Tuesday, August 28, 2012

COLORADO POLITICS 2012 - Continuation into Slavery

Opinion by Martin

On April 26, 2012, the People of the Great State of Colorado continued the journey into darkness and bankruptcy by reelecting Amy Stephens and her Liberal supporters whose aim is to take over your lives through big government and deficit spending.  Tomorrow the State of Colorado continues down the road to insolvency and dependency like California led by RINOs like Amy Stephens who, along with other expatriates from that late great State who have infested Denver and its environs.  Our citizens have decided that they would rather surrender their Rights as outlined by our Founding Fathers in return for crumbs from the “Ruling Elite”.

Now, on November 6th, 2012, the Citizens of Colorado will have another choice to make.  We can stand up for one of the greatest documents ever written in the history of man – The Constitution of these United States or we can surrender to the dark forces that lead into dictatorship that degrades our standing in the world and among nations.

The Founding Fathers wrote a document that stands as one of the pre-eminent guidelines for nations since the days of the Greek and Roman Empires.  Our Constitution stands among hallmarks such as the Holy Bible, the Ten Commandants, the Magna Charta, and numerous documents that lay out the primacy of Man as he seeks his place in the world among others who wish to enslave or destroy him.

Today, one of our two political parties wishes to enslave the American People tying their future to a despotic organization, the United Nations, that is out for world domination through international treaties that completely usurp our Constitution and subordinate all of our God-given Rights to the whims of petit dictators who absolutely hate everything that we, as a sovereign nation, have stood for over two hundred years.   That political party is the Democrat Party with their ties to worldwide unions and other Communist organizations.  Today, the Democrat Party controls most of the bigger states and large cities, with corresponding governmental failures and accompanying bankruptcy.  They wish to force you, as a citizen, to live in population corridors tied to urban transportation hubs restricting your ability to work where you wish and travel as you desire.

On November 6th, 2012, you have the duty to strike a blow for Freedom, to defeat the forces of darkness and evil marshaled by Obama and the Democrat Party.  You may not completely agree with Romney and the Republicans, but they are the only force that can turn back the clouds that threaten to snuff out the United States of America.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Destruction of the Individual

Opinion by Martin

The Declaration of Independence was signed on August 2, 1776 by a “Band of Brothers”, a group of men who were as diverse as the colonies themselves.  True, they were fairly wealthy, even by today’s standards; some were slave-holders, some lawyers, merchants, and farmers.  But they all had a dream.

The dream for which they made the first steps was equality and justice under British Law.  A guarantee that the colonists would receive equal treatment by the Crown including Fair Taxation, local justices would be able to rule over local cases without citizens having to travel to England for hearings, that elected officials would be able to carry out their duties without to much interference from the King’s Governors and numerous other complaints that were levied against King George and his Ministers.

The 56 men signed the Document that changed history as surely as the Ten Commandments and the Magna Carta.  I am certain that they knew the Crown would not look favorably upon this Declaration.  That their lives and property, as well as that of their families, would be forfeit if the King felt that this was the start of a rebellion.

It was a rebellion with fewer than 5% of the population in favor of leaving the British Empire and striking out on our own.  With full reliance on God and an earthly ally (France) whose own revolution went seriously off-track and became extremely bloody.  Our revolution took us from part of someone else’s property to one of the most powerful nations on the face of the Earth.

We have gone from a Nation of individualists who believed in God and the Rights of Man to a whining, sniveling bunch of brats who look to the government at all levels for sustenance and “free” things.  We have given up on personal responsibility and individual pursuits and opted for a “nanny-state” lifestyle.

The Declaration of Independence is as valid today as when it was written.  We have local, state, and federal officials, elected and appointed, telling us how to live our lives, writing laws from which they exempt themselves, spending our money on pet projects to enrich themselves at our expense.  It is up to We, the People, to demand that our elected Representatives at all levels, up to and including the President, uphold their Oaths of Office and not pretend that they know what is best for the rest of us.  It is up to We, the People, to remind our elected Representatives at all levels, up to and including the President, that the Constitution of these United States is the Supreme Law of the land, not some personal agenda either on their part or that of their appointed bureaucrats. 

This November it is up to you whether or not this Nation survives or becomes a footnote in history.