Friday, September 14, 2012

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Now is the Time to Stand and be Counted

Opinion by Martin

As you sit in the comfort of your home, eating your dinner, playing with the kids, and complaining to your wife or friends about the political situation in your state or in Washington, DC.  Remember that Election Day is just a few weeks away and you can vote to make changes in the political system.
Oh!  You’re not registered to vote?

Oh!  You don’t have time to stop by the polling place and cast your ballot?
Oh!  You don’t believe that your vote will make a difference anyway?

Then shut up and sit down because you don’t have a dog in this fight!  You are the reason our Nation is in the situation in which we find ourselves today.
The person occupying the White House is an apologizer who rivals Neville Chamberlain for pure stupidity as far as believing that talk can make a difference in the face of evil and hatred.  Wait a minute; you don’t know who Neville Chamberlain was?  Chamberlain was the Prime Minister of England prior to World War II.  He flew to Berlin, had a conference with Adolf Hitler, and returned to England with a document signed by Hitler promising that after he dismantled Czechoslovakia there would be no reason for war in Europe.  Hitler lied!

Today the United States and the Free World face an enemy as implacable as Hitler and Stalin ever were and much older.  The Islamic extremists that attacked our Embassy in Cairo and Consulate in Benghazi have over one thousand years of hatred on their side.  They actually believe in a world-wide Caliphate in which the Muslims will rule the entire civilized world and subjugating all peoples to their way of life.  And we have a President who either doesn’t believe that they are serious, or he is one of them!
Barack Hussein Obama has gutted our economy, our military, our Nation and you sit on your couch watching television, playing with your kids, talking with your friends and neighbors about the situation in the state or Washington, DC and complaining that there is nothing that you can do about it. 

Well, there is!  Get off your collective butts, register to vote!  Join a Liberty group like the 9/12ers, Liberty on the Rocks, Liberty First, or The Black Tea Party and make your voice heard today.  You don’t have much time before our Nation is completely destroyed from within.
Make a difference today!!  You are the difference and our future is up to you!

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