Wednesday, August 10, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Eve of Destruction

Opinion by Martin

As the Battle of the Budget continues, the Democrats continue to point fingers at the “every day” Americans as the cause of their failures to produce a route out of the malaise that we find ourselves in as a Nation.  According to the Democrat Party and their supporters, this whole problem is your fault.  You have gotten in the way of their socialization of the United States, their dream of building a “nanny-State” which provides everything to everyone without any concern about who’s going to cover the costs of these programs.  And when you complain about those costs, you’re pegged as a Racist or, you’re an uncaring person who’s not doing his/her “fair share” or, you’re greedy for wanting to succeed for yourself and your family. 
This is The Eve of Destruction and you are on the front lines of the war.

It is true that there is enough blame to around as both parties went on a spending binge with your money but the Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress since the late ‘90s and have continued to add more money to Lyndon Johnson’s already failed “Great Society” from the ‘60s.  Congress has spent over a Trillion on the “Inner Cities” with little or no success, they have given Billions to our enemies trying to “buy love” and during the short time that the Republicans managed to win control of Congress, they continued trying to purchase friendship with your money and wound up being Democrat-lite.  In other words, Congress feels that your money belongs to them and that they know how to spend it more wisely than you do.

Now is the time for the American Voters/Taxpayers to stand up and take back the Government before we lose it completely.  As surely as Paul Revere rode through the countryside in April of 1775, warning the people that the British were coming, the warning is once again being sounded that the “Bad Guys” are coming for your efforts and your money to finance their plan to subjugate you, to take your 401ks, your savings, and your private property and give you a pittance in return.  “Oh”, you say, “this can’t happen in the United States”.  History shows otherwise.  In England during the Feudal Ages, if the King wanted your land, he took it.  During the Nazi era in Germany and the Communist Empire in Russia, the government took what it wanted.  If you resisted, you were exiled or executed.  Obama and his regime has already made shambles of the Constitution and show no hint of slowing down in their assault on the Upper and Middle Classes.  The EPA is instituting the Cap and Tax plans that Obama could not get through Congress.  With the assistance of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and a compliant Congress, he has put in place “Obamacare” which threatens to destroy the medical industry of the United States raising the costs and reducing the availability of quality care to the average individual.

Now is the time for action!!  Contact your Representative and your Senator.  Keep after them!  Send those letters or emails daily.  Be polite, but firm and remember that we do not work for them, they work for us.  A Senator or Congressman can be fired for doing a poor job and they want more than anything to continue in their office with all the prestige and perks that go with being a Congressman.  This is their life and they want to keep it. 
Explain to your Congressmen that they cannot go on spending money that does not exist and that the credit card is maxed out with no possibility if increasing the limit.  Explain to your Congressman that we can’t afford Obamacare, free citizenship for illegal aliens and unsecure borders.  We can’t afford to have a second-rate Nation and military.  Congress can’t afford to continue living beyond our means and pretending that there is a “free lunch” when we the Taxpayers are running out of the means to allow them to live in the manner to which they have become accustomed and it must stop.

Today is the day that Congress, and the Presidency, must be brought back into the framework of the Constitution.  This is the Eve of Destruction and if you, as a Citizen of the United States, neglect your duties as a citizen, then you are part of the problem!  Today you must step up and become part of the solution!  Today is the day while we still have time to regain control of the levers of government.  Tomorrow is too late.

August 10, 2011 

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