Sunday, June 17, 2012


Opinion by Martin

It is very interesting that the U.N. Climate Organization which wishes to change the basic ways in which you live your everyday through fallacious science about Global Warming has submitted paperwork to be granted immunity against charges of conflict of interest, exceeding its mandate and other possible criminal activities in which it may become involved while destroying your lifestyle.

This organization is meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on June 20-23, 2012 to further expand its power throughout the world which includes driving toward the nations of the world toward total subservience to the United Nations through taxation, fees and transfer of wealth to UN organizations supposedly to bring all the “Third World Nations” into the 21st Century while bringing the standard of living in the manufacturing nations of the world down to level not seen since the Middle Ages.

The very interesting part about this whole situation is that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or UNFCCC is not part, was not to be part, of the U.N. system of organizations that has enjoyed diplomatic and legal immunities.  And now because of the scrutiny placed on the Great Global Warming Lie, the UNFCCC is scrambling to find ways to protect themselves as they go about the business of destroying you and your way of life.

My question is:  If Global Warming is “settled science” and everything that these people are doing is accepted by the majority of the people of the United States and the rest of the world, then why should they need diplomatic or legal immunity?  Could it be that they realize that people are starting to understand that their entire organization is built on a foundation of lies and that there is a possibility they could be prosecuted for theft on a scale that makes the US Congress and Bernie Madoff look like cheapskates?

Is it possible that this band of thieves busily stripping the First World Nations of their wealth, not to help other nations, but to line their own pockets and those of their chosen supporters and contractors?  I am not saying that all workers are dishonest, there are those who believe that there are problems in the world, because it is a fact.  There are problems with getting food, medicines, and water to people in undeveloped countries as well as parts of the world that are “civilized” such as Detroit, Michigan and other large cities. 

What I believe is that with very few exceptions, the United Nations is a criminal organization that is totally dedicated to stripping the world of its wealth and subjugating its population to a life of subservience.   It is time to stop an organization that puts the Mafia to shame as far as criminality is concerned and, if allowed to succeed, will use the same strong arm tactics to consolidate its gains.  The United Nations and it merry band of petit dictators should be dissolved, all of its “diplomats”: should be stripped of their immunity and sent packing back to the caves and huts from whence they came. 

Demand that your Congressman/woman, whether Republican or Democrat take steps to force the United Nations out of the United States and the United States out of the United Nations.

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