Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Enemy Has Breached The Walls - The Enemy Within

Since the beginning of this Nation there have been elements who wished to change it into a European-style Socialist State.  These people, presently control the Democrat Party, have gotten farther than ever before in creating a “Nanny-state” which attempts to provide all things to all citizens at the expense of Individual Freedoms although this government methodology has been proven a failure around the word and leads to dictatorship and deprivation.

However, the Democrat Party is not the sole difficulty that we face today.  We also have the Communists, Socialists, and RINO Republicans who have become comfortable with the status quo in Washington DC and the various State Legislatures.  These people must be turned out of any position of power that they presently occupy and if necessary prosecuted for Acts of Treason against the United States.
The Progressive (read Socialist) Movement has been around since before the Twentieth Century and whether or not you wish to accept it can be traced back to the “Loyal Opposition”, support for the Crown of England and the “Commune of Paris” after the French Revolution.  These people have supported “Big Government” since the beginning of our Nation.

Obama is just the latest manifestation of this scourge that has swept the World and is presently rearing its ugly head in the United States.  Prior to this President, there was Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Jimmy Carter plus both George H. W. and George W. Bush.  Each one of these men attempted to expand government through legislation, edicts and activist jurists.  Each time, after they left office, the tides of progressivism was turned back only to roll forward with the next tide of the “unwashed masses” of immigration, both legal and illegal upon our shores. 
We have been involved in numerous wars around the world from the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, and Viet Nam.  Between the First and Second World Wars was the Great Depression which began in 1929 and ended when we went to war after December 7th, 1941.  Our Grandparents and Parents, either consciously or subconsciously, vowed that their children would never have to go through what they lived through.  Right or Wrong, this led to the 1960s and rebellion against the Establishment.  Well, the Children of the ‘60s are now the Establishment and everything that they learned is being brought to bear against the Country that gave them sustenance, an education, and the opportunity to succeed on their own merits as opposed to the old European style of “You are What Your Father Is!”.

Now, this new Establishment has taken the lessons of their parents to heart and want to give “everything to everyone” without understanding that someone has to pay the bill.  That bill is now coming due and our creditors, both friendly and foe, are demanding payment both in treasure and in subservience. 
We, as a Nation of Freemen, cannot allow this destruction from within.  We must begin to take back our Nation one step at a time.  The war to save these United States has to be waged at Local, State and Federal levels.  It is up to each one of us to examine our Hearts, look inside and see how we should face the future.  Then either surrender to slavery or stand up and step forward to support Our Nation, Our Flag and our God. 

Each of us face many choices in our lives and whether or not to save our Nation is one of those decisions that you must make.  As you can see, “The Enemy Has Breached The Walls”.  And, in the words of Pogo Possum “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

Monday, August 26, 2013

THE ENEMY HAS BREACHED THE WALLS - United Nations Small Arms Treaty

Opinion by Martin

The Enemy is at the gates of our Nation!

The United Nations and its anti-American, anti-Democracy forces are now using a “diplomatic Trojan Horse” to circumvent our Constitution and its Second Amendment to place our citizens and gun ownership under the scrutiny of foreigners.

On U.S. soil, in New York City at the United Nations Headquarters, the minions of George Soros and other anti-Americans are working feverishly to produce a document that will bind gun ownership in this Country to international law and allow confiscation of all types of weaponry, the first step to physically enslave the citizenry.  And, our Federal Government is complicit in this endeavor. 

Whether or not you own a gun, you must remember that it is your Right under our Constitution, and your neighbor may just save your life because he/she has a gun when you are attacked by criminals.  Police response time may take up to ½ hour depending on where you live and by the time they arrive, they may just be taking a report on a crime scene.  And remember, most criminals do not care about gun laws.  They will find weapons to use in their activities while you, the law abiding citizen, will be disarmed and at their mercy.

Under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties dated 1969, the Small Arms Treaty will become Law of the Land when signed by the Head of State or his Representative (in this case, John Kerry) unless rebuked by the President or the Senate refuses to ratify it.  I hope that each American makes certain that his/her Congressman understands that this “Treaty” is absolutely unacceptable to those of us who believe in, and support,  the Constitution and the First 10 Amendments (The Bill of Rights). 

