Monday, December 31, 2012


Opinion by Martin

As we leave 2012 behind us and start the New Year, we face the greatest threat to our Constitutional Rights since the Progressive (read Socialist/Communist) Movement began in the U.S. in the early part of the last Century.

Since that time, the Left has turned every disaster that comes along into a campaign against your Constitutional Freedoms.  From hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, demonstrations, and shootings by people who are mentally unbalanced or politically, the Democrats and big government Liberals have turned them into "your fault".  They propose to close "loopholes" in your Constitution that will protect you against yourself.  Among these "loopholes" is the Second Amendment - your Right to own and keep weapons.

By using incidents such as Newtown, CT, Aurora, CO, and Webster, NY in the past year, the Democrats and their allies have increased their strident tones against military "assault" weapons that are fired semi-automatically which means that it fires one round every time you pull the trigger as opposed to fully automatic meaning that you pull the trigger once and the weapon is emptied as rounds go down-range toward a target.  Even in the military, unless you are a member of a Special Operations Group, assigned to operate a squad automatic weapon or a .50 caliber machine gun (Ma Deuce), you are limited to a three shot burst which means that each time you pull the trigger, three shots leave the weapon toward the target.

The only way an "every day" citizen can own a fully automatic weapon is by purchasing a Federal Firearms License which is expensive and takes time to go through the process with your local, state, and federal levels including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE).  Because it's been illegal to import or domestically produce machine guns since 1986, the price for many Class Three firearms has skyrocketed.  A fully automatic weapon can sell for many thousands of dollars and collectors often hold on to the guns once they've bought them.

Before you fall into the "assault" weapon trap being bandied around by the Left, make certain that you understand the difference between the types of weapons being discussed as well as their capabilities.  Once you educate yourself in the abilities of the different types of weapons, who can own what type of firearm and laws pertaining to their use, you will become more at ease with your relatives, friends, and neighbors who own weapons.

Firearms are tools that were introduced to armies and civilians back in the 1300s Europe and have evolved into the efficient machines that you see today.  These tools are no better and no worse than the person who uses them.  In order to become familiar with a particular firearm, check with your local gun shop or friend who owns a weapon of the type your are interested in and ask him/her about its capabilities, costs and maintenance.  Some shops are tied to a particular range and you may get a chance to try out a revolver, pistol, shotgun, or rifle prior to buying or deciding that a firearm is not for you.

In order to buy a weapon at a store or gun show in Colorado, you must fill out BATFE Form 4473, submit the information to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation for a background check to make certain that you are legally able to own a firearm and then, you may take the weapon home.  There is no restriction on how many firearms you may purchase at one time.

Today we are in a war as dangerous as any of the jihadists that are assembling in the Middle East, biding their time to attack the West, destroying our way of life.  We are in a war against American citizens who actually believe that they know best how you should live your life and that government should be the answer to all your needs.  This battle is focusing on gun control, but make no mistake about it, the battle is about "people-control".  Your Constitutional Rights are on the line! 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Question: Freedom or Slavery?

Opinion by Martin

Right now, in this Country, a battle is raging.  It is the battle over whether or not You, as an individual should be allowed to own a gun.  It is also a battle over Freedom or Slavery!

In the aftermath of several horrendous shootings, two at Christmastime: Newtown, CT and Webster, NY as well as the one in Aurora, CO earlier this year, the politicians here in Colorado and other states have decided that a privately-owned firearm is a threat to public safety and are planning to charge head-on toward gun control during the 2013 Legislative sessions.

There are several organizations including The Brady Campaign Against Gun Violence and Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), which have pulled out all of the stops in a battle to overturn the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights, especially the Second Amendment.

If successful, these groups would disarm the majority of American citizens leaving them to depend on the government at local, state and federal levels for protection against burglars, home invaders, muggers, with obvious intent, and government agencies bent on controlling Your lives. 

In order to see what some governments have in store for You, just look at New York City where Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who founded and funds MAIG, has outlawed salt on tables in restaurants and soft drinks larger than 16 ounces as well as locking away formula in hospitals, telling new mothers that they should breast-feed their babies.  Then there is Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, with some of the most stringent gun laws in the US and over 300 children have been shot and killed or wounded during 2012.  Also during 2012, Washington, DC has seen an increase in mob violence with definite racial overtones, mainly Black on Black, but spilling over into the White community.  These three cities would be considered war zones if they were located in an Eastern Mediterranean country, but they are in the United States and their mayors all decry private ownership of firearms as opposed to looking at the governing practices of their own administrations.  They look at You, the citizen, as the root of their problems.

It is up to You, as a citizen, to contact Your local representatives at all levels and remind them that they swore to uphold the Constitution of the State in which You live as well as the Constitution of the United States.  Remind them that they work for You, the voter; not some “deep-pocketed” special interest group.  It is up to You to protect Your Rights as a citizen.

Even if you don’t own a firearm, have never owned a firearm, and don’t want to own a firearm, please remember that those people who legally own firearms stand between You and the rest of Your Freedoms which includes the Right to redress the government for grievances.  If the Second Amendment is declared void, the rest of Your Rights are in line for extinction and the government will completely control Your lives from start to finish. 

You will lose your Freedom and become a Slave! 

Your Choice!          

