Tuesday, April 24, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Zombies have arrived


Opinion by Martin

 As we look through movie history, we have been either thrilled or scared half to death with the stories about zombies, the undead who return to maim and add others to their ranks as they amble through the story before finally being dispatched by the hero and his/her friends.

Today we have a real group of zombies.  Masquerading as the Democrat Party they have worked for years in subterranean darkness to build up the numbers needed to make an impact on the living.  The zombies include union thugs, criminals pretending to be social organizations, long dead walking Civil Rights icons who are still looking for their next big score and finally, the United Nations, a group of mad “scientists” who pretend to be diplomats wishing to take over the world, bending its citizens to their will.

Since the election of Obama in 2008, they have been able to walk among us on the surface streets of the Nation terrorizing the general population into submission and working to suborn our National Pride to a government gone rogue that uses dictatorial powers while not even pretending to respect the Founding Documents that created our Country.

Today we have no heroes who will dispatch the zombie hordes.  You, the citizen, are the hero.  You must put on your white hat and drag these undead creatures into the light of day where the powers of darkness are diluted.  You, the voters must band together to turn back the tides of evil and allow Reagan’s “shining city on the hill” to stand once more as a beacon of freedom.

It is up to you!  Either stand and fight or surrender to the forces of evil and succumb to the zombies who wish to destroy your lives and subvert your will to the “dark side”.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Opinion by Martin

Throughout the years before the birth of the United States, royal families and their minions have attempted to strip the citizens of kingdoms and nation-states of the weapons that could be used against them and for the most part, they have succeeded.  We could wander through history and pinpoint numerous situations where the monarchy or government was overthrown by force of arms, but that would also be offset by the times where an armed citizenry had assisted the government in the defense of their country.

In Europe, the ruler, whether an actual royal family or someone who took over the power of government, would provide protection for the subjects who tended the fields and, when required, formed the bulwark of the military forces facing incursions by others whether a military organization intent on taking over and expanding a neighboring kingdom, or a band of outlaws robbing travelers.  At any rate, except when needed for defense, most heavy weapons were kept locked up in the castle or at the location that served as the central government for that particular area.  The majority of the population, mainly farmers and tradesmen, had light armament at home – swords, spears, and bows that could be used for self defense or hunting when allowed.

With the invention of the gun, a man on foot with minimal training could defeat an armored knight who had years of practice and thus a new threat to the status quo developed.  Immediately the “powers that be” decided that this was a threat that had to be stopped before it got out of hand and so began to think of ways to convince the citizenry that guns were dangerous to the individual.  It worked in most of Europe with peasants only allowed light weapons for hunting.  Then came the United States.

As Europeans populated the Western Hemisphere, they found that they needed weapons for self defense as well as hunting.  As the years went by, the colonies created militias to provide a first line of defense against the natives, outlaws and the French (or British, depending on which side you were on).  But as the colonies expanded and began to move towards Independence, the needs for weapons were discussed, the Right to Own and Keep Arms became codified in the Constitution of the new Nation, much to the disgust of people who felt that the government would provide the defense of the citizens.

Today, there are groups who believe that the Constitution is a document that can be changed at the whim of a politician or judge with a “God-complex” who feels that since taking office he/she is no longer bound by the desires of the people who put him there, whether elected or appointed.  Throughout the history of the United States, there have been groups that wished to overturn the Second Amendment of the Constitution and disarm the citizens.  Onto the scene have come the “Brady Bunch”, Mayor Bloomberg of New York, and the media, as well as others who have no desire to let the facts of gun ownership get into the way of their agenda which is to disarm the citizens and only allow the government and criminals to possess weapons.  Again, you can look at Europe and other countries that have national gun control, the rate of crime rises exponentially with the imposition of laws against gun ownership.

