Sunday, October 9, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - Political Correctness

Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels, and Political Correctness.

The disease of Political Correctness started rearing its ugly head when I was a child.  It started by telling children that you could not call someone a name because that name would hurt the other person’s feelings.  It was started by school districts hiring “psychologists” who came up with terms like “being socially acceptable” and “peer pressure”.  Both of these terms have always been around and were understood, especially by the children who realize that in order to get along, you sometimes had to fight Johnny after school.  If you won, you won.  If you didn’t, there was always tomorrow and you got over it.  Children always keep score at a sports event even if the coaches and teachers don’t want Team A to beat Team B too badly because it will damage the loser’s self-esteem.  Well, guess what?  The only losers are the coaches and teachers because they are trying to teach the children that everything in the world is equal and all you have to do demand your “rights” and they will be given to you.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  Life is a series of success and failure; mistakes and triumphs.  You don’t always get the “Brass Ring on the merry-go-round”.

Your parents should have taught you that people are individuals, not part of a herd, and should be accepted as they are with all of their faults.  Each day of our lives brings us in contact with people who have personal and physical traits that may not fit our outlook on life.  This does not mean that they do not have the right to live their own lives/life-styles.  Conversely, other people have not right to attempt to force their life-styles on you.  I could go on for pages with attempts by individuals, religions, organizations, and governments to try to tell you that if YOU don’t accept their life-style, behavior, or religious path, you are a “bigot” or (fill in the blank)-phobic.

When I was a child, rode my bike and happened to crash, my parents didn’t get a lawyer and sue the bicycle manufacturer.  They told me, as they cleaned my scrapes, that the next time I would learn to be more careful. 

I am not a Doctor of any type, but I feel that the disease of Political Correctness can only be treated through the reorganization of society.  For example, take responsibility for your own actions and don’t try to blame the other person, the situation, or your predecessor on the job.
You may not always succeed in a venture, but that doesn’t mean you give up.  You regroup and try again

But today, due to the disease of political correctness, you have to watch what you say so as not to upset a listener, no matter how casual.  In England, a karaoke singer in a nightclub was arrested for singing “Kung Fu Fighter” because two Chinese who happened to by passing by on the street, heard him singing, and felt that it was insensitive.  It may have been that he really was a terrible singer and was “killing” the song, or the two passersby were just hyper-sensitive and reacted stupidly.  No matter, the singer was fined and told to be more cautious about his surroundings.

Today, if you attempt to teach your children respect for others, there is a distinct possibility that they will be ridiculed.  A woman will most likely use profanity toward a man who opens a door for her instead of saying “Thank you” and if you question your child’s teacher’s methods, you may be turned in as an unfit parent.

Can you imagine what this Nation would be like if the Pilgrims had returned to Europe when they ran into their first storm at sea?  Or the Pioneers had turned back when they got to the first big obstacle like a river to cross?  Or the Founding Fathers decided that the Colonies would be better off to live under the King’s Rule rather than “pledging their Lives, Honor, and Fortunes” to write the Declaration of Independence and Constitution? 

Today, the Grand Experiment is threatened from within. 

Threatened by people who have forgotten, or don’t care, what built this Great Country.  What it took to move away from the Eastern Seaboard that started out as a group of disparate Colonies, to become a Nation; span a continent, building railroads, cities and farms; then reaching out for the stars, venturing once again into the unknown.

Threatened by people who have a dark vision for the United States, to destroy YOUR individualism, to kill YOUR aspiration and desire; to wipe out YOUR success, yet demanding that that YOU pay for their dark vision by being stripped of YOUR success and dreams.

YOU know how to respect others.  YOU don’t have to be told by unappointed “Guardians of Political Correctness” how to help those in need, those who are less fortunate by circumstance or choice.  YOU don’t need to have legislation passed by people that YOU elected telling you how much money is needed for the “Common Good”.  YOU know these things because your parents taught you, because YOU went to church, because YOU have read and understood the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights.  YOU understand as our Founders did that God has given us certain inalienable Rights.  Now the minions of the Left, the Barack Obama’s and George Soros’ of the world, these people who absolutely hate everything that this Nation stands for are using the very pillars of our system to destroy us, to make us into a Third World nation of slaves.

This is still a Free Nation.  YOU still have the chance to turn this process of destruction around, to return us to the Vision of Our Founders.  YOU have the ability to build on what They saw as opportunity and once again, turn back the Darkness that threatens us. 

This is still a Free Nation.  Today YOU must reach out to your family, friends and neighbors across this Land and work together to stop this cancer that is threatening us.  To remove the tumor that started as Political Correctness and evolved into a hydra-headed monster that is devouring YOUR home.

Political Correctness is destroying our Nation, our Way of Life, and allowing our enemies to win the War on Terror.

Today YOU must take the stand!  Tomorrow is too late!   


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