Tuesday, June 26, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Demise of States Rights

Opinion by Martin

Yesterday (June 25, 2012) the Supreme Court of the United States struck a blow against State’s Rights by telling Arizona that they could not enforce laws of this Nation. 

Chief Justice John Roberts has shown that he is truly part of the establishment by siding with the Liberal faction on the Court and overturning three of four parts of Arizona SB 1070.  The three parts of the law that were stricken were already on the books as Federal Law and not enforced by the Obama regime.  Below are the United States Code Sections that were included in the Arizona SB 1070.

1)      8 USC 1304(e): Personal possession of registration or receipt card; penalties. Every alien, eighteen years of age and over, shall at all times carry with him and have in his personal possession any certificate of alien registration or alien registration receipt card issued to him pursuant to subsection (d) of this section. Any alien who fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction for each offense be fined not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. 

2)      8 USC 1306 (a): Willful failure to register. Any alien required to apply for registration and to be fingerprinted in the United States who willfully fails or refuses to make such application or to be fingerprinted, and any parent or legal guardian required to apply for the registration of any alien who willfully fails or refuses to file application for the registration of such alien shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not to exceed $1,000 or be imprisoned not more than six months, or both.)

Now, on the heels of the Supreme Court Ruling, the Obama regime has suspended an agreement that gives federal assistance to Arizona Law Officers handling suspected illegal aliens.  What this means is that Arizona could become today’s version of the Wild West and a “freeway for border crossers”.   The arrogance of the Obama administration to absolutely deny that the States have the Right to defend their residents while the Federal government refuses to uphold the Constitution of the United States is appalling.

It appears that now is the time for the People of the United States to demand the Constitution be enforced and that the 10th Amendment must be the highest priority against an outlaw regime that never believed it was responsible to the majority of the citizens of this Nation and has proven it through petulant behavior against Arizona. 

If Obama and his band of criminals can change the law to suit their objectives of the moment, as demonstrated with the attack on Arizona, what can they do to you as an individual.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Opinion by Martin

It is very interesting that the U.N. Climate Organization which wishes to change the basic ways in which you live your everyday through fallacious science about Global Warming has submitted paperwork to be granted immunity against charges of conflict of interest, exceeding its mandate and other possible criminal activities in which it may become involved while destroying your lifestyle.

This organization is meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on June 20-23, 2012 to further expand its power throughout the world which includes driving toward the nations of the world toward total subservience to the United Nations through taxation, fees and transfer of wealth to UN organizations supposedly to bring all the “Third World Nations” into the 21st Century while bringing the standard of living in the manufacturing nations of the world down to level not seen since the Middle Ages.

The very interesting part about this whole situation is that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or UNFCCC is not part, was not to be part, of the U.N. system of organizations that has enjoyed diplomatic and legal immunities.  And now because of the scrutiny placed on the Great Global Warming Lie, the UNFCCC is scrambling to find ways to protect themselves as they go about the business of destroying you and your way of life.

My question is:  If Global Warming is “settled science” and everything that these people are doing is accepted by the majority of the people of the United States and the rest of the world, then why should they need diplomatic or legal immunity?  Could it be that they realize that people are starting to understand that their entire organization is built on a foundation of lies and that there is a possibility they could be prosecuted for theft on a scale that makes the US Congress and Bernie Madoff look like cheapskates?

Is it possible that this band of thieves busily stripping the First World Nations of their wealth, not to help other nations, but to line their own pockets and those of their chosen supporters and contractors?  I am not saying that all workers are dishonest, there are those who believe that there are problems in the world, because it is a fact.  There are problems with getting food, medicines, and water to people in undeveloped countries as well as parts of the world that are “civilized” such as Detroit, Michigan and other large cities. 

What I believe is that with very few exceptions, the United Nations is a criminal organization that is totally dedicated to stripping the world of its wealth and subjugating its population to a life of subservience.   It is time to stop an organization that puts the Mafia to shame as far as criminality is concerned and, if allowed to succeed, will use the same strong arm tactics to consolidate its gains.  The United Nations and it merry band of petit dictators should be dissolved, all of its “diplomats”: should be stripped of their immunity and sent packing back to the caves and huts from whence they came. 

Demand that your Congressman/woman, whether Republican or Democrat take steps to force the United Nations out of the United States and the United States out of the United Nations.

Monday, June 11, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Arrogance of Obama - 2012

On Graduation Day 2012, at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, the President spoke at the Commencement and completely ruined that day by leaving before, and delaying, the scheduled fly-over by the Thunderbirds.  Because of his plans to go to Denver for a fund raiser, the Thunderbirds were forced to cut short their aerial display because of lack of fuel.

On Memorial Day 2012, the Viet Nam Wall in Washington, DC was closed from 0900 – 1500 so that the President could speak for about 15 minutes.  During this time, former soldiers were denied the chance to visit those who sacrificed so that the tainted Presidency of Obama could pretend to honor those that he despises.

This arrogance of one man who has single-handedly destroyed the economy of the United States, who has gone around the world whining and complaining about the American soldiers who have given their lives to give freedom to millions who otherwise would be living under dictatorships.

In 2008, the voters of the United States elected a man to the Office of the Presidency who holds our great Nation in total disdain and has done everything possible to destroy our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. 

Obama has violated his Oath of Office, attempted to rule by fiat, refused to accept the fact that there are three Branches of Government and complained that he is forced work with people who have little or no idea about how “his policies can save the United States from Capitalism.”

In November, you have a chance to completely repudiate the arrogance of one man.  One man who refuses to recognize the significance of America and apologizes to the entire world for the greatness of the United States.  In November, send this anti-American destroyer back to the dictatorship and criminal element of Chicago from whence he came.