Tuesday, October 11, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Entitlement Generation

Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found that the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels and, The Entitlement Generation.

We have passed September 11, 2010 without any significant attacks by the “external” enemies of the United States.  There were two special elections on Tuesday, September 13, one in New York and one in Nevada showing that the people are no longer enchanted with Obama.  The only people still supporting him are the “brain-dead zombies” who want to suckle from the public teat a bit longer.
What will happen when the public spigot is shut off because there is no more money? 
Will we have rioting in the streets by the “Entitled Class” ala England? 
Will there be “no go” zones for police and fire officials, similar to those throughout Europe? 

To be honest, these are extreme examples.  The English rioting was fomented by the death of a petty criminal at the hands of the police and was used by anarchists to attack the English Government and its welfare system.  The second is due to the lack of assimilation into national cultures throughout Europe by immigrants from the Middle East, legal and illegal who have created their own enclaves within great cities of France, England, Holland, and Germany, among others.  Could we see this type of activity here in the United States?

The answer:  Absolutely!!

As I have explained before, in previous opinions, the United States has developed an “Entitlement Class” that has evolved since the Depression-era programs of Franklin Roosevelt and grown larger through the succeeding generations of politicians as they attempt to buy votes and retain their grasp on office.  To begin with, you must understand the definition of Entitlement.
An Entitlement is a conditioned state of mind where the recipient believe that he/she has a Right to certain benefits provided by the State because of either a Public Law or Contract.  This could be a government program that provides funds to the Elderly (Social Security or Medicare) or to the Poor (Welfare and Medicaid) as well as a belief that one is deserving of, or entitled to, certain privileges ( both of the above and including Congress? the President?) that others don’t receive but are expected to pay.

And therein, lies the rub. 

In the United States and other countries around the world, most citizens are beginning to understand that the money to continue these Entitlements as presently formatted is just not available and that changes must take place.  The burning question is how to make the changes while continuing the contracts already in place?   

Some of the alternatives to Social Security and Medicare have included maintaining the present systems for today’s recipients while allowing upcoming generations to build personal retirement and health programs as an alternative.  Opponents fear, that would take too much money out of the coffers and there would have to be cuts to the amount paid to present recipients, which in some cases would be devastating, or less paid to people who are on the verge of retirement.  And besides, it would take control of these programs away from the bureaucrats which is their greatest fear.

And then, you have Welfare and Medicaid!
During the 1960s, the Federal Government in a misguided attempt to help people, Black and White, who were living in what passes for extreme poverty in the United States created a Social System known as Welfare which was to be used to help the poor move up in the social system and out of “the cellar” as it were.  This has backfired tremendously, in that it has created another layer of dependency, destroyed families, and trained several generations of citizens that you cannot be expected to succeed on your own, so the benevolent Government will provide for your needs.  And this now includes illegal aliens who have been added to the system by politicians wanting votes.

The real travesty is that none of the above includes the “unfunded mandates” that the Federal Government has placed on the many States, forcing them to assume part of the financing for this misguided system of dependency when the States are unable to pay their own bills due to their own stupidity by funding programs at the local level in attempt to retain power.  I have a plan to repair all of this damage which I will discuss in future opinion pieces.

So now, we have the cretins in the streets demanding that people who succeed in the United States be “re-educated” or executed.  They are demanding free “everything” while not having to contribute to the process.  This is the Entitlement Generation at its finest.  Now WE have to take our Country back and put Lady Liberty back on the proper course to Freedom once again

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found that the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels and, The Entitlement Generation. 

But it can be fixed!  YOU can fix it if YOU wish by registering to vote.  By voting and then by continuing to review the work done by those who work for you.  This is a Representative Democracy.  It is run through the Ballot Box, not by mobs in the streets and not by Special Interest Groups with deep pockets.  YOU hold the keys to the kingdom.  Those keys are not YOURS to surrender!

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