Sunday, May 27, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Agenda 21 – The Destruction of the Free World

Opinion by Martin

In the Middle Ages, most people lived in small villages that, for the most part, were part of a kingdom or some other type of territory controlled by a strongman.  These people did not travel far from their village unless they were moved either by their “patron” or taken as “spoils of war”.  Today, there is a new threat to your sovereignty, the United Nations and Agenda 21, a plan for land management that will take from you the Right to Private Property and is an attempt to place you back into small villages where you can be controlled by a governmental appointee.  The plan creates small suburbs with access to transportation hubs that will supposedly take you from your home in the morning to whatever job that you have and return you to your home in the evening.  This village will be built around a “village square” with hospitals where you will be born and received government approved healthcare, shops selling approved goods where you spend your money, small restaurants serving approved meals and cemeteries where you will be buried after you’ve lived out your usefulness.  The link below will take you to the United Nation’s Agenda 21 – Draft, International Covenant on Environment and Development, Fourth Edition: Updated Text

You do have choices, you can surrender your life to a world government which will demand that the “Haves” pay for everything while the “Have-nots” receive everything for free owing only their allegiance to the United Nations and its officials.  Anyone who resisted would most likely be moved to “re-education camps” to be “taught” about the virtues of living in a world based on slavery.  OR, you can refuse to accept this type of control by demanding that your elected representatives are made aware of the plans of the would-be dictators at the United Nations and Agenda 21.

The final step in this process would be actual armed resistance and everything that activity entails, death, destruction, and “to the victors belong the spoils”.  All that you have worked for in your life – your family, home, work, and money would be gone.  If you survived, you would most likely be hunted by authorities, maybe arrested, jailed, exiled, or executed.  If this sounds like the times of King George and the British Crown vs. the American Colonies, you would be right.  The majority of the citizenry would be content to let the chips fall where they may and take governmental largesse at the expense of liberty and self determination while a few would want to resist at all costs.

This November, YOU as a citizen will possibly have a last chance to make a statement against a government that may be willing to sell YOUR Declaration of Independence, YOUR Constitution and YOUR God-given Rights to the United Nations and an international consortium of dictators.  This is YOUR CHOICE – SLAVERY OR FREEDOM!! 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

COLORADO POLITICS 2012 - “It’s the Economy, Stupid”

Opinion by Martin

As I have stated in previous blogs, “all politics are local!”

If you don’t believe me, take a look at California where the local politics under a Democrat Governor and Legislature have driven the once great State to the brink of insolvency.

As three-time elected Governor Jerry Brown likes to point out, the California economy is the 7th largest economy in the world which means that when the citizens run out of money to grab, it will be one hell of a collapse, much larger than Greece.

When you look at Colorado, we have a Democrat Governor who is attempting to rule against the Will of the majority of state residents to curry favor with California expatriates who wish to bring the standard of living in this State down to what they were used to in California with a whole bunch of “freebies” and “benefits” paid for by our Taxpayers.

Governor John Hickenlooper is asking us to pay increased taxes to provide for in-state tuition and health benefits for illegal aliens, same sex marriages and other special interests that represent extreme points of view and subservience to an out of control federal government led by Barack H. Obama.

RINO politicians in the State Legislature who, with the Democrats, backed “Cap and Trade” in 2010, “Amycare” in 2011, and other job killing legislation are leading our great State down the path of California with higher and higher taxes and “fees” (a buzz word for taxes) must be removed from office before they can completely destroy our economy.

This is your job as residents of the State of Colorado.  Just say “NO!” to the people who have moved here from California and other states, who have brought the Left-leaning, Liberal beliefs that you can have a “free lunch” and send the bill to our taxpayers.

Remember that you hold the “keys to the Kingdom” in your hand when you vote in November.  Will you take a stand for Colorado, or will you allow our State to go down the same path as the Late Great State of California?    

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.
I found that the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, Big Businesses, and by elements of Big Government with an agenda, and the People without an understanding of why all politics are local.

When you look at the Electorate today, the majority feel that if you just sit back and do nothing, everything will work out for the best.  They really don’t understand that the Vision Statement for the United States is the Declaration of Independence and the Operating Manual is The Constitution.

Our Republic is like a garden that requires constant care to flourish and expand.  The Democrat Party and Liberals understand this and know that all they have to do is to wait out the people and they will be able to poison the Garden of Freedom, killing the plants that our Founders so carefully laid out.  The Left wants you to think that their way of handing out all services for “free” to anyone who asks for the goodies is what all Americans want, when actual polling points out that the opposite is true.

All politics are local because as the primary citizens who live in your neighborhood, village, town or city, you have the most impact on the people who are elected at this level such as school and library boards, etc.    Once you have the mayor and city council responding to your wishes, you can then expand your wishes and desires to the County in which you live and then, the State and Federal Governments.  But, each individual must realize that it takes ALL of the citizens working together to achieve the desired goals.  To state that you are for a piece of legislation or person running for office is not enough.  You must work for that person, put up yard signs, ring door bells, make phone calls and talk with your neighbors to make that legislation law, or get your candidate elected.

Right now!  Today!  This Nation is in great trouble!  There is a would-be dictator at the wheel and he is driving us down the road to destruction!  Now is the time to support the candidates at the local level who are going to stand up against this person and tell him that he does NOT have the right to destroy 237 years of Independence.  He is NOT a king!  He is just a petty politician tied to union thugs and international criminals based in the United Nations. 

This November, We the Citizens, working together can save our Nation from this debacle, but we have to work together!