?


Freedom or Slavery! 

It is your choice! 



Thursday, July 9, 2015

Good Morning, America!!

You’re Screwed!


Opinion by Martin


Back in 2013, I commented on several things that I felt were going wrong with Our Nation under the title “Good Morning, America”.  Well, in my opinion, things have gotten worse.


Among other things, the five members of the Supreme Court have placed themselves above God by declaring that homosexuals have the “Right” to marry and that there is nothing the average citizen can do about it.  A baker in Oregon has been fined $135,000 because they refused to bake a “wedding” cake for a lesbian couple and, the State has told them that they cannot discuss this in the context of their Religious Beliefs.

One day prior to this ruling, six members of that same Court decided that a completely unconstitutional piece of legislation called “Obamacare” would stand as “Law of the Land” until, if and when, Congress decides that they have had enough and brings the entire criminal act to a screeching halt and rejects the Affordable Care Act (which isn’t).


Since 2013, several cities around the United States have become war zones because the “rulers” of those particular cities feel that the “Rights” of the mob are more important than the Rights of the Taxpayer.  Ferguson, New York City, Baltimore, Detroit and several others are “under siege” because the Communist (excuse me, Democrat) “rulers” have decided that the police don’t have any reason to arrest criminals which of course led to the shooting of a young woman in San Francisco at the hands of a criminal illegal alien who had been arrested for 7 different felonies and deported 5 times.  But no politician from the Rabble rouser in Chief down through Al Sharpton and many other politicians appear to care about the person footing the bill for all of this lawlessness and destruction.


And, on top of everything else, we, as a Nation, are on the verge of bankruptcy.  We have gone from a Nation that provided the majority of war materials to fight World War II to a nation that imports the most consumer goods from Third World Nations and would be lucky to defend our own shoreline if attacked.  We have gone in less than eight years from the Nation who placed a Man on the Moon, enacted Civil Rights for all citizens and fought a war in Viet Nam (lost by cowardly politicians in Washington, DC) in one decade (the Sixties) to a pauper Nation afraid of its own shadow and ruled by any minority group who can locate a lawyer or special interest organization to file a lawsuit.


We have a Congress, elected by the People, that no longer responds to the Electorate.  We have a Judiciary which has become part of the Legislative Branch.  We have a President who believes that he does not have to respond to anyone and is working feverishly at giving away our Sovereignty to the United Nations or any number of countries from whom we have borrowed money.  AND, we have an unelected bureaucracy in any number of alphabet departments, agencies, bureaus, committees, etc. who feel that they know how to spend your money through rules, regulations and laws that Congress never vote on, much less see or read.


So, Good Morning, America!  You’re Screwed! 

Unless you, as a Nation of People, decide that enough is enough and you take back your Country through becoming informed about the people that you send to State Legislatures, the National Congress and, above all, elect to the Presidency.


Just my opinion.