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Today in the United States - The Day after the End of The World

Opinion by Martin
This is December 22, 2012!  By and large, 2012 has been an exciting year! 
We’ve had several mass shootings, seen a Socialist elected to the White House for a second four year term and faced the Mayan Calendar’s “End of the World”.  And basically, we’ve survived!
We’ve seen the United Nations, a failed organization, with criminal bureaucrats, dictators, and thieves attempt to take over the Internet and tell us that our Founding Documents don't work and should be revoked for the UN Charter.   At this point, they’ve failed, but I’m sure they’ll be back.  We’re facing the ramifications of the UN’s Agenda 21 which is working to limit where you can live, what kind of house you can live in, the kind of car you can drive and what type of work you can do.  We have watched as the United States Government and the United Nations have attempted to tear up our most precious documents – the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.  So far, a majority of citizens of this nation have resisted surrendering their Rights for slavery by an extremely vocal minority backed by the Democrat Party, “mainstream” media, and corrupt unions.  States are starting to re-exert their Rights to have a say over what laws pertain to their residents and which ones the federal government can use for wall hangings.
It has been one week since the Newtown shootings and the anti-gun people are in full cry about how firearms were responsible for the killing of 20 young children and that if people didn’t have about 100 different types of guns this massacre wouldn’t have happened.  While the Left began screaming, politicizing the shootings, the majority of the citizens of this great Nation mourned the loss of 20 young lives, understanding that privately-owned guns are the first line of defense between assault by criminals and the arrival of the police.
Now, with Christmas and all that entails arriving on Tuesday this year people are still rushing about buying the final gifts, finalizing plans for family and friends and preparing for the shock to your wallet in 2013 and beyond due to going over the “fiscal cliff”, Obamacare, increasing taxes and costs on just about everything partially due to supply and demand, but mostly because of a greedy government that wants to put more control on everything you need for daily life.
The following Monday is December 31, 2012.  On Tuesday, we’ll wake up with a national hang-over and realize that the fight against Big Brother has just begun for another year.
Maybe, the world did end and we just don’t know it!  
God Bless America!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Why Gun Control Doesn’t Work

Opinion by Martin

In the aftermath of President Obama's first term and an increasing number of mass shootings, the usual suspects (Bloomberg, various Liberal Congressmen, the "Brady Bunch" and others) are calling for increased gun control with includes semi-automatic rifles and handguns with extended magazines and various capabilities other than single shot bolt action rifles or revolvers.  This manufactured hysteria began while the smoke from the latest tragedy in Newtown, CT was still drifting away on the wind.

The people who are working on gun control have now reached over the line of decency by using the deaths of 20 children to attack firearms as a whole rather than the person who pulled the trigger.  The organizations which decry the "lack of gun control" in the United States are among the same "Blame America" groups which stand in the way of laws that would enhance the ability of the states to place certified mentally ill people into supervised treatment whether or not those people wished to be treated.  For instance, the State of Connecticut attempted to pass a law (CT SB452) in February to "enhance the care and treatment of persons with psychiatric disabilities in both inpatient and outpatient settings."  The bill was defeated in March with the opposition calling it "outrageously discriminatory."  The ACLU said that the bill would "infringe on patient's privacy rights by expanding the number of people who could medicate individuals without their consent."

According to, if CT SB452 had passed, it would have given the state the right to institutionalize a person who is mentally ill for treatment if the state had enough evidence to believe that the person was a danger to himself or the community.  This means that Adam Lanza may have been off the streets and unable to commit the December 14 Newtown murders.

Now, why won't "gun control" work in the United States?  There are numerous reasons, but first and foremost is that the Right to Bear Arms is enshrined in the Constitution which protects the People against a tyranny of government and will be rather difficult to overturn.  The second number is the sheer number of firearms privately owned in this country by police officers and civilians, such as hunters, for various reasons including home defense, target shooting, and just collecting.  A third reason is that there is no one in the United States who really knows how many unregistered guns there actually are in the country.  If no one knows how many unregistered guns there are and who controls those weapons, how can any government guarantee the safety of the people who have turned in their firearms?

There are areas in the country where the response time to a 911 call is well over 15 minutes and could be 45 minutes or longer.  Even in an urban setting, because of the sheer number of calls to police departments, the calls have to be prioritized which may lead to a delayed response time leaving the police to clean up the damage done by the perpetrator(s) at the site of the call.  Slow response times show that, in many cases, firearms are the first line of defense for the average citizen and his/her family against the unspeakable horror that is a home invasion, assault on the street, burglarly, or a "madman" in the mall bent of killing as many people as he can before the police arrive.  One person with a weapon in the home or carrying a concealed weapon in the mall may mean the difference between one person being shot and 100 people being killed or wounded.

Obama and the anti-gunners also continue to neglect one extremely pertinent fact:  The highest murder rates using guns and other weapons are in the cities that have the most stringent gun laws starting with Chicago, Washington, DC (the Nation's Capital), and Detroit.  Even Bloomberg's New York City is not exempt from this violence and you can go to jail for defending yourself and your family with a firearm.

Monday, December 17, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Lies about Gun Control

Opinion by Martin

During the past year, we have seen a number of mass shootings – a movie theater in Aurora, CO, a mall in the suburbs of Portland, OR, and an elementary school in Newtown, CT.  Among the dead and wounded were children, parents, friends and total strangers who happened to be in the wrong place at exactly the wrong time.   When these tragedies happen, special interest groups such as the “Brady Bunch” and Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) don’t bother to examine why the shooter pulled the trigger, they look at firearms as the enemy.  They blame You, the Second Amendment and claim that if guns were completely unavailable, there would be no crimes of this type.    

