Friday, August 12, 2011

THE FALL OF THE UNITED STATES - A Declaration of Independence

An Opinion by Martin

One night I had a dream.  It was a dream about a powerful nation that had been conceived in Liberty and built on the ideal that, if a person worked hard enough, you could succeed.
Then I woke up.  I found the dream was broken.  It was broken by Big Politics, Big Unions, and Big Businesses, but mainly by the greed of the government, at all levels.

The Concerned Citizens of these United States must once again declare their Independence from a tyrannical form of government.
The Presidency and the Congress have broken their vows to defend The Constitution of These United States of America.
A government that has violated the spirit of The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution as surely as the rapist in the back alley with his victim.
A government that has smashed the very tenants on which it was founded.
Once again, the citizens of these United States must stand up to a man who would be King and the minions, Republican and Democrat, who do his bidding. 
Once again, the citizens of these United States must stand up to a President who rules by fiat, ignoring the Will of the People; a Congress which has set itself up as petit dictators for sale to the highest bidder and Federal Judges, appointed for life, who decree, at a whim, that The Constitution is no longer valid, while cloaking themselves in the Flag of our Nation.

At this time, the Defenders of Freedom have only their voices and the Right to Vote, to remove these usurpers from office through the ballot box.  We must start at the local level, using only lawful means, to purge miscreants from their positions, to strip them of pensions and ill-gotten gains  and return them to a world of reality where they will have to work for a living and bar them from returning to the public service that they have so blatantly misused.
The movement will gain strength through word of mouth, pages of text, and whispers on street corners until it reaches out across the land to bring down the usurpers of the Public Trust and restore the dreams and desires of the Founding Fathers.
You, as a Citizen, a Voter and Taxpayer must stand today to take down these criminals who should be in prison – Barney Frank of Massachusetts, Chris Dodd of Connecticut (Retired when he knew the end was near) working with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac brought the housing crisis upon us by forcing banks and lending institutions to give loans to people who had no way of paying them back. 
Olympia Snow and Susan Collins, both of Maine and John McCain of Arizona who are RINOs pretending to be mavericks while supporting the Democrat line and bashing the taxpayers in the head with the hammer of the Senate.  I could continue to build the list but you know who these people are and know they must be removed from office.  Each state and locality have people just like these who when running for office use seductive phrases and spend more time bashing their “in-party” opposition than the Democrats who admit they are out to socialize Our Nation.
The Democrats are at least honest in that aspect, they promise to bring US down in the name of “political correctness” and “social welfare” which are code words for giving away all of Your money to people who have not and will not work for it.
Some Republicans, on the other hand, promise to be fiscally responsible and work to rebuild the economy that Obama and the Democrats have destroyed but, as history shows, when they get into office they spend as much or more than the Democrats have.
It is time to exercise our right to use the Constitution and recall these people, send them home and force them to have to work for a living.  Strip away their excellent retirement plans, their office benefits and their free medical care.  Put them on Social Security and Medicare like so many of their fellow citizens.  Once Congress knows that is their future, these systems will be fixed for the rest of us.
You can no longer say that all other members of Congress are screwed up and mine is just fine.  All of these “fine fellows and ladies” need to be put on notice that the party is over and they WILL be held responsible for their actions.
You must declare your Independence today.  Your future and that of your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren depend on what you do today.  You cannot wait until tomorrow. 

August 12, 2011

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