is a group of people at all levels of politics from local through national who
are almost as dangerous to your political choices as the Democrats. That group of people is the Republican
men and women went to the best colleges and universities, entered some of the
best corporations and have worked to build the Republican Party into a second
tier organization that is best suited for whining about being the “back
benchers” in state legislatures and Congress instead of the national leaders
envisioned by Ronal Reagan.What I have seen are people who “represent” the Republican Establishment, (Karl Rove, Bill Kristol, and several other neoconservatives) attempt to derail the nominee of the Republican Party, Mitt Romney, in the struggle for the future of our Nation against the forces of darkness led by Barack Obama and the Democrat Party.
There are numerous citizens of our great Nation who believe that a third party would be best for the future of the country, I disagree because a third party would lead to more and more balkanization until our political system would resemble something akin to France where virtually every person is a political party and the only unified organizations are the Socialist Party and the Muslims. Everyone else is adrift without any direction whatsoever. These citizens believe that the Republicans and the Democrats are in a battle to destroy what’s left of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights given to us by our Forefathers who had vision beyond the ages.
Declaration of Independence outlined the grievances against the King of England
and his Government who refused to recognize the Colonists Rights as loyal
subjects of the Crown. The numerous
grievances listed can easily be placed in a petition to the present day
government of the United States.
Constitution encoded this list of grievances in a document that placed the
Rights of the Citizen above the rights of the federal government and the First
Ten Amendments (the Bill of Rights) further limited the abilities of the
federal government to impact the lives of our citizens.
However, our
citizens become complacent, fat, dumb, and happy sitting on the couch waiting
for the government to explain the next changes to the Founding Documents and
how those changes will make our lives so much better and equal for all while eroding
the very Rights given to us in those documents.
blames one side or the other for all the wrongs in this Nation today. I can guarantee you that there is more than
enough blame to be placed at the feet of both Parties without throwing in the
Republican Establishment who actually side more often with the Democrats than
not just to preserve their tenuous grip on power within the Party that is now
being threatened by the Tea Party.
Republican Establishment is just as dangerous to the Declaration of
Independence, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights as the Democrats. It is up to you to change the leadership of
the Republican Party, to throw out the present leadership and establish new
leaders who will move the Republicans back to the Founding Documents and start us renewing the path of the Founders.