Monday, December 31, 2012


Opinion by Martin

As we leave 2012 behind us and start the New Year, we face the greatest threat to our Constitutional Rights since the Progressive (read Socialist/Communist) Movement began in the U.S. in the early part of the last Century.

Since that time, the Left has turned every disaster that comes along into a campaign against your Constitutional Freedoms.  From hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, demonstrations, and shootings by people who are mentally unbalanced or politically, the Democrats and big government Liberals have turned them into "your fault".  They propose to close "loopholes" in your Constitution that will protect you against yourself.  Among these "loopholes" is the Second Amendment - your Right to own and keep weapons.

By using incidents such as Newtown, CT, Aurora, CO, and Webster, NY in the past year, the Democrats and their allies have increased their strident tones against military "assault" weapons that are fired semi-automatically which means that it fires one round every time you pull the trigger as opposed to fully automatic meaning that you pull the trigger once and the weapon is emptied as rounds go down-range toward a target.  Even in the military, unless you are a member of a Special Operations Group, assigned to operate a squad automatic weapon or a .50 caliber machine gun (Ma Deuce), you are limited to a three shot burst which means that each time you pull the trigger, three shots leave the weapon toward the target.

The only way an "every day" citizen can own a fully automatic weapon is by purchasing a Federal Firearms License which is expensive and takes time to go through the process with your local, state, and federal levels including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE).  Because it's been illegal to import or domestically produce machine guns since 1986, the price for many Class Three firearms has skyrocketed.  A fully automatic weapon can sell for many thousands of dollars and collectors often hold on to the guns once they've bought them.

Before you fall into the "assault" weapon trap being bandied around by the Left, make certain that you understand the difference between the types of weapons being discussed as well as their capabilities.  Once you educate yourself in the abilities of the different types of weapons, who can own what type of firearm and laws pertaining to their use, you will become more at ease with your relatives, friends, and neighbors who own weapons.

Firearms are tools that were introduced to armies and civilians back in the 1300s Europe and have evolved into the efficient machines that you see today.  These tools are no better and no worse than the person who uses them.  In order to become familiar with a particular firearm, check with your local gun shop or friend who owns a weapon of the type your are interested in and ask him/her about its capabilities, costs and maintenance.  Some shops are tied to a particular range and you may get a chance to try out a revolver, pistol, shotgun, or rifle prior to buying or deciding that a firearm is not for you.

In order to buy a weapon at a store or gun show in Colorado, you must fill out BATFE Form 4473, submit the information to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation for a background check to make certain that you are legally able to own a firearm and then, you may take the weapon home.  There is no restriction on how many firearms you may purchase at one time.

Today we are in a war as dangerous as any of the jihadists that are assembling in the Middle East, biding their time to attack the West, destroying our way of life.  We are in a war against American citizens who actually believe that they know best how you should live your life and that government should be the answer to all your needs.  This battle is focusing on gun control, but make no mistake about it, the battle is about "people-control".  Your Constitutional Rights are on the line! 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Question: Freedom or Slavery?

Opinion by Martin

Right now, in this Country, a battle is raging.  It is the battle over whether or not You, as an individual should be allowed to own a gun.  It is also a battle over Freedom or Slavery!

In the aftermath of several horrendous shootings, two at Christmastime: Newtown, CT and Webster, NY as well as the one in Aurora, CO earlier this year, the politicians here in Colorado and other states have decided that a privately-owned firearm is a threat to public safety and are planning to charge head-on toward gun control during the 2013 Legislative sessions.

There are several organizations including The Brady Campaign Against Gun Violence and Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), which have pulled out all of the stops in a battle to overturn the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights, especially the Second Amendment.

If successful, these groups would disarm the majority of American citizens leaving them to depend on the government at local, state and federal levels for protection against burglars, home invaders, muggers, with obvious intent, and government agencies bent on controlling Your lives. 

In order to see what some governments have in store for You, just look at New York City where Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who founded and funds MAIG, has outlawed salt on tables in restaurants and soft drinks larger than 16 ounces as well as locking away formula in hospitals, telling new mothers that they should breast-feed their babies.  Then there is Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, with some of the most stringent gun laws in the US and over 300 children have been shot and killed or wounded during 2012.  Also during 2012, Washington, DC has seen an increase in mob violence with definite racial overtones, mainly Black on Black, but spilling over into the White community.  These three cities would be considered war zones if they were located in an Eastern Mediterranean country, but they are in the United States and their mayors all decry private ownership of firearms as opposed to looking at the governing practices of their own administrations.  They look at You, the citizen, as the root of their problems.