I had believed the majority of Americans would turn back this assault on our Rights because they actually believe in the Freedom that our soldiers have fought and died for since the beginning of our Nation.  But I was wrong!  Through manipulation and outright fraud, the Democrat Party and media allies stole the election for Obama and gave him a second four year term to complete the job of destruction that he started in 2009. 

Rebuilding our Nation will take time, at least 100 years because of the damage done by the Liberal Agenda and the United Nations in collusion with elements of our own government.  We must start working today, in our towns, counties, and states to take back our Liberties one governmental body at a time.  Liberals must be run out of school and library boards; city councils and county commissions, then state legislatures until they are completely removed from governmental bodies anywhere. 

We must either return our Nation to the track set by the Founders, or surrender all of our Rights and Freedoms to international control and become slaves of the United Nations and Internationalists. 

It’s Your Choice!!
                                                Freedom or Slavery!!
                                                                                                                Liberty or Death!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

THE RISE OF THE PHOENIX - Reestablishing A Nation of Laws

Feb 13, 2013

Opinion by Martin

A new Beginning for Our Nation, the People are beginning to awaken and take control once again.  The politicians can either actually get on-board or be cast aside.

Our Nation has been going downhill since the '60s (or before) and it is time that each man and woman stands up, rejects the special interests on each side that do not support the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and tell them to get the Hell out of our Country because this Nation need a new Rebirth of Freedom.  All present and future citizens have the right to participate if they so choose.     

The Constitution provides two methods of proposing and adding Amendments.  One is through the Congress, a process with which we are all too familiar and a second method whereupon 2/3ds of the States can call for a Constitutional Convention in order to amend the Constitution.  I am not certain if this second method has ever been used, but it would completely bypass Congress, the President, and the Judiciary.  

This is my plan:

1) The Constitution is restored as Supreme Law of the Land as written.  Any changes will absolutely follow the procedures therein prescribed.  No Foreign or Religious Law will be accepted in place of the Constitution.

2) All politicians (local, state, and federal) can serve in office no more than 12 years and they go back to being regular citizens.  No special retirements, no special perks once out of office, and they cannot lobby those people in the offices they just left.
3) All laws passed by legislative action (local, state, and federal) will pertain to the politicians as well as the regular citizens.

4) All Federal Judicial positions from local through Supreme Court will be limited to 20 years.  These judges will stand for election as do Local judges who will continue to be elected as they are now.  No special retirements, no special perks once out of office, and they cannot lobby those people in the offices they just left.  
5) No Foreign Aid unless that Country supports the United States and rejects the United Nations.
6) The borders between the United States and its neighbors (especially South) are closed. All illegal aliens have 45 days to identify themselves (no arrest) or if captured, will be deported without a hearing.  Just taken to the border and tossed over. I do have a written plan for the illegal alien problem (not as cold as it appears).
7) All citizens, unless adjudicated mentally incompetent, convicted of a felony, or spousal abuse have the Right to carry concealed weapons for self-defense. This is NOT mandatory. 
8) All criminals arrested with a weapon will be jailed without bail until a hearing can be held. Anyone using a firearm in a crime faces life in prison without parole (no TV or special activities, just locked up).  If a death occurs in commission of a crime, the penalty is death with execution by firing squad or hanging (your choice), whether or not a weapon is displayed or discharged.

9) Welfare becomes Workfare.  This means that if you are in a situation where you need assistance, you will receive it, but in return, you may have to clean up parks, trash by the side of the roads and highways, clean graffiti from buildings, etc.  This will not lead to permanent employment.

10) Unemployment lasts 90 days.  If you cannot find a job in 90 days it’s because you’re not trying.

11) Elections:

