Tuesday, April 24, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Zombies have arrived


Opinion by Martin

 As we look through movie history, we have been either thrilled or scared half to death with the stories about zombies, the undead who return to maim and add others to their ranks as they amble through the story before finally being dispatched by the hero and his/her friends.

Today we have a real group of zombies.  Masquerading as the Democrat Party they have worked for years in subterranean darkness to build up the numbers needed to make an impact on the living.  The zombies include union thugs, criminals pretending to be social organizations, long dead walking Civil Rights icons who are still looking for their next big score and finally, the United Nations, a group of mad “scientists” who pretend to be diplomats wishing to take over the world, bending its citizens to their will.

Since the election of Obama in 2008, they have been able to walk among us on the surface streets of the Nation terrorizing the general population into submission and working to suborn our National Pride to a government gone rogue that uses dictatorial powers while not even pretending to respect the Founding Documents that created our Country.

Today we have no heroes who will dispatch the zombie hordes.  You, the citizen, are the hero.  You must put on your white hat and drag these undead creatures into the light of day where the powers of darkness are diluted.  You, the voters must band together to turn back the tides of evil and allow Reagan’s “shining city on the hill” to stand once more as a beacon of freedom.

It is up to you!  Either stand and fight or surrender to the forces of evil and succumb to the zombies who wish to destroy your lives and subvert your will to the “dark side”.

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