Thursday, August 15, 2013

THE RISE OF THE PHOENIX - Reestablishing A Nation of Laws

Feb 13, 2013

Opinion by Martin

A new Beginning for Our Nation, the People are beginning to awaken and take control once again.  The politicians can either actually get on-board or be cast aside.

Our Nation has been going downhill since the '60s (or before) and it is time that each man and woman stands up, rejects the special interests on each side that do not support the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and tell them to get the Hell out of our Country because this Nation need a new Rebirth of Freedom.  All present and future citizens have the right to participate if they so choose.     

The Constitution provides two methods of proposing and adding Amendments.  One is through the Congress, a process with which we are all too familiar and a second method whereupon 2/3ds of the States can call for a Constitutional Convention in order to amend the Constitution.  I am not certain if this second method has ever been used, but it would completely bypass Congress, the President, and the Judiciary.  

This is my plan:

1) The Constitution is restored as Supreme Law of the Land as written.  Any changes will absolutely follow the procedures therein prescribed.  No Foreign or Religious Law will be accepted in place of the Constitution.

2) All politicians (local, state, and federal) can serve in office no more than 12 years and they go back to being regular citizens.  No special retirements, no special perks once out of office, and they cannot lobby those people in the offices they just left.
3) All laws passed by legislative action (local, state, and federal) will pertain to the politicians as well as the regular citizens.

4) All Federal Judicial positions from local through Supreme Court will be limited to 20 years.  These judges will stand for election as do Local judges who will continue to be elected as they are now.  No special retirements, no special perks once out of office, and they cannot lobby those people in the offices they just left.  
5) No Foreign Aid unless that Country supports the United States and rejects the United Nations.
6) The borders between the United States and its neighbors (especially South) are closed. All illegal aliens have 45 days to identify themselves (no arrest) or if captured, will be deported without a hearing.  Just taken to the border and tossed over. I do have a written plan for the illegal alien problem (not as cold as it appears).
7) All citizens, unless adjudicated mentally incompetent, convicted of a felony, or spousal abuse have the Right to carry concealed weapons for self-defense. This is NOT mandatory. 
8) All criminals arrested with a weapon will be jailed without bail until a hearing can be held. Anyone using a firearm in a crime faces life in prison without parole (no TV or special activities, just locked up).  If a death occurs in commission of a crime, the penalty is death with execution by firing squad or hanging (your choice), whether or not a weapon is displayed or discharged.

9) Welfare becomes Workfare.  This means that if you are in a situation where you need assistance, you will receive it, but in return, you may have to clean up parks, trash by the side of the roads and highways, clean graffiti from buildings, etc.  This will not lead to permanent employment.

10) Unemployment lasts 90 days.  If you cannot find a job in 90 days it’s because you’re not trying.

11) Elections:

       a. Entities such as Corporations, Unions, Special Interest Groups (Planned Parenthood, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, NRA, etc.) and Environmental Organizations, etc., cannot donate to political campaigns, parties or candidates unless contributing as an individual, (see #b.). 
       b. Individuals are limited to $5,000.00 maximum donation to political campaigns, parties or candidates (your choice). 
       c. Candidates have exactly six months prior to the election in which to get their messages out to the people and no candidate or their representatives (individuals, political parties, or special interest groups) may spend over $100,000.00 in their campaign whether local, state or national.  Candidates can register to run for office no sooner than one (1) year prior to the election.  This does not preclude an individual from building a volunteer support organization prior to the election cycle to facilitate his candidacy.  Any paid personnel may not exceed an additional $100,000.00 in salaries at any level.  I do believe that this will allow for a broader spectrum of candidates.
       d. When voting:
             i. You must be a citizen of the United States and a resident of the state in which you are registering. 
             ii. You must be registered no later than 90 days prior to the election in which you wish to vote.  You must register with a physical address (house, duplex, apt building or rural route).  No Post Office Boxes. 
             iii. You must show a state-issued identification card with photograph.  Social Security Number is not acceptable for Identification.  This will be checked and verified by election officials in each election cycle. 
           iv. If handicapped, a government representative (with ID) will come to your residence, fill out the paperwork, take your photograph and a valid ID will be delivered to you.  All requests for a state-issued ID card must be supported by proper documentation such as a Birth Certificate or Certificate of Live Birth.  Any false documentation will result in citations/fines and/or incarceration.
             v. If voting by mail, your photograph must be on file.  This will be checked and verified by election officials in each election cycle. 
          vi. If you have moved from one state to another within the registration time-frame of 90 days, you can vote in the area from which you moved by mail.

More to Come!

NOTE:  I actually did begin writing this paper in February of 2013 and I am certain that it will evolve.  I don’t have the Constitutional Law background that this type of planning entails, but I do believe that this could be a beginning for returning our Nation to the path followed by our Founders.

1 comment:

  1. Martin, I just don't see a problem with what you have listed here. It is nonsensical and very clear. This is my idea of a government by the people, for the people, of the people. I do believe that those whom are elected should answer to those who voted them in. Streamlined and to the point, as it should be. I look forward to the Convention. See you there my friend!! Mike Logan