       a. Entities such as Corporations, Unions, Special Interest Groups (Planned Parenthood, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, NRA, etc.) and Environmental Organizations, etc., cannot donate to political campaigns, parties or candidates unless contributing as an individual, (see #b.). 
       b. Individuals are limited to $5,000.00 maximum donation to political campaigns, parties or candidates (your choice). 
       c. Candidates have exactly six months prior to the election in which to get their messages out to the people and no candidate or their representatives (individuals, political parties, or special interest groups) may spend over $100,000.00 in their campaign whether local, state or national.  Candidates can register to run for office no sooner than one (1) year prior to the election.  This does not preclude an individual from building a volunteer support organization prior to the election cycle to facilitate his candidacy.  Any paid personnel may not exceed an additional $100,000.00 in salaries at any level.  I do believe that this will allow for a broader spectrum of candidates.
       d. When voting:
             i. You must be a citizen of the United States and a resident of the state in which you are registering. 
             ii. You must be registered no later than 90 days prior to the election in which you wish to vote.  You must register with a physical address (house, duplex, apt building or rural route).  No Post Office Boxes. 
             iii. You must show a state-issued identification card with photograph.  Social Security Number is not acceptable for Identification.  This will be checked and verified by election officials in each election cycle. 
           iv. If handicapped, a government representative (with ID) will come to your residence, fill out the paperwork, take your photograph and a valid ID will be delivered to you.  All requests for a state-issued ID card must be supported by proper documentation such as a Birth Certificate or Certificate of Live Birth.  Any false documentation will result in citations/fines and/or incarceration.
             v. If voting by mail, your photograph must be on file.  This will be checked and verified by election officials in each election cycle. 
          vi. If you have moved from one state to another within the registration time-frame of 90 days, you can vote in the area from which you moved by mail.

More to Come!

NOTE:  I actually did begin writing this paper in February of 2013 and I am certain that it will evolve.  I don’t have the Constitutional Law background that this type of planning entails, but I do believe that this could be a beginning for returning our Nation to the path followed by our Founders.

Monday, July 29, 2013


Originally posted 092011

An Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels.

Today, the argument from the Liberals, Socialists and resident Communists is that the United States is too big, too powerful, too greedy and has to be brought down to the same level of other nations to “level the playing field” and “make things even for all”.  To this end, Obama was elected by the “Entitlement Class” to destroy Capitalism while providing the fruits and benefits of that system.  Obama has done a pretty good job doing exactly what he was hired to do and has brought the Middle Class to its knees.  The death throes have been noticed at the peripheries, in the small towns and selected industries, and is moving in ever tightening circles toward the center of our Nation closing down businesses that generate work and expanding the government role as the main provider of jobs. 

The main problem with this idea is that the government is not an effective management company.  All you have to do is to look at the Social Security and Medicare Programs to check the capability of the management skills available at the Federal level.  Then you look at the states and cities that have been run by politicians with a Liberal or Socialist mindset (both Parties) and you will see a complete breakdown of services and the rise of cronyism in which the mantra is “who you know”.  Chicago, Detroit, and New York readily come to mind.  Detroit has been completely destroyed with numerous neighborhoods resembling war zones with those fleeing even exhuming their deceased loved ones and taking the remains along to new locations.  And now, Detroit has declared bankruptcy and hopes that You, the Taxpayer, will take over their retirement plans and bail that city out.  Chicago and New York have confiscatory tax structures that have people fleeing for other states with a more favorable climate, both tax and weather.  The remaining citizens are struggling to continue the level of services to which they have become accustomed.  A more serious part of this situation is that those who have fled are demanding the same services from the new location requiring increased taxation to provide those services and the spiral continues.

Enough is Enough!!  The Taxpayers of this Nation are being fleeced in order to provide an ever increasing “Entitlement Class” that demands more and more “freebies” without having to work for them.  They are demanding free medical, free education, free vehicles, free utilities and free citizenship, if you sneak into the Country across the open border that the Federal Government refuses to protect and then the DOJ files law suits against States that wish to protect their citizens for invasion.

Enough is Enough!!  It is time for the Taxpayers of this Nation to stand up and demand that their Rights be represented!  It is time for the Taxpayers of this Nation to demand that the State and Federal Government understand just who pays the bills and for who the politicians and bureaucrats at all levels work.

Enough is Enough!!  It is time for You to demand that the politicians at all levels from your local government upward to the Federal Government read, understand, and adhere to The Constitution and it’s Amendments including the Bill of Rights which they seem to have ignored over the years.

Enough is Enough!!  You must write your Congressmen and Senators to tell them that their days are numbered and that they will be turned out of office and the People will make certain that they will not be allowed back into elective office.

Are you ready to take back your Country.  Today is when you start to regain your United States! Put your Congressmen on notice!!  2014 and 2016 are coming!!  All you can hope is that there is a United States to save!!

