Friday, October 7, 2011


Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.  Then I woke up.

I found the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels.

Today, we have a supposedly “unorganized” protest that attempting to overwhelm the capability of the financial and legal system to properly operate.  These “protesters” have decided that THEIR Rights to whine and receive “freebies” are more important that YOUR Rights to work, earn money, pay your bills and succeed in life.  And now, they are being supported by the community activist Obama and his union thugs against the system that built the United States.    

Today, we have the “Occupy Wall Street” whiners who are demanding increased participation in their lives by the Government even as many of us want a smaller government to stays out of our lives.  They want Free College Education, a living wage even if unemployed, and complete medical coverage.  The interesting part of this is they want all taxpayers to pay for these benefits although some feel that Entrepreneurs (Wealthy) should be sent to “re-education camps” or executed if they don’t pay their “Fair Share”.  The question is actually three-fold.  Part One: where did these people come from who are demanding all the “freebies”, and Part Two: who do they think actually pays the tab?  Which brings us to the Third Part of the question, do they really even care?  I dare say that they don’t.  The majority of these “protesters” don’t even know why they are protesting.

As I mentioned in a previous opinion piece, our parents and grandparents have unwittingly sewn the destruction of the United States.  Every one of our enemies throughout the years are now camped alongside the parasites in New York attempting bring down Wall Street and World Finances.  Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao and others who occupy the pages of history are marching in the streets providing moral support to the communists, unions, and Democrat Party activists who are taking advantage of the fact the YOU have not paid attention to YOUR Rights under the Constitution.  That YOU did not participate in what YOUR child was being taught in school.  

These people are demanding “Freedom” while striving to take away yours!!!  These people are demanding that you give them “Freebies” while taking away your right to make a living.    
Now, more than ever, YOUR NATION NEEDS YOU!!  Participate in your children’s schools!  Register to Vote, AND actually VOTE!  Talk with your friends and neighbors about local and national issues because everything that happens within the Country will eventually affect you and your family.

Now, more than ever, YOUR Representatives need to know you how YOU stand on the issues facing this Nation.  If the “protesters” at “Occupy Whatever” realize that the majority of the People of the United States DO NOT support their actions, they will retreat back into the shadows and cellars along with the political demagogues of the past.  The systems that were Socialism and Communism have already been proven failures wherever installed and tried, but there are those who believe the only path to a “One World Government” is equal poverty for all throughout bankrupting the financial systems of all nations.   

This is our Nation, and it is up to us (YOU and ME) to maintain its viability in the face of political anarchy.  This does not mean you have to be cruel, or arrogant, or be stingy toward others.  Like a marriage you have to work out differences and move forward as a People and as a Nation, These United States of America.

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