Monday, September 26, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Fall of The Dream, Part 1

Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels.

Great nations have disappeared from the pages of history due to military action, inept leadership and, just plain failure to face changing times.  Great nations have disappeared from the face of the Earth due to natural disasters.  But one great nation is about to disappear due to greed on the part of its citizens, politicians and the inability of all to face reality.  This nation is the United States of America.

Oh, it may stagger on for another generation or two, but because its citizens have neglected their basic duties – being involved in local, state, and federal government by voting, “making their voices heard” and, actually overseeing the work of elected officials who, after all, work for the taxpayers, they have allowed mini-fiefdoms to be set up across the country fueled by money provided by special interest groups (Sierra Club and other environmental organizations, lawyers, big businesses, big unions, and several different types of minorities (gays, homeless, illegal aliens, etc.)).

These various special interest groups are backed by people who have agendas that are being forced down your collective throats.  Agendas that range from “free” education and medical services for illegal aliens, civil rights for animals (PETA) and others but all revolve around one driving force – GREED!

The main proponent of these groups are the people who grew up in the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s whose parents and grandparents lived through the Great Depression and felt that because they had suffered, their children would not.  Therefore, they worked very hard and provided their children with the fastest cars, the best educations, vacations and other perks that their parents did not have when they were growing up.  Now, the children are repaying their parents by destroying the very engine that provided this life for them – The United States.

These children have reached adulthood and have taken all of the benefits provided by their parents into the public sector and are demanding more and more services without considering where the money is coming from to pay for those services.  In one way or another, we are all guilty of this transgression against the dreams of our parents, whether sitting around receiving welfare benefits or unemployment because we are too lazy to go out and get a job because “it does not pay enough”, ignoring politicians who are taking payments from businesses, unions, or other special interest groups and leaving them in office term after term because “it doesn’t affect me”, or not voting because “it doesn’t make any difference”.

WE are these children!  WE have violated our parent’s dreams!  WE are the ones destroying a nation built by visionaries, who fled from tyranny in Europe to found a system that is built on equality, not perfect, but at least one that gives each person a chance to earn what he/she wishes.  Each person has the opportunity to “reach for the stars”.  Each person may fall short, but if you keep reaching, you will achieve.  Too many of us have decided that our dreams should be financed by someone else’s labor and success.

The tomorrows of the United States are built on today.  If today is an example of what we are looking at for tomorrow, then the United States will become a footnote in the pages of history, much like the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and the British Empire.  A civilization lost in time, merely a dream that some people saw, but never allowed to reach its potential due to the greed of its citizens.

Sept 03, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Fall Of The United States - The Next Day

Opinion by Martin

On September 12, 2010, the People of the United States and their Government were truly united.  We were trying to figure out exactly who or what was responsible for the cowardly attack that murdered 3,000 innocent people the day before.  But we were united.

What has happened since then?

Well, we watched as the US Military destroyed the Taliban Government in Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein in Iraq and as our own Government was toppled from within by American Socialists masquerading as the Democrat Party.  To be sure, they were voted into office by the Entitlement Class of citizens who pay no income taxes, or very little, and receive the bounty of being an American citizen (or not). 

In 10 short years, we have heard politicians and ministers go from singing “God Bless America” to saying “God Damn America”. 

In 10 short years, we have gone from a Nation standing proud as the leader of the Free World to a Pauper State led by an avowed Socialist with criminal connections to political and union machines that will stop at nothing to keep him in office although he has already proven a traitor to The Constitution and the vows he took when sworn into Office as President.

In 10 short years, we have watched the shredding of Our Constitution and Bill of Rights as politicians at all levels from Local, State and Federal Governments have reached out for more of our money in order to pay their supporters at the expense of the Common Man - the people who create the jobs and the folks who pay the bills.

To be sure, the dream the was The United States was far from perfect and had  numerous missteps on the road to Equality, but was quite a bit better than most of the other Nations that exist around the world.  Generally, you are not chosen to succeed because of your family or political connections.  You can succeed because of perseverance and hard work.  Your family can plan to send you to college, or you can attend by completing a contract with the Military or taking out student loans.  Either way, you have that opportunity.

Ten years later, the United States has awakened in a completely different world, a world with a completely different set of rules.  A world where the media believes itself to be a branch of the government.  A world where politicians believe the taxpayers and voters work for them and that The Constitution is just a sheet of paper.  A world where our Government is for sale to the highest bidder and our Rights, as set forth by the Founding Fathers are being trampled in the dust of the streets.