Freedom or Slavery?
Your Choice!  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  I dreamt that I was standing in a room in Philadelphia.  It was a hot, steamy day and a group of men were standing around a table listening to the arguments that were flowing back and forth throughout the room as to whether or not to declare Independence from the Mother Country, England, and her King and Parliament.  The debate was loud and boisterous with the chairman working very hard to keep order.  But in the end, on July 4th, 1776, John Hancock and Charles Thomson, the Secretary of the Continental Congress, signed the Declaration of Independence and, on August 2d, the remainder of the Congress signed, knowing that their lives and property would be forfeit if captured. 

Some of the men in that room lost their lives and fortunes and some were more fortunate, but the greatest Nation on Earth came into being and has been an evolving experiment ever since. 
This was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

Today, that dream, fed by the blood and treasure of Patriots is on the verge of being broken.  It is being broken by the greed of Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Business, but mainly by the indifference of the majority of the People.

Today, we have a President, Congress, and Judiciary that is attempting to destroy our Constitution and to remake the Nation into a shadow of the failed European Social System which is slowly being made over into a model similar to that of the United States, based on a Free Market system that allows the citizen choices that were not permitted under the “State is All” system.

There is a whole generation of people living in the United States today who have decided that THEIR Rights to whine and receive “freebies” are more important that YOUR Rights to work, earn money, pay your bills and succeed in life.   These whiners are demanding increased participation in their lives by the Government even as many of us want a smaller government to stays out of our lives.  They want Free College Education, a living wage even if unemployed, and complete medical coverage.  The interesting part of this is they want all taxpayers to pay for these benefits although some feel that Entrepreneurs (Wealthy) should be sent to “re-education camps” or executed if they don’t pay their “Fair Share”.  The question is actually three-fold.  Part One: where did these people come from who are demanding all the “freebies”, and Part Two: who do they think actually pays the tab?  Which brings us to the Third Part of the question, do they really even care?  I dare say that they don’t.  The majority of these “protesters” don’t even know why they are protesting.

The ghosts of dictators past are today camped in the halls of the educational system across the U.S.  Each one of these men (Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others) is sitting in the Halls of Congress, the Supreme Court and the White House.  They are looking at the destruction caused by today’s demagogues and are laughing as the People across the land do nothing to stop the mass subversion of the ideals that were placed on the table on a hot day in Philadelphia 237 years ago. 

Now, more than ever, YOUR NATION NEEDS YOU!!  Participate in your children’s schools!  Register to Vote, AND actually VOTE!  Talk with your friends and neighbors about local and national issues because everything that happens within the Country will eventually affect you and your family.

Now, more than ever, YOUR Representatives need to know you how YOU stand on the issues facing this Nation.  When the demagogues realize that the majority of the People of the United States DO NOT support their actions, they will retreat back into the shadows and cellars along with the political losers of the past.  The systems that were Socialism and Communism have already been proven failures wherever installed and tried, but there are those who believe the only path to a “One World Government” is equal poverty for all throughout bankrupting the financial systems of all nations.   

One night I had a dream.  I dreamt that I was standing in a room in Philadelphia.  It was a hot, steamy day and a group of men were standing around a table listening to the arguments that were flowing back and forth throughout the room as to whether or not to declare Independence from the Mother Country, England, and her King and Parliament. 

This is our Nation, and it is up to us (YOU and ME) to maintain its viability in the face of political anarchy.  This does not mean you have to be cruel, or arrogant, or be stingy toward others.  Like a marriage we have to work out differences and move forward as a People and as a Nation, These United States of America.

Happy Birthday to the United States of America! 
This is Independence Day, the Fourth of July, 2013.

I hope it’s not our last!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

THE U.S. ATTACKS THE UNITED STATES - The Government’s Coming!

Opinion by Martin

The government’s coming!  The government’s coming!  They are coming for your Money!  They are coming for your Guns!  They are coming for your Freedom!

What are You going to do?

If you are a Liberal, Hollywood or otherwise, you will sit by and watch the train-wreck happen because you are too damn arrogant to believe that it will affect you and your pipe dreams.

If you are an average citizen of Liberal, Middle of the Road, or Conservative, you won’t do anything because you don’t want to “upset the apple cart” and possibly make yourself a target for the government at any level.

If you believe in Freedom, you are going to write your state and federal legislators, demand that they respect the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Will of the People.

They will most likely ignore you with the exception of some vanilla response either written or, if you happen to phone from a staffer who could care less because he or she has a job whether or not you and your family have just been kicked out of your home because you can’t find work.

It is up to you as a citizen of the United States to rally with your family, friends, and neighbors to make certain that your legislators understand who the employer is and where their paychecks come from. 

