Friday, September 28, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Republican Establishment and What It Means to You

Opinion by Martin

There is a group of people at all levels of politics from local through national who are almost as dangerous to your political choices as the Democrats.  That group of people is the Republican Establishment.
These men and women went to the best colleges and universities, entered some of the best corporations and have worked to build the Republican Party into a second tier organization that is best suited for whining about being the “back benchers” in state legislatures and Congress instead of the national leaders envisioned by Ronal Reagan.

What I have seen are people who “represent” the Republican Establishment, (Karl Rove, Bill Kristol, and several other neoconservatives) attempt to derail the nominee of the Republican Party, Mitt Romney, in the struggle for the future of our Nation against the forces of darkness led by Barack Obama and the Democrat Party. 

There are numerous citizens of our great Nation who believe that a third party would be best for the future of the country, I disagree because a third party would lead to more and more balkanization until our political system would resemble something akin to France where virtually every person is a political party and the only unified organizations are the Socialist Party and the Muslims.  Everyone else is adrift without any direction whatsoever.  These citizens believe that the Republicans and the Democrats are in a battle to destroy what’s left of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights given to us by our Forefathers who had vision beyond the ages. 

The Declaration of Independence outlined the grievances against the King of England and his Government who refused to recognize the Colonists Rights as loyal subjects of the Crown.  The numerous grievances listed can easily be placed in a petition to the present day government of the United States. 
The Constitution encoded this list of grievances in a document that placed the Rights of the Citizen above the rights of the federal government and the First Ten Amendments (the Bill of Rights) further limited the abilities of the federal government to impact the lives of our citizens. 

However, our citizens become complacent, fat, dumb, and happy sitting on the couch waiting for the government to explain the next changes to the Founding Documents and how those changes will make our lives so much better and equal for all while eroding the very Rights given to us in those documents.
Everyone blames one side or the other for all the wrongs in this Nation today.  I can guarantee you that there is more than enough blame to be placed at the feet of both Parties without throwing in the Republican Establishment who actually side more often with the Democrats than not just to preserve their tenuous grip on power within the Party that is now being threatened by the Tea Party.

The Republican Establishment is just as dangerous to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights as the Democrats.  It is up to you to change the leadership of the Republican Party, to throw out the present leadership and establish new leaders who will move the Republicans back to the Founding Documents and start us renewing the path of the Founders.  

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Opinion by Martin

Very Interesting! 

Two weeks ago the United States Embassy in Cairo was attacked, its walls breached, Our Flag torn down and burned to be replaced by the flag of Al Qaeda.  The Obama Administration and  State Department apologized to the attackers.

Two weeks ago the United States Consulate in Benghazi was attacked, its walls breached, Our Ambassador was murdered along with three other Americans.  The Obama Administration and State Department apologized to the attackers.

There is a video running around the internet called “Innocence of Muslims” which no one had seen until it was brought to our attention by the apologies by the Obama Administration and a sorry excuse for a State Department and these attacks on our facilities. 

Now, because the Obama Administration and State Department has emphasized the “importance” of this fifth rate video, there are more anti-American demonstrations throughout the Muslim World.  The “Religion of Peace” has erupted into violence killing numbers of its own adherents.

What would happen if Christians rioted every time there was an attack on a member of the clergy, a religious icon, or a church?

What would happen if Jew rioted every time there was any attack on a rabbi, religious icon or temple?

Would the Obama Administration and State Department apologize to them for perceived transgressions against their Religions?  Somehow, I doubt it!  The Obama Administration would most likely support the attacks.

The Obama Administration has proven to be craven cowards when it comes to standing up for its allies, whether Christian or Jew against the enemies of the Western world while apologizing for assaults against the same Western world by forces of destruction and darkness.

This November is possibly your last chance to strike a blow for the United States and Freedom!

It is time for a change!  It is time to regain our Leadership position in the Free World.  It is time to remove Obama and his merry band of apologists from office forever.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Opinion by Martin

We are now less than a month and one half from the Presidential Election and I am not certain that the People will turn out the Socialist and anti-American who presently occupies the White House and elect someone who will work for the Country.

Barack Obama is an “Enemy of the State”!  He is hell-bent on destroying this Nation and is working with our enemies to do just that.  He is the Trojan Horse, loaded up with destructive ideas and backed by forces that range from the United Nations to our own State Legislators who have swallowed his lies and believe that by backing Obama, they will become part of the “Elite” who will rule what’s left of the United States when our sovereignty is completely compromised and we are left helpless before the Communists, Islamists and other groups which wish to pick apart the carcass of our once Great Nation.

There is mounting evidence that the attacks on our Embassy in Egypt and Consulate in Benghazi were planned in advance of September 11th and that the Obama Regime may have had warning of these attacks in advance and did nothing to bolster the security on either location.

Along with the destruction of our economy, military and foreign policies over the past three years, the final straw are these attacks on sovereign United States territory in a foreign nation with the Obama Regime wringing their hands and claiming that there was nothing they could have done to protect those locations or the four men who died representing our Nation.

