Monday, January 7, 2013

THE U.S. ATTACKS THE UNITED STATES - Enemies, Foreign and Domestic

Opinion by Martin

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” 
2nd Amendment, Constitution of the United States.

Since the beginning of the Republic, groups of people have felt that ownership of firearms was not necessary for the general public.  These people believed that the police as an arm of the government are enough to protect citizens and that the military is all that’s necessary to protect the Nation from enemies. 

What happens when the government decides that the citizens are the enemy?  That the Constitution is no longer needed as a governing document? 

Since the Presidential Election of 2008, the People of the United States have been under attack from our own government.  The people elected the first Black President, Barack Hussein Obama, who had proclaimed the end of regional division among the various races, rich and poor, young and old, and the haves and have-nots.  Everyone, who did not really listen to his speeches, was ecstatic.  They thought that politics had changed forever.  

In one way, they were correct.  Obama and his henchmen have changed politics forever.  Barack Hussein Obama has divided the Nation in ways that have not been seen since Abraham Lincoln fought a war (War of Northern Aggression) against Southern States which wanted to secede from the Union. 

Obama and the Democrat Party have raided the treasury to pay off their supporters in the unions and other special interest groups across the leftist spectrum and now, they’re coming for your privately owned firearms.

During the Revolutionary War (actually a Civil War pitting Englishman against Englishman) the militia was made up of farmers, tradesmen, fishermen and other citizens who came together to practice basic military skills, but the colonists had no standing military that could face the most powerful army in the world.  Until the Continental Congress decided that we needed a standing Army to face the British threat, militias (citizens) from each Colony (now States) handled the brunt of the fighting against the superior forces mustered by England.  The militias evolved into the National Guard, but that organization is still backed up by everyday citizens with personally owned firearms.

During the Civil War (or War of Southern Secession), the militias were made up of the citizens of the various states, cities, towns and farms on both sides who carried the brunt of the fighting until the armies became organized and strong enough to carry the fight to the opposition.  Again, it was civilians with privately owned firearms in the tradition of the Founding Fathers and the Second Amendment. 

Throughout our history, the citizens have risen up to protect their homes and families from bandits, Indians, and invading military from Mexico as well fighting corrupt politicians and lawmen.  It was farmers, tradesmen, and regular citizens following the tradition of the Founding Fathers and the Second Amendment.

In World War II, Admiral Yamamoto of the Imperial Japanese Navy told his staff and the Emperor that you could not invade the United States because “there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.”  Once again, it was Citizens, defending their country, using the guidance of the Founding Fathers and the Second Amendment.

Today, we are being threatened by big government and progressive citizens who believe that the Constitution is a scrap of paper with no meaning unless it pertains to them and not the general population.  These arrogant elitists believe that you have no rights that are not given to you by the federal government and that you do not need to own personal weapons unless they are completely and totally authorized by the government.   Remember, slaves don’t need weapons!  And governments don’t fear slaves!

What will you do when your weapons are surrendered and the “bad guys” still have theirs?  What will you do when seconds matter and the police are minutes away?

You, as a citizen, with your personal firearm stand between your friends and neighbors and the criminals who will most certainly prey upon the unarmed, the weak, and the defenseless in your community. 

You, as a citizen, with your personal firearm stand between your friends and neighbors and a tyrannical government and its special interest supporters.

You, as a citizen, are the last line of defense between your God-given Constitutional Rights and slavery. 

It is your choice, Freedom or Slavery!

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