Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Opinion by Martin

Each day I awaken to the drumbeat of the Left that we need to restrict access to firearms because they are dangerous and can kill people.  The Left wishes to restrict your other Freedoms because they are dangerous to the policies of the Left.
Our Constitution is under attack once again and the enemies are, as they have always been, so-called American Citizens who believe that they have the right to tell you and your family how to live your lives.  These so-called Americans are the statists, the worshippers of the United Nations and the New World Order where all of man will be controlled from New York City, Geneva, Switzerland or some other center of power.  They started working for the eventual downfall of the American Experiment the day after the Constitution was signed.  They are very patient. 

In doing research for this blog, I have found that Liberal policies have actually killed more people that firearms in the United States.  I have not been able to find a chart to substantiate this point, although I am certain that one could be made to show the information. 

For instance, Liberals demanded that we drive 55 miles per hour.  More people were falling asleep at the wheel because they were absolutely “bored to death”.  That law was revoked, not because of the declining death toll, but because gas prices fell.

We are under attack by so-called Americans who believe that you should live within so many blocks of mass transit stations, what type of house you should live in and what utilities it uses.  They want to tell you what foods you should or should not eat; what type of vehicle you should drive and how long you should live.  If you become a burden on the state, i.e. on Social Security, you are no longer useful.  And, oh, by the way, if you wish to get an abortion, it should be paid for by the taxpayers. 

We are under attack by these so-called Americans who want to dictate to you how many children you should have, how your children will be raised, what they will be taught and what schools they will attend.  If you are part of the “elite, you can go to the “Ivy League” schools where you will be taught government and leadership.  The masses are allowed to attend state colleges and universities where they are taught, but not enough to be dangerous to the “elite”. 

We are under attack by these people who also believe that you should have a permit to own a firearm and then, only certain kinds of firearms (nothing that will hurt other people).  You can’t own a scary looking rifle because it’s scary looking.  You don’t need a magazine for your rifle that holds more than 10 rounds because nobody needs a 100 round magazine to hunt deer or small game.  The elitists don’t care that you may live in an area where the response time for a police officer or sheriff’s deputy in measured in quarter minutes as opposed to seconds and that a 10 round magazine may not be enough to protect you and your family until the cavalry arrives.  And believe me, I’d rather have two 100 round magazines in my hand than one police officer on the telephone telling me to be calm when people are kicking in my window.

These people who want to limit your Rights live in gated communities with armed security guards.  Some of them travel in convoys of armored limousines with police escort. 

Yes, we are under attack!  And although the people seem to be stirring and awakening to the fact that the Constitution is on the verge of becoming a tattered document on the trash pile of history, the people may not be awakened soon enough to save our Constitutional Republic from destruction by the United Nations, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Barack Obama and a host of other petty dictators, the Elitists who believe that you, as an individual are nothing but a slave to work for them.  That you are nothing, but a number in a line of masses subordinate to the State.

We are under attack and We have only a short time in which to change this situation in the United States.  Only a short time in which to remind the politicians in Washington, D.C. that they work for us.  Only a short time to reinvigorate our Nation, to bring it back to what the Founders intended.  Only a short time before the darkness of enslavement overtakes us all and destroys the United States forever.

It is up to you!!   Time is running out!!

Freeman, or Slave??  It is your decision, your choice!


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