Friday, November 16, 2012


The Death of A Nation – Martial Law
 Opinion by Martin

On November 06, 2012, I watched a Nation vote itself out of existence.  I watched 51% of the people demand “freebies” paid for by the other 49% of the voters.

On November 07, 2012, residents of the State of Louisiana petitioned the federal government for permission to secede from the Union followed by Texas (which has its own Constitution) and numerous other states.  Depending on who is speaking at the moment, this may or may not succeed as a movement other than “feel good”.  As of November 14, 2012, there were petitions from all 50 states with well over 600,000 signatures albeit more than one petition from some states requesting secession. 

Suppose that there was an actual concentrated movement solidifying to secede from the United States.  Suppose one state actually voted to leave the Union and carried out the threat?  Would Barack Obama declare martial law and either federalize the National Guard or send in Active Army units to quell the secession and, would those troops actually turn their weapons on their fellow Americans?

We do have precedent:  The War of Southern Secession (Civil War) from 1860-1865 when over 600,000 Americans died to “preserve the Union”.  The “Bonus Army” after World War I in Washington, DC where Majors Dwight D Eisenhower and George Patton “put down” an attempt by veterans to collect monies promised to them by the government by staging a protest in the Nation’s capital during the Depression and, more recently in the 1960s, we have the incident during the Civil Rights Movement where troops were sent into South to force the integration of schools.

The question remains, what will be the flash point, real or imagined, that will cause the Obama Regime to declare Martial Law on parts of, or the whole of the United States, suspending the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution ruling by fiat and shutting down the Bill of Rights completely?

What will cause Americans to once again turn weapons against Americans and destroy the 237 year experiment that is the United States, much to the enjoyment of our enemies world-wide?  And, how would that play out in the destruction of our National Experiment?  Would you turn your personally owned guns against your fellow Americans who happen to be police or soldiers and would your sons, daughters, and neighbors turn their weapons on you?

Will the American Experiment survive the Obama Regime until 2017 when the next President takes over the reins of a National government?  Or, will the next President be looking at the remains of a once proud Nation broken down into squabbling regional entities under the sway of outside forces?  Will the next President be looking over a broken carcass of a country being picked apart by other world powers and an ascendant United Nations that pretends to have its “best interest” at heart while actually dividing the remains among other member nations which includes sending in “peace keepers”?

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found that the dream was broken.  It was broken because more people found that they could elect a government that would give them “freebies” paid for by others.  What we witnessed on November 06, 2012 was no less that the death of a Nation.  A Nation that committed suicide consigning itself to the trash heap of human dreams and desires. 

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