Opinion by Martin
As long as I can remember the politicians up for election/reelection have been telling the Citizens that “if you vote for me, I’ll fix the problems that have been created by the politicians.” Then they get sent to the State Capital or Washington, DC and immediately ignore what they said on the campaign trail. It makes no difference to which party the politician belongs, they both lie to you.
My first foray into politics was when I worked to get Barry Goldwater elected in 1964. He was running against a legendary liar named Lyndon Baines Johnson who promised not to send American sons and daughters to Southeast Asia to fight in a place called Viet Nam, all the while his administration was ramping up the numbers of troops there. Goldwater’s main mistake was telling people that he would “bomb the North Vietnamese back to the Stone Age” which gave Johnson’s campaign all of the ammunition they needed to win the election. And, immediately start sending Americans to die in a war that ultimately killed 53,000+ soldiers without a victory of any kind.
The last war that the American military actually won was World War II after that, we have had Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan and numerous small conflicts that wound up being “lost” by the same politicians that started them to distract from problems they have created here at home in the United States.
Whether You are a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, aren’t involved in politics at all, or are a member of a “fringe” group, it is up to You to keep after the politicians that are elected to remind them that they represent You, that no matter which party You belong to, You are a Constituent and your point of view deserves to be heard.
I have sent emails to local, and national, politicians with a point of view and been told that I am not a constituent. That is so wrong! When a politicians is elected to an office, whether local, state, or national, that person now represents all Americans, all Voters, all Citizens. True, he/she may be from Colorado, Texas, Arizona, or another state, but if You as an American Citizen have a question to ask the Representative from Michigan about a bill before that person’s committee, then You have the Right to ask your question and You deserve an answer, not an email saying that the Representative does not represent You.
November 2012 is Your chance to take Your government back.
November 2012 is Your chance to send a message that the politician works for You, not the other way around.
November 2012 is most likely the Last Chance that You will have to tell the politicians and bureaucrats that the Declaration of Independence is the Vision Statement for the United States of America and the Constitution is the Operating Manual.