Obama, Clinton, and the rest of this regime should be held criminally liable for this debacle and the Democrat Party along with the “Mainstream” press should be considered unindicted co-conspirators because they just sat around whining and complaining that the whole problem is George Bush’s fault.

There is enough blame to place at the feet of both political parties as they struggle, to the detriment of the American People, maintain their power.  An old style Soviet apparatchik would be proud of the machinations that both parties use to usurp Constitutional Powers that belong to the People, but we as Free Men and Women should be standing up to these creatures and start taking our Nation back.

It will be hard work: street by street, town by town, city by city, county by county and state by state until the politicians who have set themselves up a potentates understand that We! The People are in charge and that they work for us.  Cut the State and Federal Governments by 50% and except for the moaning of the bureaucrats who would actually have to work for their pay and benefits, the Nation would be better off.

Demand that your Congressmen/women adhere to the Constitution and their Oaths of Office.  If they refuse to listen, vote them out of office and replace them with someone who owes allegiance to the People, not a special interest group.  The People of the United States and the Constitution are the most important Special Interest Group and one that should be listened to.

It is up to each of you as to whether we go forward into the Light of Freedom and Reagan’s “Shining City on the Hill” or descend into the Darkness of Slavery and Third World status.

Friday, September 14, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Now is the Time to Stand and be Counted

Opinion by Martin

As you sit in the comfort of your home, eating your dinner, playing with the kids, and complaining to your wife or friends about the political situation in your state or in Washington, DC.  Remember that Election Day is just a few weeks away and you can vote to make changes in the political system.
Oh!  You’re not registered to vote?

Oh!  You don’t have time to stop by the polling place and cast your ballot?
Oh!  You don’t believe that your vote will make a difference anyway?

Then shut up and sit down because you don’t have a dog in this fight!  You are the reason our Nation is in the situation in which we find ourselves today.
The person occupying the White House is an apologizer who rivals Neville Chamberlain for pure stupidity as far as believing that talk can make a difference in the face of evil and hatred.  Wait a minute; you don’t know who Neville Chamberlain was?  Chamberlain was the Prime Minister of England prior to World War II.  He flew to Berlin, had a conference with Adolf Hitler, and returned to England with a document signed by Hitler promising that after he dismantled Czechoslovakia there would be no reason for war in Europe.  Hitler lied!

Today the United States and the Free World face an enemy as implacable as Hitler and Stalin ever were and much older.  The Islamic extremists that attacked our Embassy in Cairo and Consulate in Benghazi have over one thousand years of hatred on their side.  They actually believe in a world-wide Caliphate in which the Muslims will rule the entire civilized world and subjugating all peoples to their way of life.  And we have a President who either doesn’t believe that they are serious, or he is one of them!
Barack Hussein Obama has gutted our economy, our military, our Nation and you sit on your couch watching television, playing with your kids, talking with your friends and neighbors about the situation in the state or Washington, DC and complaining that there is nothing that you can do about it. 

Well, there is!  Get off your collective butts, register to vote!  Join a Liberty group like the 9/12ers, Liberty on the Rocks, Liberty First, or The Black Tea Party and make your voice heard today.  You don’t have much time before our Nation is completely destroyed from within.
Make a difference today!!  You are the difference and our future is up to you!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Opinion by Martin

With very few exceptions, the United States no longer has a Free Press in accordance with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. 

With the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt and the Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, the U.S. Press has proven that they, like the unions, are merely extensions to the Democrat Party.  Lapdogs to a President and Party that would rule this Nation and its People with the same arrogance and control as any commissar from the former Soviet Union or tin pot dictator from Africa or early Twentieth Century Central America.

The travesty that is presently taking place in North Africa and other parts of the Muslim world is by design and has been on display for the world to see since the Islamic warriors swept out of Mecca and Medina in the 7th Century conquering all of the land around the Mediterranean Sea up into Spain in the West and into Turkey and through the Balkans as far North as Southern Russia.  The Islamic sphere has moved as far East as Indonesia and into China covering Pakistan, Afghanistan and many of the other nations in the former Soviet Union. 

Where is our press in covering this attack on sovereign soil, they’re sitting behind their desks defending Obama and his failed policies by attacking the Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. 

Barack Hussein Obama, the present occupier of the White House is a re-creation of the 1930s British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and his “Peace in Our Time” speech to the British people after meeting with Adolf Hitler.  He spent the first year of his administration traveling around the world bowing to dictators and apologizing for the good that the United States has done for other countries.

Obama does not see how his posturing and apologizing for this Nation’s greatness shows a particular weakness in countries and among peoples who only understand power AND, he does not care.  All he seeks is the power granted to him by the Constitution of the Great Country as he works, along with his willing accomplices in media and the unions, to destroy the good works and history of this Nation.

But Obama could not succeed in his quest of destruction of the United States without his willing assistants in the media, those people who pretend to be objective while doing everything possible to support Obama and the Democrat Party’s war against the American Citizens, to destroy everything that has been built over 237 years.

In November, you must turn out this man and his destructive ways.