Monday, July 29, 2013


Originally posted 092011

An Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels.

Today, the argument from the Liberals, Socialists and resident Communists is that the United States is too big, too powerful, too greedy and has to be brought down to the same level of other nations to “level the playing field” and “make things even for all”.  To this end, Obama was elected by the “Entitlement Class” to destroy Capitalism while providing the fruits and benefits of that system.  Obama has done a pretty good job doing exactly what he was hired to do and has brought the Middle Class to its knees.  The death throes have been noticed at the peripheries, in the small towns and selected industries, and is moving in ever tightening circles toward the center of our Nation closing down businesses that generate work and expanding the government role as the main provider of jobs. 

The main problem with this idea is that the government is not an effective management company.  All you have to do is to look at the Social Security and Medicare Programs to check the capability of the management skills available at the Federal level.  Then you look at the states and cities that have been run by politicians with a Liberal or Socialist mindset (both Parties) and you will see a complete breakdown of services and the rise of cronyism in which the mantra is “who you know”.  Chicago, Detroit, and New York readily come to mind.  Detroit has been completely destroyed with numerous neighborhoods resembling war zones with those fleeing even exhuming their deceased loved ones and taking the remains along to new locations.  And now, Detroit has declared bankruptcy and hopes that You, the Taxpayer, will take over their retirement plans and bail that city out.  Chicago and New York have confiscatory tax structures that have people fleeing for other states with a more favorable climate, both tax and weather.  The remaining citizens are struggling to continue the level of services to which they have become accustomed.  A more serious part of this situation is that those who have fled are demanding the same services from the new location requiring increased taxation to provide those services and the spiral continues.

Enough is Enough!!  The Taxpayers of this Nation are being fleeced in order to provide an ever increasing “Entitlement Class” that demands more and more “freebies” without having to work for them.  They are demanding free medical, free education, free vehicles, free utilities and free citizenship, if you sneak into the Country across the open border that the Federal Government refuses to protect and then the DOJ files law suits against States that wish to protect their citizens for invasion.

Enough is Enough!!  It is time for the Taxpayers of this Nation to stand up and demand that their Rights be represented!  It is time for the Taxpayers of this Nation to demand that the State and Federal Government understand just who pays the bills and for who the politicians and bureaucrats at all levels work.

Enough is Enough!!  It is time for You to demand that the politicians at all levels from your local government upward to the Federal Government read, understand, and adhere to The Constitution and it’s Amendments including the Bill of Rights which they seem to have ignored over the years.

Enough is Enough!!  You must write your Congressmen and Senators to tell them that their days are numbered and that they will be turned out of office and the People will make certain that they will not be allowed back into elective office.

Are you ready to take back your Country.  Today is when you start to regain your United States! Put your Congressmen on notice!!  2014 and 2016 are coming!!  All you can hope is that there is a United States to save!!

Freedom or Slavery?
Your Choice!  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  I dreamt that I was standing in a room in Philadelphia.  It was a hot, steamy day and a group of men were standing around a table listening to the arguments that were flowing back and forth throughout the room as to whether or not to declare Independence from the Mother Country, England, and her King and Parliament.  The debate was loud and boisterous with the chairman working very hard to keep order.  But in the end, on July 4th, 1776, John Hancock and Charles Thomson, the Secretary of the Continental Congress, signed the Declaration of Independence and, on August 2d, the remainder of the Congress signed, knowing that their lives and property would be forfeit if captured. 

Some of the men in that room lost their lives and fortunes and some were more fortunate, but the greatest Nation on Earth came into being and has been an evolving experiment ever since. 
This was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

Today, that dream, fed by the blood and treasure of Patriots is on the verge of being broken.  It is being broken by the greed of Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Business, but mainly by the indifference of the majority of the People.

Today, we have a President, Congress, and Judiciary that is attempting to destroy our Constitution and to remake the Nation into a shadow of the failed European Social System which is slowly being made over into a model similar to that of the United States, based on a Free Market system that allows the citizen choices that were not permitted under the “State is All” system.

There is a whole generation of people living in the United States today who have decided that THEIR Rights to whine and receive “freebies” are more important that YOUR Rights to work, earn money, pay your bills and succeed in life.   These whiners are demanding increased participation in their lives by the Government even as many of us want a smaller government to stays out of our lives.  They want Free College Education, a living wage even if unemployed, and complete medical coverage.  The interesting part of this is they want all taxpayers to pay for these benefits although some feel that Entrepreneurs (Wealthy) should be sent to “re-education camps” or executed if they don’t pay their “Fair Share”.  The question is actually three-fold.  Part One: where did these people come from who are demanding all the “freebies”, and Part Two: who do they think actually pays the tab?  Which brings us to the Third Part of the question, do they really even care?  I dare say that they don’t.  The majority of these “protesters” don’t even know why they are protesting.

The ghosts of dictators past are today camped in the halls of the educational system across the U.S.  Each one of these men (Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others) is sitting in the Halls of Congress, the Supreme Court and the White House.  They are looking at the destruction caused by today’s demagogues and are laughing as the People across the land do nothing to stop the mass subversion of the ideals that were placed on the table on a hot day in Philadelphia 237 years ago. 

Now, more than ever, YOUR NATION NEEDS YOU!!  Participate in your children’s schools!  Register to Vote, AND actually VOTE!  Talk with your friends and neighbors about local and national issues because everything that happens within the Country will eventually affect you and your family.

Now, more than ever, YOUR Representatives need to know you how YOU stand on the issues facing this Nation.  When the demagogues realize that the majority of the People of the United States DO NOT support their actions, they will retreat back into the shadows and cellars along with the political losers of the past.  The systems that were Socialism and Communism have already been proven failures wherever installed and tried, but there are those who believe the only path to a “One World Government” is equal poverty for all throughout bankrupting the financial systems of all nations.   

One night I had a dream.  I dreamt that I was standing in a room in Philadelphia.  It was a hot, steamy day and a group of men were standing around a table listening to the arguments that were flowing back and forth throughout the room as to whether or not to declare Independence from the Mother Country, England, and her King and Parliament. 

This is our Nation, and it is up to us (YOU and ME) to maintain its viability in the face of political anarchy.  This does not mean you have to be cruel, or arrogant, or be stingy toward others.  Like a marriage we have to work out differences and move forward as a People and as a Nation, These United States of America.

Happy Birthday to the United States of America! 
This is Independence Day, the Fourth of July, 2013.

I hope it’s not our last!