Thursday, December 11, 2014

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - A New Dictatorship, Part Three

Opinion by Martin


The Republican Party was just elected to the majority in Congress because the People who own this Nation were sick and tired of the Treason being committed by the President of the United States and the Communist (excuse me, I mean Democrat) Party.


Now those same Republicans led by John Boehner in the House of Representatives and Mitch McConnell in the Senate have shown that the only difference between and the other Party is the ‘R’ behind the name of the members.


The time has come for the People of the United States to stand up and scream out as One Voice “No More!”.   What is needed is a United Front against the criminals who have usurped the Offices handed to them by a Public that desired a return, not necessarily to the exact path set out by the Founders, but on a path toward sanity.


The new US Senator, Cory Gardner from the State of Colorado, presently a Member of John Boehner’s House has just shown his colors by supporting a Bill that will give Obama everything he wants as far as spending for 2015 to the detriment of the People of this Nation.  One of the Representatives from Colorado, Doug Lamborn, a supposed Conservative, also supported this destruction of out wallets. 


If Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner and other member of the Administration and Congress were in charge of corporations, they would be on trial for theft, mismanaging corporate funds and insider trading.  They have gotten rich by misusing money entrusted to them by, and stolen from, the People.


The Republican Party, under the present leadership of Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, is absolutely no threat to the Obama Administration because they are little better than lapdogs sitting on the floor awaiting scraps from the table of power.  The Republican Establishment believes in big government and will work to attain that pinnacle without regard as to who is the President or which Party is in charge of the Country.  Besides, if you were in charge and actually did the job you were elected to do, you’d have to come up with some real ideas on how to govern rather than just point fingers and whine about the situation.  Now they will be in charge and have already shown that they would rather get along than make a decision.

A number of people are concerned that if they attack the President’s programs they’ll be called Racist.  They’re afraid that the media will attack them as some kind of ‘-phobe’.  People are afraid they’ll be called “un-American” because they support the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights and because they support Individual Rights as opposed to some sort of “Collective”. 


In November 2014, the People of the United States elected the Republicans to the Majority in both Houses of Congress to stop the destruction of the Constitution of the United States of America and to reset the path on which we were moving at high speed.  Instead, the Republican Party has proven that they are no better than the Party they replaced.  Their only desire is to remain in power and to serve themselves than to serve the People who elected them.

The fate of Our Nation is up to each of us!  We made our decision in November 2014 to stand and fight rather than surrender Our Rights and Future to a dictatorship that sucks the very life out of us and our descendants.  The people that we elected are working just as hard to snuff out the Flame of Freedom for which so many Patriots and Heroes have bled and died as the Democrats.  The Founders are looking at today’s United States from the safety of the past and are most likely wondering what in the Hell has gone wrong with the government they set up.


Freedom or Slavery?

Your Choice!