These special interest groups disregard cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Washington, DC where gangs have turned parts of the city into a free fire zone in spite of strict gun ownership laws. 

Never mind that, in most countries and cities where private ownership of weapons has been deemed illegal and firearms have been confiscated, the crime rate has increased because the “bad guys” don’t pay attention to the laws anyway.

Never mind that, in states where concealed carry is the “Law of the Land” armed robberies, murder, and assault have declined because most of the “bad guys” are cowards and don’t really want to take the chance of facing a citizen who might be armed and able to defend themselves.

All citizens mourn the loss of one person killed or wounded by a thug wielding a gun, whether legal or illegal, and we know that a criminal who will shoot a police officer would have no problem turning that weapon on an unarmed victim.  However, by now, the People of the United States should understand that Bloomberg and MAIG, the “Brady Bunch” and other people who are attempting to force Gun Control down your throats are more interested in controlling you than enforcing the laws that are already on the books because “it is easier”. 

Except for highly publicized events as Newtown, Aurora, VA Tech, etc., murder using a firearm has been on the decline across America for years, and there has never a documented case of a gun getting off a shelf or out of a safe and walking down the street on a killing spree,

Obama, Bloomberg, and the “Brady Bunch” understand that if you, as a citizen, are disarmed, then you are more likely to accept the dictates of “Big Government”.  A Nation without personally owned weapons is on the way to slavery because there could be no resistance to the orders of the “Nannystate” and its minions.

You have seen daily the results of “Fast and Furious”, a scenario where guns were sold in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, then allowed to cross the border into Mexico where they were used by the drug cartels in bloody shoot-outs with police and military.  This was a thinly disguised attempt by the US government to tell you, that fully operational machine guns, rocket-grenade launchers, and automatic rifles can be purchased at any gun store in the US with impunity.  This is a complete lie, and they know it.  It is an assault on your Right to own a firearm.  Your Right under the Second Amendment.    
So, as we face a second term of Obama Presidency, and as you try to make ends meet in the “Obama Economy”, Obama, the United Nations, Mayor Bloomberg of New York and MAIG, the “Brady Bunch” and others are attempting one more assault on the Second Amendment of the Constitution – Your Right to Own and Bear Arms.

There once was a campaign by Nancy Reagan against Drugs – “Just Say No!”  This is the same approach to use against United Nations, Mayor Bloomberg and MAIG.  Tell the UN “diplomats” not to worry about the US Constitution, pay attention to improving the lives of the people in their own countries.  Tell Bloomberg and his lackies to enforce the laws of his City and leave the rest of us alone.  Just Say NO to Gun Control!! 

Friday, November 16, 2012


The Death of A Nation – Martial Law
 Opinion by Martin

On November 06, 2012, I watched a Nation vote itself out of existence.  I watched 51% of the people demand “freebies” paid for by the other 49% of the voters.

On November 07, 2012, residents of the State of Louisiana petitioned the federal government for permission to secede from the Union followed by Texas (which has its own Constitution) and numerous other states.  Depending on who is speaking at the moment, this may or may not succeed as a movement other than “feel good”.  As of November 14, 2012, there were petitions from all 50 states with well over 600,000 signatures albeit more than one petition from some states requesting secession. 

Suppose that there was an actual concentrated movement solidifying to secede from the United States.  Suppose one state actually voted to leave the Union and carried out the threat?  Would Barack Obama declare martial law and either federalize the National Guard or send in Active Army units to quell the secession and, would those troops actually turn their weapons on their fellow Americans?

We do have precedent:  The War of Southern Secession (Civil War) from 1860-1865 when over 600,000 Americans died to “preserve the Union”.  The “Bonus Army” after World War I in Washington, DC where Majors Dwight D Eisenhower and George Patton “put down” an attempt by veterans to collect monies promised to them by the government by staging a protest in the Nation’s capital during the Depression and, more recently in the 1960s, we have the incident during the Civil Rights Movement where troops were sent into South to force the integration of schools.

The question remains, what will be the flash point, real or imagined, that will cause the Obama Regime to declare Martial Law on parts of, or the whole of the United States, suspending the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution ruling by fiat and shutting down the Bill of Rights completely?

What will cause Americans to once again turn weapons against Americans and destroy the 237 year experiment that is the United States, much to the enjoyment of our enemies world-wide?  And, how would that play out in the destruction of our National Experiment?  Would you turn your personally owned guns against your fellow Americans who happen to be police or soldiers and would your sons, daughters, and neighbors turn their weapons on you?

Will the American Experiment survive the Obama Regime until 2017 when the next President takes over the reins of a National government?  Or, will the next President be looking at the remains of a once proud Nation broken down into squabbling regional entities under the sway of outside forces?  Will the next President be looking over a broken carcass of a country being picked apart by other world powers and an ascendant United Nations that pretends to have its “best interest” at heart while actually dividing the remains among other member nations which includes sending in “peace keepers”?

