Wednesday, December 28, 2011

TODAY IN THE UNITED STATES - An Open Letter To Congress

An Opinion by Martin

Dear Congressmen and Senators of Both Parties

Each and every one of you have violated the Oath you took when you accepted the votes of the People in your districts.  The Oath was to support the Constitution of the United States of America, to defend Her against enemies foreign and domestic.  In this you all have failed.  You have sold your services to the highest bidders (lobbyists, unions, and greed).  You have lined your own pockets with ill-gotten goods, special perks that are unavailable to the average American Citizen and set yourselves up in a style the European royalty of years past could only dream of.

You have destroyed the educational base of the Nation through “dumbing down” the system and creating a nation of sheep.  You have destroyed the manufacturing capability of this Country through taxation.  You are destroying our Military through defunding its programs and stealing the money for your “pet projects”.  And, you have committed many thousands of families to destruction through socialistic welfare programs that have failed at every turn.

In 2012, you have a chance to start turning this Nation around through lower taxes and incentives that can bring our Country back from the brink of disaster by returning numerous companies that have fled to our shores.

In 2012, you can rebuild our educational system through getting out of the way and allowing the States to control curriculum and teachers.  You could set some standards for completion at all levels of education, then stand back and watch as the system begins to work.  You’d be amazed how well this would work.  But then, you’d be losing power because the States would be able to do a better job than you can.

In 2012, The United States is facing many threats from both inside and outside the Country.  We are facing Islamist jihadists, radical unions, nuclear weapons in the hands of unstable governments, and the “Occupy Whatever” crowd of misguided, leftover tools who are actually protesting the wrong people.  Although, Wall Street and the Bankers have stolen millions, their thievery pales compared to what you have done.

2012 is the year you need to pause and reflect.  Do you work to save the Nation?  Or do you drive the United States onto the ash-heap of history?  

Friday, December 23, 2011

Letters to The Speaker of the House

Well!  You’ve Caved Again

Mr Speaker,

You were doing so well and now you've caved in again to Obama and his merry band of thieves.  Just when you are on the verge of winning, you snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
The TEA Party was born of Citizens who were tired of the wheeling and dealing with our money by a government that has gotten out of control and who believes that the feds know best about how to articulate, or ignore, the writings of The Founders.
Maybe you have been in DC too long and need a permanent vacation from public life and retire to Ohio before you are sent home in defeat by your constituency.  The time has come for the harried Voters/Taxpayers to send to Washington more Supporters of The Constitution.  People who understand what that Document stands for and how to respond to the Owners of this Formerly Great Nation.
We, the People, can no longer afford Presidents and Congressmen who believe that our wallets are their piggy banks.  You've had your chance and failed.  It is time for a chance.

/r Martin

Friday, December 16, 2011

Letters to The Speaker of the House

Failure to Shutdown the Moneypit

Mr. Speaker,

With all due respect, you have caved once again to the Obama thugs and criminals.  You have approved One Trillion dollars to keep a corrupt government open and in position to steal more money from the Taxpayers of this Formerly Great Nation. 
Once again, the Republicans have proved that they can be bought, putting the American People deeper in debt.
You know as well as I do that the Obama Regime has no intention to cut spending, no intention to do the work that is required by The Constitution, ie: Defending against Enemies, Foreign AND Domestic which can include bureaucrats, politicians, judiciary, lobbyists and "czars" which are illegal in the first place.
Once again, you have proven that you are more willing to support a corrupt Executive Branch than work for the People who elected you and the Republican Party.
Once again, you have let the Voters/Taxpayers of the United States down.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Pretender in Chief

Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.
I found the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Business, but mainly by the greed of government at all levels.  And, since 2008, we have had a Pretender in Chief - Barack Hussein Obama.

On the eve of Christmas 2011, I am forced to look back over our history once again and see where we are and where we have been.

Since the Declaration of Independence and the Revolution that split the United States from England, we Americans have fought an internal battle against numerous demons, among them was slavery which was one of the contributing factors to a fierce War of Seccession during the 1860s that split a country not yet 100 years old.  As the United States moved forward to the 20th Century, we experienced the expansion of our Nation at the expense of the Indians who lived on the Western Plains and "Jim Crow" Laws which made Black Americans less than whole citizens.  We overcame that injustice in the 1960s when the Voting Rights Act and several other important pieces of legislation were passed with the help of the Republican Party because the majority of the Democrat Party was opposed to equal rights under law.  The stage has been set for the first Black President of the United States.

Now, we have the Pretender in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, whose father was a black British subject from Kenya who was never a citizen of the United States and had no intention of becoming a citizen, and a white mother from Kansas.  (see Note Below)
There is a question as to whether or not the present occupier of the White House is actually eligible to serve as President.  The question is whether or not he was born in the State of Hawaii or the Nation of Kenya.  As a resident of Illinois, the question of heritage was not a difficulty because he could be, and was, as State Legislator or a United States Senator.  However, this particular question became pertinent when he ran for the Presidency, because according to the Constitution, the fact that his father was not an American citizen by itself was enough to disqualify him from becoming the President.  This small requirement was ignored by the Democrat Party of Illinois, the National Democrat Party, and the Mainstream Media.

Since Obama was elected to the Presidency in 2008 and sworn in January 2009, he has traveled the world apologizing for the United States.  He has expended national treasure destroying our economy and our national will to resist the Federal Government and his plans to build a socialist nation in place of the capitalistic engine that built a great Nation that, for the most part, won two world wars and rebuilt most of Europe after World War II.  And now, in a recent speech in Kansas, he has admitted to being a Socialist and wants the government to control everything in your life.

In 2012, You have the chance to start rebuilding the United States as outlined in th eDeclaration of Independence and The Constitution.
In 2012 You have a chance to turn back Barack Hussein Obama and the Forces of Darkness which wish to destroy the United states of America.

God Bless America!!

Presidential Eligibility:
Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution sets the principal qualifications one must meet to be eligible to the Office of President.  A President must:
          Be a natural born citizen of the United states. (both parents must be citizens of the United States.)
          Be at least tirty-five years old.
          Have been apermanent resident of the United States for at least fourteen years.