Sunday, September 21, 2014


(With apologies to Barry Mcguire)


Opinion by Martin


If you remember the song “Eve of Destruction”, it talks about the fighting in the Middle East and around the world.  The song came out during the Viet Nam War and I thought it rather appropriate although I felt that we must stop the spread of Communism, but what I didn’t realize is that while we were fighting on foreign soil, the Communists were working feverishly here in the United States to take over one of our political parties. 

They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams by capturing the Democrat Party.


The difference between today’s Democrat Party and the US Communist Party is miniscule at best.  The Communist Party is still represented by a Hammer and Sickle and the Democrat Party is represented by a Jackass.  Except for the title at the top of the page, the two parties share a common political platform that calls for the disarmament of the American Citizenry, destruction of the Constitution and subjugation of the People to an ever-increasing governmental bureaucracy that controls every part of your life from the day you are born to the day you die.  The Democrats aren’t quite that obvious about this, but they are working very hard at destroying your Rights.


To be honest, the Republican Party as it exists today is not the Party it was a few years back.  It has become Democrat-lite with plans to help the Democrat extinguish your Rights albeit on a slower schedule.


Today, we have war in the Middle East with Hamas and Hezbollah attacking Israel as they have done since 1948 when Israel became a legitimate Nation.  We have an organization called the Islamic State Iraq and Syria (ISIS) that has openly declared war on the Western Nations in Europe and the United States.


Today, we have a President who refuses to obey the Constitutional requirements of his position and has thrown open our Southern Border to illegal aliens, criminals, terrorists and expects the American People to accept this kind of criminality.


Yes, folks, Barry Mcguire’s song “The Eve of Destruction” was right on in the days when it first came out in 1965 and it is just as appropriate today as we watch our government set our once great Nation up to be destroyed as a world power and a place where “if you want to work and follow the rules, you will succeed”.  Today, those who have their hands out for “freebies” are receiving things that the workers can only dream of and our enemies are closing in as our government does nothing to protect the Homeland except list Citizens as Enemies.


We are truly on the Eve of Destruction.