They are not any different than you.  They eat, sleep, put clothes on and have dreams just like you do.  It is your choice as to whether or not their dreams include controlling your life and that of your fellow citizens.

The final stand for Freedom is when you and your neighbors peacefully petition for the Right to redress grievances.  When the petition is ignored ……. Ask King George III what happened when he refused to listen to the citizens who lived on the North American Continent.  

In the end, it is your decision!  Quietly surrender your Rights guaranteed by the Constitution and shackle yourself to your neighbor, walk in lock-step to the fields or stand and fight for the Freedoms set forth 237 years ago by a group of men who had the dream of a great Nation, the envy of the world and wrote a set of Documents to guide that Nation into the future.

Freedom or Slavery?
Your Choice!

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Opinion by Martin

As we move farther into the second Obama occupation of the White House, we are finding more and more about the criminal that was elected to lead us in the 21st Century.  This is truly the Dawn of Darkness.

Before the dust has really settled around the Reagan Presidency and the revitalization of the American Civilization, we have surrendered our leadership role in the World to a shadow of a man whom no one really knows.  A man who spouts platitudes and promises and then provides nothing of substance except the destruction of our Nation and its moral high ground in the hierarchy of Nations.   

Obama has a spotty history of law-breaking from his days at Punahou School in Hawaii through the question as to whether or not he attended Pepperdine, Columbia, or Yale Universities as a foreign student.  Even in question is whether or not he was born in the United States and if he meets the Constitutional criteria to serve as President which means that both of his parents have to be American Citizens.

Obama has surrounded himself with like-minded sycophants who believe that he can do absolutely no wrong even as he walks on their prostate bodies and destroys the few truths in which they believe.  The list of supplicants is way too long to spell out here.  Obama has no redeeming qualities except a teleprompter.  

These people are Socialist/Communist-oriented, they believe that the United States and the Western World is the root problem of everything that has gone wrong on Planet Earth over the last 237 years.  They believe that the State will provide everything and that all the citizen has to do is slide up to the Welfare Trough and take what you want without worrying about who pays for those goods.

Now these Socialist/Communist-oriented Progressives are out in full force, running wildly from state to state, stripping you of your Constitutional Rights so carefully crafted by the Founding Fathers and paid for by patriots in blood across the two centuries of our existence.  Throughout the existence of the United States, we have fought a Revolutionary War (Part 1), the War of 1812 (Revolution, Part 2),  a war against Muslim Pirates in the Mediterranean Sea (1803), a War of Succession (1861-1865), expanded the country from “Sea to Shining Sea”.  We have engaged in two World Wars (which we won) and several small “Police Actions” (Korea, Viet Nam) where war was never declared and, depending on your outlook, we neither won nor lost.  Our treasure (money and blood) has been expended in the Middle East where the outcome still has to be decided, but we are back to fighting Muslim Pirates once again.

The Socialist/Communist Progressives are taking away your Right to Speak Out for fear you’ll hurt someone’s feelings, your Right to Worship in the way you wish, to attend the Church of your choice, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.  They are trying to take away your Right to a firearm with which to protect your family from criminals and a tyrannical government.  They are slowly removing your Right to a Fair Trial and privacy by placing drones, used successfully in the War against Terror, in the skies over the United States to keep track of whom you see and whether or not you have a weapon.

What the Progressives are doing, My Friends, are making criminals out of the general population of the United States.  They are “mainstreaming” the bad guys and making “bad guys” out of You and I. 

By stripping you of your Rights, they are slowly enslaving you.  They are turning you into a beast of burden for the State and by working, as they have done, ever so slowly, removing your ability to stop the slide into darkness as the Light of Freedom dims and goes out!  The Dawn of Darkness.

Freedom or Slavery?
Your Choice!  


Saturday, May 11, 2013


Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found that the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, Big Businesses, and by elements of Big Government with an agenda.  We are living through the Death of a Nation, a death that was set in motion with the reelection of Barack Hussein Obama on November 06, 2012.   The Nation committed suicide through the refusal of people to stand up for their Rights as spelled out in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights.  The Founding Documents, now in tatters, are being consigned to the trash heap of human dreams and desires. 

