Wednesday, August 24, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Budget Battle (Intermediate Phase)

Opinion by Martin

Well, it has begun!  Actually, it is the intermediate phase of the ongoing Debt Battle with Obama and the Democrat Party against the thinking citizens of the United States.

Obama’s primary mouthpiece in the Nation’s Capitol, The Washington Post, has continued the assault against the People by complaining about the Tea Party members of the Republican Party and the majority of Voters/Taxpayers by blaming them for the debacle in which we find ourselves instead of placing the blame squarely where it belongs – on the shoulders of the Obama and the Democrat Party.  Now, “Congressperson?” Maxine Waters, a leftist from “The People’s Republic of California, has joined the fray by suggesting, no, telling the Tea Party to “go straight to Hell”.  So much for Obama’s admonition about civility.  I have news for the “Honorable” Maxine that she presently represents that district and all of the people who are able to think on their own are departing the Netherworld for places where you still have a chance to make your own decisions.  The people, not the leftist politics, are welcome in other States.  Soon all that will be left in the formerly Great State of California will be leftists, welfare recipients, and illegal aliens.  Good luck with that!!

It’s easy to blame Bush for the situation because he was the President from 2001 to 2008.  But you must remember that the President only suggests the direction of the Country and it is up to Congress to actually come up with a budget which did not happen throughout the Bush Administration.  Congress, under control of the Democrat Party (Pelosi and Reid), reneged on their sworn duties and kept putting forth continuing resolutions and refusing to present a budget until Obama became the occupant of the White House and then passed an Omnibus Budget Plan which was signed by Obama and immediately put the United States on the road to ruin.

When the people of the United States figured out what kind of shell game the Democrats and their allies were playing, there was a small rebellion called the Election of 2010 in which Obama, the Democrats, the Unions and their criminal cronies were repudiated and the Republicans were given another chance at straightening out the problem.  Now we are finding out that the Republican elitists (McCain, Boehner, and several others) in tandem with Obama and the Democrats are ridiculing the people sent to Congress by a Grass Roots movement called the Tea Party.  They are trying to blame the downturn in the economy on the True Representatives of the People and the demand that the United States government balance its budget and live within its means just as the people have to do.  If this means take a cut in pay and benefits, then so be it.  There are many people who have lost their jobs and have no income and no benefits and are taking menial jobs to pay their bills and provide for their families while Congress still receives their extravagant salaries and benefits.  Would you like to sit around and do nothing for anyone except your friends and get a huge salary with perks that go forever?  I sure would!  Write your Members of Congressmen today, send them a letter or email and let them know they are on notice to perform or prepare to lose their jobs next election.  Compliment them when they do the Right thing and Blast them when they go off track.

Don’t be a sheep!!  Make a pledge to yourself today.  Make a pledge to your families, friends and neighbors to do something to make yourself heard.  Join the Tea Party in your area.  In Colorado Springs, go to to see what’s happening.  If you are elsewhere, go on line and see what’s going on in your area.  Start your own blog!  Do Something!!
The future and fate of our Nation is up to you.

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