Monday, April 2, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Achievers vs The Recipients

An Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.
I found the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses and the Lack of Vision.  It was broken by the dying off of the Achievers, the destruction of the Great Engine of Production, and the rise of the Recipients.

Many years ago, I was told by a wise lady that the “gimme” generation was her fault because having lived through the Great Depression, the people of her day decided that their children and grandchildren would not have to face this type of problem again.  So they built a Great Engine of Production that created wonderful dreams to be passed on.  They became the Achievers.  Some of the Achievers were altruistic and some were greedy.  Some Achievers dreamed for mankind and some for themselves.  But they achieved and the Great Engine of Production hummed and produced goods and services.  Unfortunately, that generous generation, the Achievers screwed up.  They forgot that when you give things without collecting some form of payment, a mentality of indifference is born.  They created the Recipients.

As time moved on, the Achievers passed from the scene leaving the Great Engine of Production working and producing goods and services, but no one had bothered to learn how to operate and maintain the Engine.  The system that produced so many wondrous began to falter from lack of maintenance.  Other countries began to fill the need for goods and services with cheap imitations but, at a much slower pace than the Recipients demanded.  With the Achievers gone, and none of the Recipients having learned how to run the Great Engine of Production, the Recipients now turned to the government to demand that the products and services generously provided by the Achievers be guaranteed by the one organization which can produce nothing except empty promises and vacuous platitudes.  The Achiever and his Great Engine of Production had become an endangered species, a vanishing dream.

Are you an Achiever or a Recipient? 
Do you wish to be part of the Solution or are you part of the Problem?

If you are an Achiever, you will work for the restoration of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  You will work to restore the Government of the People, By the People and For the People. 
If you are a Recipient, you will continue to whine for the government to place demands on others so that you may have a lifestyle that you have not worked for at someone else’s expense.  

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