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found that the dream was broken.  It was broken because more people found that they could elect a government that would give them “freebies” paid for by others.  What we witnessed on November 06, 2012 was no less that the death of a Nation.  A Nation that committed suicide consigning itself to the trash heap of human dreams and desires. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found that the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, Big Businesses, and by elements of Big Government with an agenda.  What we witnessed on November 06, 2012 was no less that the death of a Nation.  A Nation that committed suicide through the destruction of Founding Documents, now in tatters, consigned to the trash heap of human dreams and desires. 

When Barack Obama entered office, he stated that he would be the most transparent administration in the history of the United States, that he would unite the Nation and that all Americans would find a new level of access and civility in government.  Instead, he has trampled on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Barack Obama has shown over the past four years that he does not care about the people who have worked hard to make this the greatest Nation on the face of the Earth.  A Beacon that, for the past 237 years, has represented Freedom to enslaved populations around the world.  A Beacon that, last night, was shut down for the indefinite future.

Barack Obama’s re-election has shown that “freebies” have become more important to the population of the United States than actually working for a living.  This election has shown that Obama and his minions believe that they are able to control how you live your life, where you live and what you do for a living.

People are saying, that as a Conservative, I should request that the Republicans do what they can to get along with the Democrats who are presently in power.  Why?  The Democrat Party is as dangerous to the United States as the Nazis, Soviet Union, or Al Qaida ever were and, in the case of Al Qaida is.  My plan is to request the Republicans treat the Democrat Party as the enemy.  Because they are!! 

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found that the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, Big Businesses, and by Big Government with an agenda.  A Nation that committed suicide on November 06, 2012 through the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

THE RISE OF THE PHOENIX - Freedom or Slavery

Opinion by Martin

Well, the past two weeks has had all of the liberal pundits whining about the actual ineptitude at the top of the Democrat ticket for President in November from Obama completely throwing his first attempt at speaking without a teleprompter to Biden’s absolute muffing of the facts and coming off like a hallowe’en character preparing to go out trick or treating.  Chris Matthews completely fell apart after his “god” portrayed himself to be not only human, but absolutely unable to present a coherent paragraph while Romney had facts and figures to back up his presentation.

With the Middle East completely falling apart, the murder of an Ambassador in Libya, the European Union coming unglued and total misunderstanding of the situation by the Obama regime, the American liberals (excuse me, progressives) have found themselves on the wrong side of history once again, not having any concept about the dreams and desires of the majority of American citizens.  It appears that even the illegal aliens are beginning to recognize slavery when they see it and are rejecting the “freebies” that the Democrat Party is handing out.

We have seen the vision of the future sent to us by the liberal Democrats.  It is completely black and desolate with no chance for dreams to become reality.  It is a future completely vacant as far as individual freedoms are concerned with only scraps given to the citizens while friends of the regime get fat off the spoils of a destroyed economy and the bones of the entrepreneur.

We only have twenty-three days left until you have to make a final choice as to how you want your future to look – bright with the possibility of being able to choose your own way of life, how your family will live and succeed at the levels that you wish, or dark with the government telling you how to live, where to live, what type of job you can hold and whether or not you will live.  These choices are stark on their outlook, there is no middle ground. 

Freedom or Slavery!!     Your Choice!!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

THE RISE OF THE PHOENIX - The Change of Command?

Opinion by Martin

On October 03, 2012 the Presidential Debate was held in Denver, Colorado and the Republicans felt that Mitt Romney won through control of the facts and refusing to allow the moderator Jim Lehrer from PBS to let Obama run on and on with his version of the facts.  The Democrats felt that Obama lost for various reasons from not being allowed to complete his thoughts to the altitude of Denver (Al Gore’s input).

Personally, I felt that Obama really wanted to be somewhere else other than on stage facing Romney.  I was watching his body language including downcast eyes, nodding as though in agreement with some of Romney’s points, and a slumping stance while Romney actually looked and acted as though he was the President.

Obama did not appear to have any idea what was going on and for the most part appeared to have a “deer in the headlights” when his own policies were pointed out as failures and did not appear to be able to respond with information that supported his positions.

All in all, I agree that Romney won Round 1 in the debate series, but there are still two more Presidential Debates and one Vice Presidential Debate.  All of the pollsters show that Obama and Romney are neck in neck for the top job in the United States, but the only poll that really counts is the one on November 06, 2012.

The Presidential Election is extremely important to the future of this Nation and its Citizens.  Being a Conservative, I want Romney to win but it is up to you to go out and choose the direction of our Country and the type of government that you want for your families and future generations.    

Friday, September 28, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Republican Establishment and What It Means to You

Opinion by Martin

There is a group of people at all levels of politics from local through national who are almost as dangerous to your political choices as the Democrats.  That group of people is the Republican Establishment.
These men and women went to the best colleges and universities, entered some of the best corporations and have worked to build the Republican Party into a second tier organization that is best suited for whining about being the “back benchers” in state legislatures and Congress instead of the national leaders envisioned by Ronal Reagan.

What I have seen are people who “represent” the Republican Establishment, (Karl Rove, Bill Kristol, and several other neoconservatives) attempt to derail the nominee of the Republican Party, Mitt Romney, in the struggle for the future of our Nation against the forces of darkness led by Barack Obama and the Democrat Party. 

There are numerous citizens of our great Nation who believe that a third party would be best for the future of the country, I disagree because a third party would lead to more and more balkanization until our political system would resemble something akin to France where virtually every person is a political party and the only unified organizations are the Socialist Party and the Muslims.  Everyone else is adrift without any direction whatsoever.  These citizens believe that the Republicans and the Democrats are in a battle to destroy what’s left of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights given to us by our Forefathers who had vision beyond the ages. 

