Friday, February 17, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The One Party System – The Republicrats/Democans

An Opinion by Martin

Over the years, there has been an amazing trend in the United States from a two party system.  I am certain that the Founding Fathers would be spinning in their graves knowing that the system the so carefully crafted has been completely usurped by a system of one party rule.  We no longer have the Republicans and the Democrats.  They have morphed into a single party of professional politicians called either the Republicrats or the Democans.

You, as a voter, are given a choice between a Republican candidate and a Democrat candidate.  These two candidates are mirror images, but when looked at through the prism of truth appear to be polar opposites, when in fact, they are exactly the same, politicians looking to maintain their position of power in Denver, CO or Washington, DC.

The Democrats claim that the Republicans are out to kill “old folks” while in fact, the policies of the Democrat Party put more stress on the elderly.  The Republicans state that the Democrats are spending the United States into oblivion while in fact, the Republicans sign off on just about every spending bill offered up by either party.

So you see, as a voter, on a basic level, there is very little difference between the parties.  All the Political Class wants to do is to maintain their ability to tell you how to live while lining their pockets with your tax money and setting themselves up with a retirement program that the average worker can only dream about.

The Republicrats or Democans have gone from two clearly separate political parties into one organization completely dependent on a supporting “army” of unelected bureaucrats who write the laws under which we live, enforce those laws, and work tirelessly to make certain that their masters, the Republicrat/Democan politicians, are reelected at all costs.

Now, this year, 2012, the US voter has a chance to demand that your politician becomes responsive or goes home.  It may be the last chance!     

Sunday, February 12, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Fixing the System, Part Three

Opinion by Martin

What you have to remember, is right now we are deep in Winter, with at least 45 days to go before some parts of the Nation can declare victory and Springtime.
Today the news is that, for this time of the year, gas prices are rising and, in Colorado, are over $3.00 per gallon while in other parts of the United States, the prices are much higher.  The natural question to ask is why.

The answer is relatively simple and yet complex at the same time.  One answer the lowering of supply in response to lessening of demand, which would tend to stabilize the price.  Another answer is that the jitters that come with sabre-rattling by Iran which controls large oil fields in the Middle East and is threatening to take over Iraq.  The third answer is the destruction of the internal production of oil and gas in the United States by the Obama Administration in order to bring US under the heel of the United Nations and Third World Nations ruled by despots and dictators.

Obama was elected by 51% of the voters in 2008 to bring about change and has done exactly what those voters wanted.  He has presided over the greatest downturn in the economy in the history of this Nation.  He has trampled on the Constitutional Rights of the people of this Nation and is continuing to drive those Rights into the mud of history, creating mistrust, class-warfare, and hatred for those who work to succeed while speaking in platitudes of “cooperation” and “civility”.

Obama’s minions (Clinton, Reid, Pelosi, and the unions) are pushing more and more for control over your Rights and pocketbooks.  Let me spell that out for you:

1.        Clinton is working with the United Nations to craft a small-arms “treaty” that would supposedly curb the world-wide sales of small arms to terrorist organizations.  The interesting point is that it only pertains to individuals, not governments.  It would require national registration of all personally-owned small arms and ammunition.  In the United States, it would be an end run around the 2nd Amendment.  Obama has declared that Clinton will sign the “treaty” for the United States and it will become law whether or not the Senate approves it.

2.       Clinton is also working at bringing the United States under the legal rule of the International Court at The Hague which would mean that our foreign policies would be subject to review by nations like Russia, China, and numerous others around the world.  This could also mean that our soldiers fighting against terrorism might be brought before the International Court on murder charges, even retroactively.

3.       The unions are working with Obama to completely subvert your Right to choose whether or not to be members of a union.  As a business owner, you would not have a choice whether or not your business would be a union house.  As an employee, you would not have the choice to opt out of a union.

4.       Peolsi and Reid are working very hard in their respective Houses of Congress to stop the engine of the United States from operating at all.  By using their positions, they are stopping all attempts by the Republicans and some Democrats to push through bills that would get the Nation out of the hole where Obama has placed us.

Back in the 1970s, Jimmy Carter got us into a similar malaise and Ronald Reagan got us out of the problem by retreating government, telling the world that the United States was going to start drilling and using its own natural resources.  International oil prices dropped precipitously on that bit of information and the United States went back to its role as Leader of the Free World.