A gun is a tool!  It is no different than a knife, baseball bat, hammer or chain saw.  When a gun is sitting on a shelf, loaded or not, there is no chance that it will decide on its own to leave the shelf and kill or maim someone.  There has to be a person who intends to use a gun to commit a crime to walk to the shelf, pick up the gun and shoot someone else.  The same goes for the knife, baseball bat, hammer or chain saw.  If someone wishes to kill or maim someone else, there will be a weapon available even if it is the criminal’s own feet or fists. 

I have been a member of the National Rifle Association since 1955 and absolutely support the Second Amendment to the Constitution which allows the citizenry to keep and bear arms.  The only restriction on the Right should be criminal conviction in which a weapon of some type was used.  There are background checks required for those purchasing from licensed dealers but, as a citizen, I should be able to purchase and give a weapon to a friend or loved one as a gift.

I believe that it is very disingenuous for the Bloomberg organization – Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) to feed European newspapers their misleading “facts” and “figures” to create gun-free and criminal-rich environments in the United States.  As long as the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights stand, American citizens will be Free Men and not subject to the whims of an out of control bureaucracy masquerading as a government.   

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Opinion by Martin

Today is Easter Sunday 2012 and the battle for the hearts and souls of the American People is in full swing with some politicians promising Easter Eggs and Candy in return for your vote and others threatening your ability to make a living and support your family if you don’t “give your fair share”.

On Easter Sunday, mankind is supposed to remember that Jesus was crucified by Roman soldiers as an “Enemy of the State” and, after three days, he rose from the mausoleum in which he was interred to sit at the Right Hand of God, His Father.

However, the world today is in turmoil with internecine warfare that threatens to engulf the planet with death and destruction and a victory for Evil.  With Fundamentalists of all stripes wanting you to believe that “their God is the only God” and even Atheists believing that their “Religion of Nothing” is supreme, that your God is wrong and you don’t have the right to worship as you wish.
Today is Easter Sunday 2012 and the battle for the hearts and souls of the People of the World is in full swing with some leaders promising Easter Eggs and Candy in return for your support and others threatening to kill you and your families if you don’t submit to their rule.

It is your choice! 

Freedom or Submission! 
Good or Evil! 
God or Satan!

Monday, April 2, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Achievers vs The Recipients

An Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.
I found the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses and the Lack of Vision.  It was broken by the dying off of the Achievers, the destruction of the Great Engine of Production, and the rise of the Recipients.

Many years ago, I was told by a wise lady that the “gimme” generation was her fault because having lived through the Great Depression, the people of her day decided that their children and grandchildren would not have to face this type of problem again.  So they built a Great Engine of Production that created wonderful dreams to be passed on.  They became the Achievers.  Some of the Achievers were altruistic and some were greedy.  Some Achievers dreamed for mankind and some for themselves.  But they achieved and the Great Engine of Production hummed and produced goods and services.  Unfortunately, that generous generation, the Achievers screwed up.  They forgot that when you give things without collecting some form of payment, a mentality of indifference is born.  They created the Recipients.

As time moved on, the Achievers passed from the scene leaving the Great Engine of Production working and producing goods and services, but no one had bothered to learn how to operate and maintain the Engine.  The system that produced so many wondrous began to falter from lack of maintenance.  Other countries began to fill the need for goods and services with cheap imitations but, at a much slower pace than the Recipients demanded.  With the Achievers gone, and none of the Recipients having learned how to run the Great Engine of Production, the Recipients now turned to the government to demand that the products and services generously provided by the Achievers be guaranteed by the one organization which can produce nothing except empty promises and vacuous platitudes.  The Achiever and his Great Engine of Production had become an endangered species, a vanishing dream.

Are you an Achiever or a Recipient? 
Do you wish to be part of the Solution or are you part of the Problem?

If you are an Achiever, you will work for the restoration of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  You will work to restore the Government of the People, By the People and For the People. 
If you are a Recipient, you will continue to whine for the government to place demands on others so that you may have a lifestyle that you have not worked for at someone else’s expense.