Sunday, May 20, 2012

COLORADO POLITICS 2012 - “It’s the Economy, Stupid”

Opinion by Martin

As I have stated in previous blogs, “all politics are local!”

If you don’t believe me, take a look at California where the local politics under a Democrat Governor and Legislature have driven the once great State to the brink of insolvency.

As three-time elected Governor Jerry Brown likes to point out, the California economy is the 7th largest economy in the world which means that when the citizens run out of money to grab, it will be one hell of a collapse, much larger than Greece.

When you look at Colorado, we have a Democrat Governor who is attempting to rule against the Will of the majority of state residents to curry favor with California expatriates who wish to bring the standard of living in this State down to what they were used to in California with a whole bunch of “freebies” and “benefits” paid for by our Taxpayers.

Governor John Hickenlooper is asking us to pay increased taxes to provide for in-state tuition and health benefits for illegal aliens, same sex marriages and other special interests that represent extreme points of view and subservience to an out of control federal government led by Barack H. Obama.

RINO politicians in the State Legislature who, with the Democrats, backed “Cap and Trade” in 2010, “Amycare” in 2011, and other job killing legislation are leading our great State down the path of California with higher and higher taxes and “fees” (a buzz word for taxes) must be removed from office before they can completely destroy our economy.

This is your job as residents of the State of Colorado.  Just say “NO!” to the people who have moved here from California and other states, who have brought the Left-leaning, Liberal beliefs that you can have a “free lunch” and send the bill to our taxpayers.

Remember that you hold the “keys to the Kingdom” in your hand when you vote in November.  Will you take a stand for Colorado, or will you allow our State to go down the same path as the Late Great State of California?    

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