The Declaration of Independence outlined the grievances against the King of England and his Government who refused to recognize the Colonists Rights as loyal subjects of the Crown.  The numerous grievances listed can easily be placed in a petition to the present day government of the United States. 
The Constitution encoded this list of grievances in a document that placed the Rights of the Citizen above the rights of the federal government and the First Ten Amendments (the Bill of Rights) further limited the abilities of the federal government to impact the lives of our citizens. 

However, our citizens become complacent, fat, dumb, and happy sitting on the couch waiting for the government to explain the next changes to the Founding Documents and how those changes will make our lives so much better and equal for all while eroding the very Rights given to us in those documents.
Everyone blames one side or the other for all the wrongs in this Nation today.  I can guarantee you that there is more than enough blame to be placed at the feet of both Parties without throwing in the Republican Establishment who actually side more often with the Democrats than not just to preserve their tenuous grip on power within the Party that is now being threatened by the Tea Party.

The Republican Establishment is just as dangerous to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights as the Democrats.  It is up to you to change the leadership of the Republican Party, to throw out the present leadership and establish new leaders who will move the Republicans back to the Founding Documents and start us renewing the path of the Founders.  

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Opinion by Martin

Very Interesting! 

Two weeks ago the United States Embassy in Cairo was attacked, its walls breached, Our Flag torn down and burned to be replaced by the flag of Al Qaeda.  The Obama Administration and  State Department apologized to the attackers.

Two weeks ago the United States Consulate in Benghazi was attacked, its walls breached, Our Ambassador was murdered along with three other Americans.  The Obama Administration and State Department apologized to the attackers.

There is a video running around the internet called “Innocence of Muslims” which no one had seen until it was brought to our attention by the apologies by the Obama Administration and a sorry excuse for a State Department and these attacks on our facilities. 

Now, because the Obama Administration and State Department has emphasized the “importance” of this fifth rate video, there are more anti-American demonstrations throughout the Muslim World.  The “Religion of Peace” has erupted into violence killing numbers of its own adherents.

What would happen if Christians rioted every time there was an attack on a member of the clergy, a religious icon, or a church?

What would happen if Jew rioted every time there was any attack on a rabbi, religious icon or temple?

Would the Obama Administration and State Department apologize to them for perceived transgressions against their Religions?  Somehow, I doubt it!  The Obama Administration would most likely support the attacks.

The Obama Administration has proven to be craven cowards when it comes to standing up for its allies, whether Christian or Jew against the enemies of the Western world while apologizing for assaults against the same Western world by forces of destruction and darkness.

This November is possibly your last chance to strike a blow for the United States and Freedom!

It is time for a change!  It is time to regain our Leadership position in the Free World.  It is time to remove Obama and his merry band of apologists from office forever.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Opinion by Martin

We are now less than a month and one half from the Presidential Election and I am not certain that the People will turn out the Socialist and anti-American who presently occupies the White House and elect someone who will work for the Country.

Barack Obama is an “Enemy of the State”!  He is hell-bent on destroying this Nation and is working with our enemies to do just that.  He is the Trojan Horse, loaded up with destructive ideas and backed by forces that range from the United Nations to our own State Legislators who have swallowed his lies and believe that by backing Obama, they will become part of the “Elite” who will rule what’s left of the United States when our sovereignty is completely compromised and we are left helpless before the Communists, Islamists and other groups which wish to pick apart the carcass of our once Great Nation.

There is mounting evidence that the attacks on our Embassy in Egypt and Consulate in Benghazi were planned in advance of September 11th and that the Obama Regime may have had warning of these attacks in advance and did nothing to bolster the security on either location.

Along with the destruction of our economy, military and foreign policies over the past three years, the final straw are these attacks on sovereign United States territory in a foreign nation with the Obama Regime wringing their hands and claiming that there was nothing they could have done to protect those locations or the four men who died representing our Nation.

Obama, Clinton, and the rest of this regime should be held criminally liable for this debacle and the Democrat Party along with the “Mainstream” press should be considered unindicted co-conspirators because they just sat around whining and complaining that the whole problem is George Bush’s fault.

There is enough blame to place at the feet of both political parties as they struggle, to the detriment of the American People, maintain their power.  An old style Soviet apparatchik would be proud of the machinations that both parties use to usurp Constitutional Powers that belong to the People, but we as Free Men and Women should be standing up to these creatures and start taking our Nation back.

It will be hard work: street by street, town by town, city by city, county by county and state by state until the politicians who have set themselves up a potentates understand that We! The People are in charge and that they work for us.  Cut the State and Federal Governments by 50% and except for the moaning of the bureaucrats who would actually have to work for their pay and benefits, the Nation would be better off.

Demand that your Congressmen/women adhere to the Constitution and their Oaths of Office.  If they refuse to listen, vote them out of office and replace them with someone who owes allegiance to the People, not a special interest group.  The People of the United States and the Constitution are the most important Special Interest Group and one that should be listened to.

It is up to each of you as to whether we go forward into the Light of Freedom and Reagan’s “Shining City on the Hill” or descend into the Darkness of Slavery and Third World status.

