During the past year, we have
seen a number of mass shootings – a movie theater in Aurora, CO, a mall in the
suburbs of Portland, OR, and an elementary school in Newtown, CT. Among the dead and wounded were children,
parents, friends and total strangers who happened to be in the wrong place at
exactly the wrong time. When these
tragedies happen, special interest groups such as the “Brady Bunch” and Mayors
Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) don’t bother to examine why the shooter pulled the
trigger, they look at firearms as the enemy.
They blame You, the Second Amendment and claim that if guns were completely
unavailable, there would be no crimes of this type.
These special interest groups
disregard cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Washington, DC where gangs have
turned parts of the city into a free fire zone in spite of strict gun ownership
Never mind that, in most
countries and cities where private ownership of weapons has been deemed illegal
and firearms have been confiscated, the crime rate has increased because the
“bad guys” don’t pay attention to the laws anyway.
Never mind that, in states
where concealed carry is the “Law of the Land” armed robberies, murder, and
assault have declined because most of the “bad guys” are cowards and don’t
really want to take the chance of facing a citizen who might be armed and able
to defend themselves.
All citizens mourn the loss
of one person killed or wounded by a thug wielding a gun, whether legal or
illegal, and we know that a criminal who will shoot a police officer would have
no problem turning that weapon on an unarmed victim. However, by now, the People of the United
States should understand that Bloomberg and MAIG, the “Brady Bunch” and other
people who are attempting to force Gun Control down your throats are more
interested in controlling you than enforcing the laws that are already on the
books because “it is easier”.
Except for highly publicized
events as Newtown, Aurora, VA Tech, etc., murder using a firearm has been on
the decline across America for years, and there has never a documented case of
a gun getting off a shelf or out of a safe and walking down the street on a
killing spree,
Obama, Bloomberg, and the
“Brady Bunch” understand that if you, as a citizen, are disarmed, then you are
more likely to accept the dictates of “Big Government”. A Nation without personally owned weapons is
on the way to slavery because there could be no resistance to the orders of the
“Nannystate” and its minions.
You have seen daily the
results of “Fast and Furious”, a scenario where guns were sold in Arizona, New
Mexico, and Texas, then allowed to cross the border into Mexico where they were
used by the drug cartels in bloody shoot-outs with police and military. This was a thinly disguised attempt by the US
government to tell you, that fully operational machine guns, rocket-grenade
launchers, and automatic rifles can be purchased at any gun store in the US
with impunity. This is a complete lie,
and they know it. It is an assault on
your Right to own a firearm. Your Right under the Second Amendment.
So, as we face a second term
of Obama Presidency, and as you try to make ends meet in the “Obama Economy”, Obama,
the United Nations, Mayor Bloomberg of New York and MAIG, the “Brady Bunch” and
others are attempting one more assault on the Second Amendment of the
Constitution – Your Right to Own and
Bear Arms.
There once was a campaign by
Nancy Reagan against Drugs – “Just Say No!”
This is the same approach to use against United Nations, Mayor Bloomberg
and MAIG. Tell the UN “diplomats” not to
worry about the US Constitution, pay attention to improving the lives of the
people in their own countries. Tell
Bloomberg and his lackies to enforce the laws of his City and leave the rest of
us alone. Just Say NO to Gun Control!!
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