It is up to You, as a citizen, to contact Your local representatives at all levels and remind them that they swore to uphold the Constitution of the State in which You live as well as the Constitution of the United States.  Remind them that they work for You, the voter; not some “deep-pocketed” special interest group.  It is up to You to protect Your Rights as a citizen.

Even if you don’t own a firearm, have never owned a firearm, and don’t want to own a firearm, please remember that those people who legally own firearms stand between You and the rest of Your Freedoms which includes the Right to redress the government for grievances.  If the Second Amendment is declared void, the rest of Your Rights are in line for extinction and the government will completely control Your lives from start to finish. 

You will lose your Freedom and become a Slave! 

Your Choice!          

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Today in the United States - The Day after the End of The World

Opinion by Martin
This is December 22, 2012!  By and large, 2012 has been an exciting year! 
We’ve had several mass shootings, seen a Socialist elected to the White House for a second four year term and faced the Mayan Calendar’s “End of the World”.  And basically, we’ve survived!
We’ve seen the United Nations, a failed organization, with criminal bureaucrats, dictators, and thieves attempt to take over the Internet and tell us that our Founding Documents don't work and should be revoked for the UN Charter.   At this point, they’ve failed, but I’m sure they’ll be back.  We’re facing the ramifications of the UN’s Agenda 21 which is working to limit where you can live, what kind of house you can live in, the kind of car you can drive and what type of work you can do.  We have watched as the United States Government and the United Nations have attempted to tear up our most precious documents – the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.  So far, a majority of citizens of this nation have resisted surrendering their Rights for slavery by an extremely vocal minority backed by the Democrat Party, “mainstream” media, and corrupt unions.  States are starting to re-exert their Rights to have a say over what laws pertain to their residents and which ones the federal government can use for wall hangings.
It has been one week since the Newtown shootings and the anti-gun people are in full cry about how firearms were responsible for the killing of 20 young children and that if people didn’t have about 100 different types of guns this massacre wouldn’t have happened.  While the Left began screaming, politicizing the shootings, the majority of the citizens of this great Nation mourned the loss of 20 young lives, understanding that privately-owned guns are the first line of defense between assault by criminals and the arrival of the police.
Now, with Christmas and all that entails arriving on Tuesday this year people are still rushing about buying the final gifts, finalizing plans for family and friends and preparing for the shock to your wallet in 2013 and beyond due to going over the “fiscal cliff”, Obamacare, increasing taxes and costs on just about everything partially due to supply and demand, but mostly because of a greedy government that wants to put more control on everything you need for daily life.
The following Monday is December 31, 2012.  On Tuesday, we’ll wake up with a national hang-over and realize that the fight against Big Brother has just begun for another year.
Maybe, the world did end and we just don’t know it!  
God Bless America!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Why Gun Control Doesn’t Work

Opinion by Martin

In the aftermath of President Obama's first term and an increasing number of mass shootings, the usual suspects (Bloomberg, various Liberal Congressmen, the "Brady Bunch" and others) are calling for increased gun control with includes semi-automatic rifles and handguns with extended magazines and various capabilities other than single shot bolt action rifles or revolvers.  This manufactured hysteria began while the smoke from the latest tragedy in Newtown, CT was still drifting away on the wind.

The people who are working on gun control have now reached over the line of decency by using the deaths of 20 children to attack firearms as a whole rather than the person who pulled the trigger.  The organizations which decry the "lack of gun control" in the United States are among the same "Blame America" groups which stand in the way of laws that would enhance the ability of the states to place certified mentally ill people into supervised treatment whether or not those people wished to be treated.  For instance, the State of Connecticut attempted to pass a law (CT SB452) in February to "enhance the care and treatment of persons with psychiatric disabilities in both inpatient and outpatient settings."  The bill was defeated in March with the opposition calling it "outrageously discriminatory."  The ACLU said that the bill would "infringe on patient's privacy rights by expanding the number of people who could medicate individuals without their consent."

According to, if CT SB452 had passed, it would have given the state the right to institutionalize a person who is mentally ill for treatment if the state had enough evidence to believe that the person was a danger to himself or the community.  This means that Adam Lanza may have been off the streets and unable to commit the December 14 Newtown murders.