Friday, September 14, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Now is the Time to Stand and be Counted

Opinion by Martin

As you sit in the comfort of your home, eating your dinner, playing with the kids, and complaining to your wife or friends about the political situation in your state or in Washington, DC.  Remember that Election Day is just a few weeks away and you can vote to make changes in the political system.
Oh!  You’re not registered to vote?

Oh!  You don’t have time to stop by the polling place and cast your ballot?
Oh!  You don’t believe that your vote will make a difference anyway?

Then shut up and sit down because you don’t have a dog in this fight!  You are the reason our Nation is in the situation in which we find ourselves today.
The person occupying the White House is an apologizer who rivals Neville Chamberlain for pure stupidity as far as believing that talk can make a difference in the face of evil and hatred.  Wait a minute; you don’t know who Neville Chamberlain was?  Chamberlain was the Prime Minister of England prior to World War II.  He flew to Berlin, had a conference with Adolf Hitler, and returned to England with a document signed by Hitler promising that after he dismantled Czechoslovakia there would be no reason for war in Europe.  Hitler lied!

Today the United States and the Free World face an enemy as implacable as Hitler and Stalin ever were and much older.  The Islamic extremists that attacked our Embassy in Cairo and Consulate in Benghazi have over one thousand years of hatred on their side.  They actually believe in a world-wide Caliphate in which the Muslims will rule the entire civilized world and subjugating all peoples to their way of life.  And we have a President who either doesn’t believe that they are serious, or he is one of them!
Barack Hussein Obama has gutted our economy, our military, our Nation and you sit on your couch watching television, playing with your kids, talking with your friends and neighbors about the situation in the state or Washington, DC and complaining that there is nothing that you can do about it. 

Well, there is!  Get off your collective butts, register to vote!  Join a Liberty group like the 9/12ers, Liberty on the Rocks, Liberty First, or The Black Tea Party and make your voice heard today.  You don’t have much time before our Nation is completely destroyed from within.
Make a difference today!!  You are the difference and our future is up to you!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Opinion by Martin

With very few exceptions, the United States no longer has a Free Press in accordance with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. 

With the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt and the Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, the U.S. Press has proven that they, like the unions, are merely extensions to the Democrat Party.  Lapdogs to a President and Party that would rule this Nation and its People with the same arrogance and control as any commissar from the former Soviet Union or tin pot dictator from Africa or early Twentieth Century Central America.

The travesty that is presently taking place in North Africa and other parts of the Muslim world is by design and has been on display for the world to see since the Islamic warriors swept out of Mecca and Medina in the 7th Century conquering all of the land around the Mediterranean Sea up into Spain in the West and into Turkey and through the Balkans as far North as Southern Russia.  The Islamic sphere has moved as far East as Indonesia and into China covering Pakistan, Afghanistan and many of the other nations in the former Soviet Union. 

Where is our press in covering this attack on sovereign soil, they’re sitting behind their desks defending Obama and his failed policies by attacking the Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. 

Barack Hussein Obama, the present occupier of the White House is a re-creation of the 1930s British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and his “Peace in Our Time” speech to the British people after meeting with Adolf Hitler.  He spent the first year of his administration traveling around the world bowing to dictators and apologizing for the good that the United States has done for other countries.

Obama does not see how his posturing and apologizing for this Nation’s greatness shows a particular weakness in countries and among peoples who only understand power AND, he does not care.  All he seeks is the power granted to him by the Constitution of the Great Country as he works, along with his willing accomplices in media and the unions, to destroy the good works and history of this Nation.

But Obama could not succeed in his quest of destruction of the United States without his willing assistants in the media, those people who pretend to be objective while doing everything possible to support Obama and the Democrat Party’s war against the American Citizens, to destroy everything that has been built over 237 years.

In November, you must turn out this man and his destructive ways.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

COLORADO POLITICS 2012 - Continuation into Slavery

Opinion by Martin

On April 26, 2012, the People of the Great State of Colorado continued the journey into darkness and bankruptcy by reelecting Amy Stephens and her Liberal supporters whose aim is to take over your lives through big government and deficit spending.  Tomorrow the State of Colorado continues down the road to insolvency and dependency like California led by RINOs like Amy Stephens who, along with other expatriates from that late great State who have infested Denver and its environs.  Our citizens have decided that they would rather surrender their Rights as outlined by our Founding Fathers in return for crumbs from the “Ruling Elite”.

Now, on November 6th, 2012, the Citizens of Colorado will have another choice to make.  We can stand up for one of the greatest documents ever written in the history of man – The Constitution of these United States or we can surrender to the dark forces that lead into dictatorship that degrades our standing in the world and among nations.

The Founding Fathers wrote a document that stands as one of the pre-eminent guidelines for nations since the days of the Greek and Roman Empires.  Our Constitution stands among hallmarks such as the Holy Bible, the Ten Commandants, the Magna Charta, and numerous documents that lay out the primacy of Man as he seeks his place in the world among others who wish to enslave or destroy him.

Today, one of our two political parties wishes to enslave the American People tying their future to a despotic organization, the United Nations, that is out for world domination through international treaties that completely usurp our Constitution and subordinate all of our God-given Rights to the whims of petit dictators who absolutely hate everything that we, as a sovereign nation, have stood for over two hundred years.   That political party is the Democrat Party with their ties to worldwide unions and other Communist organizations.  Today, the Democrat Party controls most of the bigger states and large cities, with corresponding governmental failures and accompanying bankruptcy.  They wish to force you, as a citizen, to live in population corridors tied to urban transportation hubs restricting your ability to work where you wish and travel as you desire.

