Monday, October 15, 2012

THE RISE OF THE PHOENIX - Freedom or Slavery

Opinion by Martin

Well, the past two weeks has had all of the liberal pundits whining about the actual ineptitude at the top of the Democrat ticket for President in November from Obama completely throwing his first attempt at speaking without a teleprompter to Biden’s absolute muffing of the facts and coming off like a hallowe’en character preparing to go out trick or treating.  Chris Matthews completely fell apart after his “god” portrayed himself to be not only human, but absolutely unable to present a coherent paragraph while Romney had facts and figures to back up his presentation.

With the Middle East completely falling apart, the murder of an Ambassador in Libya, the European Union coming unglued and total misunderstanding of the situation by the Obama regime, the American liberals (excuse me, progressives) have found themselves on the wrong side of history once again, not having any concept about the dreams and desires of the majority of American citizens.  It appears that even the illegal aliens are beginning to recognize slavery when they see it and are rejecting the “freebies” that the Democrat Party is handing out.

We have seen the vision of the future sent to us by the liberal Democrats.  It is completely black and desolate with no chance for dreams to become reality.  It is a future completely vacant as far as individual freedoms are concerned with only scraps given to the citizens while friends of the regime get fat off the spoils of a destroyed economy and the bones of the entrepreneur.

We only have twenty-three days left until you have to make a final choice as to how you want your future to look – bright with the possibility of being able to choose your own way of life, how your family will live and succeed at the levels that you wish, or dark with the government telling you how to live, where to live, what type of job you can hold and whether or not you will live.  These choices are stark on their outlook, there is no middle ground. 

Freedom or Slavery!!     Your Choice!!


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