Now, why won't "gun control" work in the United States?  There are numerous reasons, but first and foremost is that the Right to Bear Arms is enshrined in the Constitution which protects the People against a tyranny of government and will be rather difficult to overturn.  The second number is the sheer number of firearms privately owned in this country by police officers and civilians, such as hunters, for various reasons including home defense, target shooting, and just collecting.  A third reason is that there is no one in the United States who really knows how many unregistered guns there actually are in the country.  If no one knows how many unregistered guns there are and who controls those weapons, how can any government guarantee the safety of the people who have turned in their firearms?

There are areas in the country where the response time to a 911 call is well over 15 minutes and could be 45 minutes or longer.  Even in an urban setting, because of the sheer number of calls to police departments, the calls have to be prioritized which may lead to a delayed response time leaving the police to clean up the damage done by the perpetrator(s) at the site of the call.  Slow response times show that, in many cases, firearms are the first line of defense for the average citizen and his/her family against the unspeakable horror that is a home invasion, assault on the street, burglarly, or a "madman" in the mall bent of killing as many people as he can before the police arrive.  One person with a weapon in the home or carrying a concealed weapon in the mall may mean the difference between one person being shot and 100 people being killed or wounded.

Obama and the anti-gunners also continue to neglect one extremely pertinent fact:  The highest murder rates using guns and other weapons are in the cities that have the most stringent gun laws starting with Chicago, Washington, DC (the Nation's Capital), and Detroit.  Even Bloomberg's New York City is not exempt from this violence and you can go to jail for defending yourself and your family with a firearm.

Monday, December 17, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Lies about Gun Control

Opinion by Martin

During the past year, we have seen a number of mass shootings – a movie theater in Aurora, CO, a mall in the suburbs of Portland, OR, and an elementary school in Newtown, CT.  Among the dead and wounded were children, parents, friends and total strangers who happened to be in the wrong place at exactly the wrong time.   When these tragedies happen, special interest groups such as the “Brady Bunch” and Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) don’t bother to examine why the shooter pulled the trigger, they look at firearms as the enemy.  They blame You, the Second Amendment and claim that if guns were completely unavailable, there would be no crimes of this type.    

These special interest groups disregard cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Washington, DC where gangs have turned parts of the city into a free fire zone in spite of strict gun ownership laws. 

Never mind that, in most countries and cities where private ownership of weapons has been deemed illegal and firearms have been confiscated, the crime rate has increased because the “bad guys” don’t pay attention to the laws anyway.

Never mind that, in states where concealed carry is the “Law of the Land” armed robberies, murder, and assault have declined because most of the “bad guys” are cowards and don’t really want to take the chance of facing a citizen who might be armed and able to defend themselves.

All citizens mourn the loss of one person killed or wounded by a thug wielding a gun, whether legal or illegal, and we know that a criminal who will shoot a police officer would have no problem turning that weapon on an unarmed victim.  However, by now, the People of the United States should understand that Bloomberg and MAIG, the “Brady Bunch” and other people who are attempting to force Gun Control down your throats are more interested in controlling you than enforcing the laws that are already on the books because “it is easier”. 

Except for highly publicized events as Newtown, Aurora, VA Tech, etc., murder using a firearm has been on the decline across America for years, and there has never a documented case of a gun getting off a shelf or out of a safe and walking down the street on a killing spree,

Obama, Bloomberg, and the “Brady Bunch” understand that if you, as a citizen, are disarmed, then you are more likely to accept the dictates of “Big Government”.  A Nation without personally owned weapons is on the way to slavery because there could be no resistance to the orders of the “Nannystate” and its minions.

You have seen daily the results of “Fast and Furious”, a scenario where guns were sold in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, then allowed to cross the border into Mexico where they were used by the drug cartels in bloody shoot-outs with police and military.  This was a thinly disguised attempt by the US government to tell you, that fully operational machine guns, rocket-grenade launchers, and automatic rifles can be purchased at any gun store in the US with impunity.  This is a complete lie, and they know it.  It is an assault on your Right to own a firearm.  Your Right under the Second Amendment.    
So, as we face a second term of Obama Presidency, and as you try to make ends meet in the “Obama Economy”, Obama, the United Nations, Mayor Bloomberg of New York and MAIG, the “Brady Bunch” and others are attempting one more assault on the Second Amendment of the Constitution – Your Right to Own and Bear Arms.

There once was a campaign by Nancy Reagan against Drugs – “Just Say No!”  This is the same approach to use against United Nations, Mayor Bloomberg and MAIG.  Tell the UN “diplomats” not to worry about the US Constitution, pay attention to improving the lives of the people in their own countries.  Tell Bloomberg and his lackies to enforce the laws of his City and leave the rest of us alone.  Just Say NO to Gun Control!!