When Barack Obama entered office in January 2009, he stated that he would have the most transparent administration in the history of the United States, that he would unite the Nation and that all Americans would find a new level of access and civility in government.  Instead, he has trampled on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Through his arrogance, Barack Obama has shown during the past four and one-half years that he does not care about the people who have worked hard to make this the greatest Nation on the face of the Earth.  Barack Obama’s re-election has shown that “freebies” have become more important to the population of the United States than actually working for a living.  This election has shown that Obama and his minions believe that they are able to control how you live your life, where you live and what you do for a living.

People are saying, that as a Conservative, I should request that the Republicans do what they can to get along with the Democrats who are presently in power.  Why?  The Democrat Party is more of a threat to the United States than the Nazis or the Soviet Union ever was, or the Al Qaida terrorists are.  My plan is to request the Republicans treat the Democrat Party as the enemy.  Because they are!! 

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been a Beacon that represented Freedom to enslaved populations around the world.  A Beacon conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found that the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, Big Businesses, and by Big Government with an agenda.  With the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama on November 06, 2012, the Beacon of Liberty was shut down for the indefinite future. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Opinion by Martin

The week of April 07, 2013, the Senate, led by Harry Reid of Nevada and backed by 16 cowards, who wear the label of Republican, voted for cloture on a filibuster against the proposed bills limiting or banning certain types of “military-style” semi-automatic firearms as well as specified accessories and parts for those types of firearms.

The following is a list of the GOP Senators who sided with the Democrats to limit your Second Amendment Rights.   These are the RINOs who should be gone from Public “Dis-service” as soon as possible.

Phone Number
Lindsey Graham
202 224 5872
2008 / 2014
Lamar Alexander
202 224 4944
2008 / 2014
Kelly Ayotte
202 224 3324
2010 / 2016
Richard Burr
202 224 3154
2010 / 2016
Saxby Chambliss
202 224 3521
2008 / 2014 (not running for re-election)
John McCain
202 224 2235
2010 / 2016
Tom Coburn
202 224 5754
2008 / 2016 (not running for re-election)
Susan Collins
202 224 2523
2008 / 2014
Bob Corker
202 224 3344
2012 / 2018
Jeff Flake
202 224 4521
2012 / 2018
John Hoeven
202 224 2551
2010 / 2016
Johnny Isakson
202 224 3643
2010 / 2016
Dean Heller
202 224 6244
2012 / 2018
Mark Kirk
202 224 2854
2010 / 2016
Pat Toomey
202 224 4254
2012 /2018
Roger Wicker
202 224 6253
2012 /2018

If you live in their districts, feel free to give them a call tell them what you think of their decision.

This will be very short and to the point!  These Senators should be put on notice that their behavior of working with the enemy is unacceptable.  Be polite and to the point. 

The Democrats don’t want to work with Republicans.  Their idea of bi-partisanship is when the Republicans give in to the Democrat position and just surrender.   Which is most of the time!

That any Republican would work with the Democrat Party is akin to Chamberlin returning from Berlin, proclaiming “Peace in our time!” while waving a piece of paper signed by Adolf Hitler.

Freedom or Slavery! 

It’s that simple!

It is your decision!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Opinion by Martin

Each day I awaken to the drumbeat of the Left that we need to restrict access to firearms because they are dangerous and can kill people.  The Left wishes to restrict your other Freedoms because they are dangerous to the policies of the Left.
Our Constitution is under attack once again and the enemies are, as they have always been, so-called American Citizens who believe that they have the right to tell you and your family how to live your lives.  These so-called Americans are the statists, the worshippers of the United Nations and the New World Order where all of man will be controlled from New York City, Geneva, Switzerland or some other center of power.  They started working for the eventual downfall of the American Experiment the day after the Constitution was signed.  They are very patient. 

In doing research for this blog, I have found that Liberal policies have actually killed more people that firearms in the United States.  I have not been able to find a chart to substantiate this point, although I am certain that one could be made to show the information. 

For instance, Liberals demanded that we drive 55 miles per hour.  More people were falling asleep at the wheel because they were absolutely “bored to death”.  That law was revoked, not because of the declining death toll, but because gas prices fell.

We are under attack by so-called Americans who believe that you should live within so many blocks of mass transit stations, what type of house you should live in and what utilities it uses.  They want to tell you what foods you should or should not eat; what type of vehicle you should drive and how long you should live.  If you become a burden on the state, i.e. on Social Security, you are no longer useful.  And, oh, by the way, if you wish to get an abortion, it should be paid for by the taxpayers. 

