Monday, June 11, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Arrogance of Obama - 2012

On Graduation Day 2012, at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, the President spoke at the Commencement and completely ruined that day by leaving before, and delaying, the scheduled fly-over by the Thunderbirds.  Because of his plans to go to Denver for a fund raiser, the Thunderbirds were forced to cut short their aerial display because of lack of fuel.

On Memorial Day 2012, the Viet Nam Wall in Washington, DC was closed from 0900 – 1500 so that the President could speak for about 15 minutes.  During this time, former soldiers were denied the chance to visit those who sacrificed so that the tainted Presidency of Obama could pretend to honor those that he despises.

This arrogance of one man who has single-handedly destroyed the economy of the United States, who has gone around the world whining and complaining about the American soldiers who have given their lives to give freedom to millions who otherwise would be living under dictatorships.

In 2008, the voters of the United States elected a man to the Office of the Presidency who holds our great Nation in total disdain and has done everything possible to destroy our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. 

Obama has violated his Oath of Office, attempted to rule by fiat, refused to accept the fact that there are three Branches of Government and complained that he is forced work with people who have little or no idea about how “his policies can save the United States from Capitalism.”

In November, you have a chance to completely repudiate the arrogance of one man.  One man who refuses to recognize the significance of America and apologizes to the entire world for the greatness of the United States.  In November, send this anti-American destroyer back to the dictatorship and criminal element of Chicago from whence he came.

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