Today is September 12, 2011 and Ten years have come and gone since that September morning in 2001 when our Nation was attacked and 3,000 of our citizens murdered by cowards from another part of the world.  Cowards, who believe in an unforgiving version of God.  Cowards who died believing that they had brought the “Great Satan” (The United States) to its knees.  They did not succeed!!  But, you, the citizens of the United States, by turning your backs on The Constitution, its Bill of Rights, and by closing your eyes to our greedy politicians and whining special interest groups, are completing the work that they started on that September morning.

God Bless The United States of America!
God Bless Us All!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - A Remembrance of September 11, 2001

Opinion by Martin

As we look back over the decade that has followed the attack on the United States by Muslim Terrorists on September 11, 2001, you can ask yourself “are we, as individuals, any more prepared for another attack, or natural disaster, than we were on that day?”

In my mind, the answer is a resounding “NO!”

We have gone to sleep, safe in the lulling arms of our Government who is reassuring us that this won’t happen again while attempting to “play nice” with the very forces that perpetrated this outrage.

The storm clouds are there to see on the horizon.  The “Arab Spring”, the uprising in Libya, the protests in Syria and the “no go” zones in cities all over Europe where the police and firefighters dare not enter without armed support because the “peaceful” Muslims have made life extremely dangerous, even when a mosque is burning down.

On September 11, 2001, I lived and worked in Northern Virginia, just a short distance from the Pentagon and was in my office that morning when the first plane hit the World Trade Center.  I thought it was an accident.  Then the second aircraft hit the Towers and I knew we were at war.  I went up to my company office in time to watch the smoke climb into the blue skies above Washington, DC from the Pentagon as the third hijacked airliner slid into that building.  I got home in time to watch people in the Middle East, the “peaceful” Muslims, dancing and celebrating in the streets.  A war that had been fomenting for over 600 years had arrived on our shores.

So, America, as you remember where you were that day, a decade later, on September 11, 2011, remember that the Forces of Evil are out there waiting to strike again.  And, whether these Forces strike from within, or without, they will strike.

God Bless The United States of America!
God Bless Us All!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


An Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels.

Today, the argument from the Liberals, Socialists and resident Communists is that the United States is too big, too powerful, too greedy and has to be brought down to the same level of other nations to “level the playing field” and “make things even for all”.  To this end, Obama was elected by the “Entitlement C\lass” to destroy Capitalism while providing the fruits and benefits of that system.  He has done a pretty good job doing exactly what he was hired to do and has brought the Middle Class to its knees.  The death throes have been noticed at the peripheries, in the small towns and selected industries, and is moving in ever tightening circles toward the center of our Nation closing down businesses that generate work and expanding the government role as the main provider of jobs. 

The main problem with this idea is that the government is not an effective management company.  All you have to do is to look at the Social Security and Medicare Programs to check the capability of the management skills available at the Federal level.  Then you look at the states and cities that have been run by politicians with a Liberal or Socialist mindset (both Parties) and you will see a complete breakdown of services and the rise of cronyism in which the mantra is “who you know”.  Chicago and Detroit readily come to mind.  Detroit has been completely destroyed with numerous neighborhoods resembling war zones and those who are departing are even exhuming their deceased loved ones and taking the remains along to a new location.  Chicago and New York have confiscatory tax structures that have people fleeing for other states with a more favorable climate, both tax and weather.  The remaining citizens are struggling to continue the level of services to which they have become accustomed.  A more serious part of this situation is that those who have fled are demanding the same services from the new location requiring increased taxation to provide those services and the spiral continues.

Enough is Enough!!  The Taxpayers of this Nation are being fleeced in order to provide an ever increasing “Entitlement Class” that demands more and more “freebies” without having to work for them.  They are demanding free medical, free education, free vehicles, free utilities and free citizenship, if you sneak into the Country across the open border that the Federal Government refuses to protect and then files law suits against States that wish to protect their citizens for invasion. 
Enough is Enough!!  It is time for the Taxpayers of this Nation to stand up and demand that their Rights be represented!  It is time for the Taxpayers of this Nation to demand that the State and Federal Government understand just who pays the bills and for who the politicians and bureaucrats at all levels work.

Enough is Enough!!  It is time for You to demand that the politicians at all levels from your local government upward to the Federal Government read, understand, and adhere to The Constitution and it’s Amendments including the Bill of Rights which they seem to have ignored over the years.

Enough is Enough!!  You must write your Congressmen and Senators to tell them that their days are numbered and that they will be turned out of office and the People will make certain that they will not be allowed back into elective office.

Are you ready to take back your Country.  Today is when you start to regain your United States! Put your Congressmen on notice!!  2012 is coming!!  All you can hope for is that there is an United States to save!!