We are under attack by these so-called Americans who want to dictate to you how many children you should have, how your children will be raised, what they will be taught and what schools they will attend.  If you are part of the “elite, you can go to the “Ivy League” schools where you will be taught government and leadership.  The masses are allowed to attend state colleges and universities where they are taught, but not enough to be dangerous to the “elite”. 

We are under attack by these people who also believe that you should have a permit to own a firearm and then, only certain kinds of firearms (nothing that will hurt other people).  You can’t own a scary looking rifle because it’s scary looking.  You don’t need a magazine for your rifle that holds more than 10 rounds because nobody needs a 100 round magazine to hunt deer or small game.  The elitists don’t care that you may live in an area where the response time for a police officer or sheriff’s deputy in measured in quarter minutes as opposed to seconds and that a 10 round magazine may not be enough to protect you and your family until the cavalry arrives.  And believe me, I’d rather have two 100 round magazines in my hand than one police officer on the telephone telling me to be calm when people are kicking in my window.

These people who want to limit your Rights live in gated communities with armed security guards.  Some of them travel in convoys of armored limousines with police escort. 

Yes, we are under attack!  And although the people seem to be stirring and awakening to the fact that the Constitution is on the verge of becoming a tattered document on the trash pile of history, the people may not be awakened soon enough to save our Constitutional Republic from destruction by the United Nations, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Barack Obama and a host of other petty dictators, the Elitists who believe that you, as an individual are nothing but a slave to work for them.  That you are nothing, but a number in a line of masses subordinate to the State.

We are under attack and We have only a short time in which to change this situation in the United States.  Only a short time in which to remind the politicians in Washington, D.C. that they work for us.  Only a short time to reinvigorate our Nation, to bring it back to what the Founders intended.  Only a short time before the darkness of enslavement overtakes us all and destroys the United States forever.

It is up to you!!   Time is running out!!

Freeman, or Slave??  It is your decision, your choice!


Sunday, March 10, 2013

THE U.S. ATTACKS THE UNITED STATES - You and I are Both Criminals

Opinion by Martin

An Open Letter to the People of the United States

Even before the turn of the 19th Century into the 20th, when Queen Victoria was still on the Throne of England, there were groups of people plotting to overthrow the United States Government.  They worked through the ballot box and by organizing the farmers into the Grange Movement.  These were Progressives by another name.

The Progressives in the United States in the 19th Century had ideas about increasing the hours that children must spend in school actually learning to be productive citizens and less time in the fields where they might be injured. 

The Progressives in the United States in the 19th Century had ideas about producing equipment that would be used by farmers and purchased at a fair price rather than at the inflated prices pushed on them by the big manufacturers and their legislative cronies at state and federal levels.

The Progressives in the United States in the 19th Century worked to convince the government that the railroads needed to ship produce to market at an affordable rate, so the farmers could ship goods to market and the people in the cities could afford to buy the produce.

William Jennings Bryant, of Nebraska, was the champion of the Progressive Movement of that time, making quite an impact on national political scene, even running for President.  These people were hard-working, honest folk who actually believed in the Constitution, a day’s work for a day’s pay.

Today’s Progressives are Communist-oriented.  They believe that the State is everything and that you, as a citizen, are too stupid to understand all of the “good things” that are being laid before you. 

They believe that the Constitution is an outdated piece of paper written by some dead rich guys in another century.  They believe that the Constitution is to be twisted into whatever they wish it to be at the moment.  They believe the Constitution should be scrapped for a document known as the U.N. Charter that was written by effete “diplomats” and “intellectuals” who know how you should live your life, where you should live your life, and what you should do during your life.  All charted, from start to finish by the State.

Now these Progressives are out in full force, running wildly from state to state, stripping you of the Constitutional Rights that were so carefully crafted by the Founding Fathers and paid for by patriots in blood throughout the ensuing 237 years.  Throughout the existence of the United States, we have fought a Revolutionary War (Part 1), the War of 1812 (Revolution, Part 2),  a war against Muslim Pirates in the Mediterranean Sea, a War of Succession, expanded the country from “Sea to Shining Sea”.  We have engaged in two World Wars (which we won) and several small “Police Actions” (Korea, Viet Nam) where war was never declared and we neither won nor lost.  Our treasure has been expended in the Middle East where the outcome is still to be decided, but we are back to fighting Muslim Pirates once again.