On November 6th, 2012, you have the duty to strike a blow for Freedom, to defeat the forces of darkness and evil marshaled by Obama and the Democrat Party.  You may not completely agree with Romney and the Republicans, but they are the only force that can turn back the clouds that threaten to snuff out the United States of America.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Destruction of the Individual

Opinion by Martin

The Declaration of Independence was signed on August 2, 1776 by a “Band of Brothers”, a group of men who were as diverse as the colonies themselves.  True, they were fairly wealthy, even by today’s standards; some were slave-holders, some lawyers, merchants, and farmers.  But they all had a dream.

The dream for which they made the first steps was equality and justice under British Law.  A guarantee that the colonists would receive equal treatment by the Crown including Fair Taxation, local justices would be able to rule over local cases without citizens having to travel to England for hearings, that elected officials would be able to carry out their duties without to much interference from the King’s Governors and numerous other complaints that were levied against King George and his Ministers.

The 56 men signed the Document that changed history as surely as the Ten Commandments and the Magna Carta.  I am certain that they knew the Crown would not look favorably upon this Declaration.  That their lives and property, as well as that of their families, would be forfeit if the King felt that this was the start of a rebellion.

It was a rebellion with fewer than 5% of the population in favor of leaving the British Empire and striking out on our own.  With full reliance on God and an earthly ally (France) whose own revolution went seriously off-track and became extremely bloody.  Our revolution took us from part of someone else’s property to one of the most powerful nations on the face of the Earth.

We have gone from a Nation of individualists who believed in God and the Rights of Man to a whining, sniveling bunch of brats who look to the government at all levels for sustenance and “free” things.  We have given up on personal responsibility and individual pursuits and opted for a “nanny-state” lifestyle.

The Declaration of Independence is as valid today as when it was written.  We have local, state, and federal officials, elected and appointed, telling us how to live our lives, writing laws from which they exempt themselves, spending our money on pet projects to enrich themselves at our expense.  It is up to We, the People, to demand that our elected Representatives at all levels, up to and including the President, uphold their Oaths of Office and not pretend that they know what is best for the rest of us.  It is up to We, the People, to remind our elected Representatives at all levels, up to and including the President, that the Constitution of these United States is the Supreme Law of the land, not some personal agenda either on their part or that of their appointed bureaucrats. 

This November it is up to you whether or not this Nation survives or becomes a footnote in history.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

THE ENEMY HAS BREACHED THE WALLS - United Nations Small Arms Treaty

Opinion by Martin

The enemy is at the gates of our Nation!

The United Nations and its anti-American, anti-Democracy forces are now using a “diplomatic Trojan Horse” to circumvent our Constitution and its Second Amendment to place our citizens and gun ownership under the scrutiny of foreigners.

On U.S. soil, in New York City at the United Nations Headquarters, the minions of George Soros and other anti-Americans are working feverishly to produce a document that will bind gun ownership in this Country to international law and allow confiscation of all types of weaponry, the first step to physically enslave the citizenry. 

Whether or not you own a gun, you must remember that it is your Right under our Constitution, and your neighbor may just save your life because he/she has a gun when you are attacked by criminals.  Police response time may take up to ½ hour depending on where you live and by the time they arrive, they may just be taking a report on a crime scene.  And remember, most criminals do not care about gun laws.  They will find weapons to use in their activities while you, the law abiding citizen, will be disarmed and at their mercy.

Under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties dated 1969, the Small Arms Treaty will become Law of the Land unless revoked by the President or the Senate refuses to ratify it.  I hope that this is unacceptable to the thinking American who believes in the Constitution and its First 10 Amendments (The Bill of Rights). 

I believe that this November is the most important election in American history.  We will either start returning our Nation to the track set by the Founders, or surrender all of our Rights and Freedoms to international control.

It’s Your Choice!!

                                                Freedom or Slavery!!

                                                                                                                Liberty or Death!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

THE ENEMY HAS BREACHED THE WALLS - Attack on Your 2nd Amendment Rights

Opinion by Martin

During the month of July, the United Nations is meeting to internationally regulate the sale of weapons and the Obama regime is attempting to use this treaty to make an end run around the Constitution and Bill of Rights to take away your weapons.

When reading the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties dated 1969, one finds that the following people can sign international treaties for their nation and have that treaty considered binding until revoked by a successor:
     (a)  Heads of States, Heads of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs, for the purpose of performing all acts relating to the conclusion of a treaty;
     (b)  heads of diplomatic missions, for the purpose of adopting the text of a treaty between the accrediting State and the State to which they are accredited; 
     (c)  representatives accredited by States to an international conference of to an international organization or one of its organs, for the purpose of adopting the text of a treaty in that conference, organization or organ.

According to our United States Constitution, it takes 2/3 of the US Senate to approve a treaty with a foreign entity.  However, as he has shown time and again, Obama has no concern about the People of the United States, our Congress, OR the Constitution that he has sworn to uphold.  By ruling through Executive Order, and bypassing Congress, Obama has taken steps to legalize the presence of millions of illegal aliens, expand the power of the federal government, and attempt to takeover and alter the entire social structure of the United States moving it closer to Socialism, a system that has failed everywhere it has been tried in the past.  Even the European model that Obama believes in is crumbling before our eyes and has a number of European states on the brink of bankruptcy and failure.

Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton are planning to attend the United Nations signing of the Small Arms Treaty in New York City on the 27th of July with full intention of signing that Treaty and binding the US to it until, or when, he is voted out of Office.  Once he has signed the Treaty, you will be a criminal if you fail to register any weapons that you own, buy on for a friend or family member as a gift, or sell a weapon that you own.  Then the government, as presently instituted, can begin to disarm the honest citizens who own guns of any type.

The Small Arms Treaty will completely circumvent the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights and, whether or not you own a weapon of any kind, will diminish your Rights as a Citizen of the United States.

As a concerned Citizen, you should demand that your Senator uphold his/her Oath of Office and tell Barack Hussein Obama that the Constitution in inviolate and cannot be altered by the United Nations or any other foreign entity. 

Then in November, You have the Right to Exercise Your Vote and begin to regain your Country.  Tell this wouldbe dictator and his minions that they do not have the Right to enslave the People of the United States.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Demise of States Rights

Opinion by Martin

Yesterday (June 25, 2012) the Supreme Court of the United States struck a blow against State’s Rights by telling Arizona that they could not enforce laws of this Nation. 

Chief Justice John Roberts has shown that he is truly part of the establishment by siding with the Liberal faction on the Court and overturning three of four parts of Arizona SB 1070.  The three parts of the law that were stricken were already on the books as Federal Law and not enforced by the Obama regime.  Below are the United States Code Sections that were included in the Arizona SB 1070.

1)      8 USC 1304(e): Personal possession of registration or receipt card; penalties. Every alien, eighteen years of age and over, shall at all times carry with him and have in his personal possession any certificate of alien registration or alien registration receipt card issued to him pursuant to subsection (d) of this section. Any alien who fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction for each offense be fined not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. 

2)      8 USC 1306 (a): Willful failure to register. Any alien required to apply for registration and to be fingerprinted in the United States who willfully fails or refuses to make such application or to be fingerprinted, and any parent or legal guardian required to apply for the registration of any alien who willfully fails or refuses to file application for the registration of such alien shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not to exceed $1,000 or be imprisoned not more than six months, or both.)

Now, on the heels of the Supreme Court Ruling, the Obama regime has suspended an agreement that gives federal assistance to Arizona Law Officers handling suspected illegal aliens.  What this means is that Arizona could become today’s version of the Wild West and a “freeway for border crossers”.   The arrogance of the Obama administration to absolutely deny that the States have the Right to defend their residents while the Federal government refuses to uphold the Constitution of the United States is appalling.

It appears that now is the time for the People of the United States to demand the Constitution be enforced and that the 10th Amendment must be the highest priority against an outlaw regime that never believed it was responsible to the majority of the citizens of this Nation and has proven it through petulant behavior against Arizona. 

If Obama and his band of criminals can change the law to suit their objectives of the moment, as demonstrated with the attack on Arizona, what can they do to you as an individual.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Opinion by Martin

It is very interesting that the U.N. Climate Organization which wishes to change the basic ways in which you live your everyday through fallacious science about Global Warming has submitted paperwork to be granted immunity against charges of conflict of interest, exceeding its mandate and other possible criminal activities in which it may become involved while destroying your lifestyle.

This organization is meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on June 20-23, 2012 to further expand its power throughout the world which includes driving toward the nations of the world toward total subservience to the United Nations through taxation, fees and transfer of wealth to UN organizations supposedly to bring all the “Third World Nations” into the 21st Century while bringing the standard of living in the manufacturing nations of the world down to level not seen since the Middle Ages.

The very interesting part about this whole situation is that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or UNFCCC is not part, was not to be part, of the U.N. system of organizations that has enjoyed diplomatic and legal immunities.  And now because of the scrutiny placed on the Great Global Warming Lie, the UNFCCC is scrambling to find ways to protect themselves as they go about the business of destroying you and your way of life.

My question is:  If Global Warming is “settled science” and everything that these people are doing is accepted by the majority of the people of the United States and the rest of the world, then why should they need diplomatic or legal immunity?  Could it be that they realize that people are starting to understand that their entire organization is built on a foundation of lies and that there is a possibility they could be prosecuted for theft on a scale that makes the US Congress and Bernie Madoff look like cheapskates?

Is it possible that this band of thieves busily stripping the First World Nations of their wealth, not to help other nations, but to line their own pockets and those of their chosen supporters and contractors?  I am not saying that all workers are dishonest, there are those who believe that there are problems in the world, because it is a fact.  There are problems with getting food, medicines, and water to people in undeveloped countries as well as parts of the world that are “civilized” such as Detroit, Michigan and other large cities. 

What I believe is that with very few exceptions, the United Nations is a criminal organization that is totally dedicated to stripping the world of its wealth and subjugating its population to a life of subservience.   It is time to stop an organization that puts the Mafia to shame as far as criminality is concerned and, if allowed to succeed, will use the same strong arm tactics to consolidate its gains.  The United Nations and it merry band of petit dictators should be dissolved, all of its “diplomats”: should be stripped of their immunity and sent packing back to the caves and huts from whence they came. 

Demand that your Congressman/woman, whether Republican or Democrat take steps to force the United Nations out of the United States and the United States out of the United Nations.