Monday, August 29, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - The Destructor In Chief Speaks

Opinion by Martin

Before Hurricane Irene, Obama once again tried to deflect the blame from him and his policies by blaming Congress.  Obama’s appointment of cronies and toadies with similar destructive views of the American dream is changing that dream from one of succeeding by hard work to a socialistic dependency on a central government.  The governmental agencies under Obama’s direction are turning out job killing regulations and requirements that leave employers unwilling to hire new employees.  The number of people who are unemployed, underemployed, and those who have just stopped looking is nearly 20% which is totally unacceptable and can be laid squarely on Obama’s shoulders.

Obama is trying to convince the public that he is on their side and against Congress which has only a 10% approval rating after a budget battle which the Republicans clearly surrendered the field to the White House and the Democrats.   Obama said "You've got a right to be frustrated, I am.  Because you deserve better.  I don't think it's too much for you to expect that the people you send to this town start delivering.  Members of Congress are at home in their districts right now. And if you agree with me -- whether you're a Democrat or a Republican or not much of a fan of either -- let them know."  Obama is really disingenuous because it is his policies and appointees that are the problem, rather than Congress although they have contributed to our difficulties through their unbridled spending.

The president has listed several initiatives he's pushing, including trade deals, improvements to the patent system and extension of a cut in the tax that workers pay to fund Social Security.  "These are all things we can do right now. So let's do them," said Obama, who will repeat his economic message during a three-day Midwestern bus tour beginning Monday.  But he’s still not willing to allow the US to exploit our natural resources making us more dependent on foreign sources for our oil.  His initiatives are more window dressing than anything substantial as not one will cut our deficits and balance of payments.

Obama had better wake up to the fact that Judgment Day is coming for his attempt at the Presidency and those that he appointed to complete the destruction of the Nation that was once the Beacon of Freedom in the World and is now in its twilight thanks to this would be dictator. 

It is up to you, the citizens of these United States, to stand up now and preserve what it left of your Freedoms as defined by The Constitution and its Amendments.

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