And now, the Progressives are out in full force taking away your Right to Speak Out for fear you’ll hurt someone’s feelings, your Right to Worship in the way you wish, to attend the Church of your choice, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.  The Progressives are out attempting to take away you Right to a firearm with which to protect your family from criminals and a tyrannical government.  The Progressives are trying to remove your Right to a Fair Trial and privacy by placing drones, used successfully in the War against Terror, in the skies over the United States to keep track of whom you see and whether or not you have a weapon.

What the Progressives are doing, My Friends, are making criminals out of the general population of the United States.  They are “mainstreaming” the bad guys and making “bad guys” out of You and Me. 

By stripping you of your Rights, they are enslaving you.  They are turning you into a beast of burden for the State and by working, as they have done, ever so slowly, removing your ability to stop the slide into darkness as the Light of Freedom dims and goes out!    

Thursday, March 7, 2013

THE FALL OF COLORADO - What We Need to do to Save our State

Opinion by Martin

The battle has joined, but the war is far from over.  The Colorado State Senate and House of Representatives controlled by the Democrat Party and Liberals who have moved from California to destroy our state now that they have destroyed theirs.  What needs to be done is the real people of Colorado need to come together to take the state back.  To throw the statists out of office in the next election cycle and reinstate the Constitutions of Colorado and the United States as the Law of the Land.

As long as the Democrats remain in office, you will see our Rights erode even farther with more and more taxes and fees levied upon the workers of this state while more and more “freebies” are given to illegal aliens and other people who don’t wish to contribute.

As long as the Democrats remain in office, you will hear more and more whining about the Rights of criminals, more and more complaining that you are homophobic, islamophobic, hispanophobic and adverse to helping those who don’t wish to help themselves.

But some people are beginning to fight back against this tide of absolute stupidity.  For instance:

Olympic Arms, Washington State, which manufactures “military-style” semi-automatic rifles has told the State of New York that they will no longer sell weapons of any kind, including specialty weapons to anyone inside that state including Law Enforcement.  The company stated that the state government has overreached its charter by arbitrarily overruling the Second Amendment.

Magazine manufacturer “MAGPUL” has put information about the Colorado State Legislature and its drive to deprive residents of their Constitutional Rights on its Facebook page, and may leave the State of Colorado for friendlier climates.

On February 12, 2013, in spite of professional testimony from numerous Sheriffs and other Law Enforcement Officials from around the State, the Colorado House Committee working at disarming the residents of our once Great State voted along party lines to require universal registration of firearms using information from Mayor Bloomberg’s organization “Mayors Against Illegal Arms” (MAIG) which has been known to use sketchy data and outright lies and fabrication to deprive U.S. citizens of their Constitutional Rights.

The Liberals (read Communists) have decided to stand on the bodies of slain children from Newtown to push their Constitutional dishonesty and deceit.  In their phobia to destroy the greatness of the United States, they have decided that now is the time to make criminals out of the law-abiding citizens of this Nation by passing laws that no one in their right mind could possibly support.

Now, in the past few days, well over 50 firearms manufacturing companies  have indicated that they will no longer do business in the State of New York due to their restrictive policies and may extend that policy to Colorado.  Barrett had refused to return a .50 caliber rifle (in for repair) to the LAPD because of their policies on weapons.  The problem is that the bad guys will continue to purchase weapons illegally and the police will be on the losing end of the spectrum once again.

Who is going to come after the firearms when the Liberals (read Communists) tell you that you can't own one.  I know that the politicians aren't going to come out of their secure hideouts and pick up the guns.  Any criminals that "turn in" their guns have probably decided to get rid of evidence that could put them in jail.  And, a number of Police Chiefs and Sheriffs have already stated that they're not doing it because they either agree with the Constitution and the people, or their officers have other, more pressing, duties, like chase down real criminals.
These state firearms' laws are being written because the Liberals (read Communists) know that they cannot get the Constitution amended to remove the Second Amendment.  Their mantra is: "My mind is made up, don't confuse me with the truth!"
Just remember when the Second Amendment falls, it is a short step to take away the other Amendments that make up the Bill of Rights and the end of the Constitution.
It is just a short path from surrendering your Rights for perceived “Security” and then to slavery.  But remember, slaves don't need to worry about a Constitution or Rights!

It's Your Choice!