A good way to start repairing our Country and getting back on the Constitutional Pathway set by our Founders is to remove the Obama Regime from power in November, revoke all of his executive orders terminate his political appointments and defund Obamacare, make the government smaller by returning to the Departments authorized by the Constitution, put Congressional term limits into effect and bring to an end the corrupt bureaucracy that presently runs our Country.  Then, put into effect a Balanced Budget Amendment that requires the government to live within it means, stop the continual printing of money, and investigate whether or not various governmental agencies have operated within their charters, then prosecute those administrators who have violated those charters.

The choice is yours!  You can either follow the leader into slavery or work for change this November by revoking Obama and his socialist organization, the Democrat Party.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Gun Control, Idiocy at Work

Special Report: Bloomberg reloads in push for gun control
Posted on February 5, 2012 by Cowboy Byte

Among the slick, million-dollar ads for the likes of Pepsi and Honda during the Super Bowl this Sunday, viewers in Washington will see a far more modest spot. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino will be sitting on a couch touting an issue most politicians avoid like the plague: gun control.

The two mayors, whose local teams face off in the big game, are making the pitch for Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), the organization they co-founded in 2006.

Murder has been on the decline in New York and other major American cities for years, but the mayors say they still see too many dead cops and teens. On Tuesday night, Bloomberg was at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan visiting a New York police officer who had just been shot in the face in Brooklyn.

“We have someone who’s dedicated his life to protecting all of us, who has had a much too close brush with death tonight because of what appears to be an illegal gun,” Bloomberg told a news conference. He added that more Americans have been killed by illegal guns since 1968 than were killed in World War II.

Opinion by Martin

As the people of the United States watch the Super Bowl, prepare for the November Elections and just try to make ends meet in the “Obama Economy”, Mayor Bloomberg of New York and his Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) are attempting one more assault on the Second Amendment of the Constitution – Your Right to Own and Bear Arms.

Never mind that, in most countries where private ownership of weapons have been deemed illegal, the crime rate has increased because the “bad guys” don’t pay attention to the laws anyway.

Never mind that, in states where concealed carry is the “Law of the Land” armed robberies, murder, and assault have declined because most of the “bad guys” are cowards and don’t really want to take the chance of facing a citizen who might be armed and able to defend themselves.

Yet, you have a billionaire mayor of a major city spending money trying to convince you that it is the everyday citizen who is the criminal, who is liable to snap and go on a spree robbing and killing people at an accelerated rate.

Using the logic of Bloomberg and the “Brady Bunch” you will soon have automobiles and pickups outlawed because they kill more people than guns on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis. 

All citizens mourn the loss of one person killed or wounded by a thug wielding a gun, whether legal or illegal, and we know that a criminal who will shoot a police officer would have no problem turning that weapon on an unarmed victim.  However, by now, the People of the United States should understand that Bloomberg and MAIG, the “Brady Bunch” and other people who are attempting to force Gun Control down your throats are more interested in controlling you than enforcing the laws that are already on the books because “it is easier”. 

There once was a campaign by First Lady Nancy Reagan against Drugs – “Just Say No!”  This is the same approach to use against Bloomberg and his followers.  Tell him to enforce the laws of his City and leave the rest of us alone.  Just Say “NO!” 

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Rise of The Phoenix - Colorado State Senate Takes Step in Right Direction

Opinion by Martin

At this time, when the government, at all levels, appears to be running amuck, spending money that the taxpayers don’t have, the Colorado State Senate has apparently decided that enough is enough and has started taking steps to remedy the problem.

Senate Joint Resolution 12-026 is putting the Federal Government on notice that unfunded mandates are no longer acceptable.  Unfunded mandates are those pieces of legislature where the President and Congress make promises to a specific group of people, find out that they don’t have the money to keep those promises, so they dump them on the various states.  This causes the states to have to figure out how to pay for the programs out of D.C. and generally, that means higher taxes for the residents of the states.

The following excerpt is from SJR 12-026.

Be It Resolved by the Senate of the Sixty-eighth General Assembly of the State of Colorado, the House of Representatives concurring herein:
(1) That we, the General Assembly, call on the federal government to refrain from creating any new unfunded mandates to be passed down to state or local governments; and
(2) That we, the General Assembly, will not create new mandates on local governments without providing adequate funding.
Be It Further Resolved, That copies of this Joint Resolution be sent to President Barack Obama, the chair of each congressional committee, Governor John Hickenlooper, the National Conference of State Legislatures, the Colorado Municipal League, Colorado Counties Inc., and Colorado's congressional delegation.

This Joint Resolution addresses unfunded mandates from both State and Federal level and requires that no mandates be sent to the state, counties, or cities without the money to finance those requirements.

I wish to congratulate the Colorado State Senate on taking one of the first steps forward in salvaging the pocketbooks of State Taxpayers.