Friday, February 17, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The One Party System – The Republicrats/Democans

An Opinion by Martin

Over the years, there has been an amazing trend in the United States from a two party system.  I am certain that the Founding Fathers would be spinning in their graves knowing that the system the so carefully crafted has been completely usurped by a system of one party rule.  We no longer have the Republicans and the Democrats.  They have morphed into a single party of professional politicians called either the Republicrats or the Democans.

You, as a voter, are given a choice between a Republican candidate and a Democrat candidate.  These two candidates are mirror images, but when looked at through the prism of truth appear to be polar opposites, when in fact, they are exactly the same, politicians looking to maintain their position of power in Denver, CO or Washington, DC.

The Democrats claim that the Republicans are out to kill “old folks” while in fact, the policies of the Democrat Party put more stress on the elderly.  The Republicans state that the Democrats are spending the United States into oblivion while in fact, the Republicans sign off on just about every spending bill offered up by either party.

So you see, as a voter, on a basic level, there is very little difference between the parties.  All the Political Class wants to do is to maintain their ability to tell you how to live while lining their pockets with your tax money and setting themselves up with a retirement program that the average worker can only dream about.

The Republicrats or Democans have gone from two clearly separate political parties into one organization completely dependent on a supporting “army” of unelected bureaucrats who write the laws under which we live, enforce those laws, and work tirelessly to make certain that their masters, the Republicrat/Democan politicians, are reelected at all costs.

Now, this year, 2012, the US voter has a chance to demand that your politician becomes responsive or goes home.  It may be the last chance!     

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