Sunday, September 23, 2012


Opinion by Martin

Very Interesting! 

Two weeks ago the United States Embassy in Cairo was attacked, its walls breached, Our Flag torn down and burned to be replaced by the flag of Al Qaeda.  The Obama Administration and  State Department apologized to the attackers.

Two weeks ago the United States Consulate in Benghazi was attacked, its walls breached, Our Ambassador was murdered along with three other Americans.  The Obama Administration and State Department apologized to the attackers.

There is a video running around the internet called “Innocence of Muslims” which no one had seen until it was brought to our attention by the apologies by the Obama Administration and a sorry excuse for a State Department and these attacks on our facilities. 

Now, because the Obama Administration and State Department has emphasized the “importance” of this fifth rate video, there are more anti-American demonstrations throughout the Muslim World.  The “Religion of Peace” has erupted into violence killing numbers of its own adherents.

What would happen if Christians rioted every time there was an attack on a member of the clergy, a religious icon, or a church?

What would happen if Jew rioted every time there was any attack on a rabbi, religious icon or temple?

Would the Obama Administration and State Department apologize to them for perceived transgressions against their Religions?  Somehow, I doubt it!  The Obama Administration would most likely support the attacks.

The Obama Administration has proven to be craven cowards when it comes to standing up for its allies, whether Christian or Jew against the enemies of the Western world while apologizing for assaults against the same Western world by forces of destruction and darkness.

This November is possibly your last chance to strike a blow for the United States and Freedom!

It is time for a change!  It is time to regain our Leadership position in the Free World.  It is time to remove Obama and his merry band of apologists from office forever.

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